6 research outputs found

    Making Personal and Professional Learning Mobile: Blending Mobile Devices, Social Media, Social Networks, and Mobile Apps To Support PLEs, PLNs, & ProLNs

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    Mobile technologies have become an integrated, or inseparable, part of individuals’ daily lives for work, play, and learning. While social networking has been important and in practice in our society even before human civilization and certainly prior to the advent of computers, nowadays, the opportunities and venues of building a network are unprecedented. Currently, the opportunities and tools to build a network to support personal and professional learning are enabled by mobile technologies (e.g., mobile apps, devices, and services), web-based applications (e.g., Diigo and RSS readers), and social-networking applications and services (e.g., Facebook, Google+, and Twitter). The purpose of this chapter is to describe and propose how individuals use personal learning environments (PLEs), personal learning networks (PLNs), and professional learning networks (ProLNs) with mobile technologies and social networking tools to meet their daily learning needs. In our chapter, we consider categories of learning relevant to personal learning and professional learning, then we define and examine PLEs, PLNs, and ProLNs, suggesting how mobile devices and social software can be used within these. The specific strategies learners use within PLEs, PLNs, and ProLNs are then presented followed by cases that depict and exemplify these strategies within the categories of learning. Finally, implications for using mobile devices to support personal and professional learning are discussed

    Context-Aware Mobile Augmented Reality Visualization in Construction Engineering Education

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    Recent studies suggest that the number of students pursuing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees has been generally decreasing. An extensive body of research cites the lack of motivation and engagement in the learning process as a major underlying reason of this decline. It has been discussed that if properly implemented, instructional technology can enhance student engagement and the quality of learning. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to implement and assess effectiveness of augmented reality (AR)-based pedagogical tools on student learning. For this purpose, two sets of experiments were designed and implemented in two different construction and civil engineering undergraduate level courses at the University of Central Florida (UCF). The first experiment was designed to systematically assess the effectiveness of a context-aware mobile AR tool (CAM-ART) in real classroom-scale environment. This tool was used to enhance traditional lecture-based instruction and information delivery by augmenting the contents of an ordinary textbook using computer-generated three-dimensional (3D) objects and other virtual multimedia (e.g. sound, video, graphs). The experiment conducted on two separate control and test groups and pre- and post- performance data as well as student perception of using CAM-ART was collected through several feedback questionnaires. In the second experiment, a building design and assembly task competition was designed and conducted using a mobile AR platform. The pedagogical value of mobile AR-based instruction and information delivery to student learning in a large-scale classroom setting was also assessed and investigated. Similar to the first experiment, students in this experiment were divided into two control and test groups. Students\u27 performance data as well as their feedback, suggestions, and workload were systematically collected and analyzed. Data analysis showed that the mobile AR framework had a measurable and positive impact on students\u27 learning. In particular, it was found that students in the test group (who used the AR tool) performed slightly better with respect to certain measures and spent more time on collaboration, communication, and exchanging ideas in both experiments. Overall, students ranked the effectiveness of the AR tool very high and stated that it has a good potential to reform traditional teaching methods

    Discussão na aula de matemática com recurso à tecnologia : o caso de uma turma de 7º ano

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica na Educação Matemática)Comunicar e explicar como se fez um determinado raciocínio matemático a alguém nem sempre é uma tarefa fácil. Procurar metodologias ou práticas que permitem facilitar essa tarefa, favorecendo a discussão na sala de aula, foi o ponto de partida para a motivação desta investigação. Ao proporcionar aos alunos de uma turma de 7.ºano a discussão de situações matemáticas com recurso ao uso da tecnologia, foram criadas oportunidades para que explicassem os seus raciocínios e compreendessem os dos colegas. Com base num referencial teórico na comunicação e discussão matemática na sala de aula, realça-se as funções que estas têm no que concerne ao desenvolvimento do ensino e aprendizagem da Matemática, focando a emergência da utilização das ferramentas tecnológicas como um apoio a não descurar em todo este processo. Tratando-se de uma investigação qualitativa, o carácter descritivo que a caracteriza, revê-se no estudo de caso e o facto de a investigadora ser também a professora de Matemática do grupo de alunos em estudo, contribuiu para a escolha da observação participante como técnica de recolha de dados. Esta investigação analisa a forma como os alunos apresentam as suas resoluções e comentam as dos colegas, bem como, o contributo da tecnologia para a explicitação dos raciocínios que as envolvem. As interacções evidenciadas na sala de aula resultaram da aplicação de um conjunto de tarefas integradas no tema Triângulos e Quadriláteros, as quais foram faseadas em três momentos de realização: a apresentação, o trabalho autónomo dos alunos e a discussão colectiva da resolução da tarefa. Na fase de realização foi proporcionado aos alunos o acesso a software de geometria dinâmica – Geogebra-- através de computadores, já na discussão colectiva e apresentação das resoluções, os alunos tinham usufruto do quadro interactivo Perante os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que o uso do quadro interactivo promoveu o envolvimento de mais alunos na sua aprendizagem, encorajou-os a participar, permitiu um aumento das interacções com os colegas e facilitou a discussão colectiva. Por sua vez a discussão proporcionou o confronto de ideias entre os alunos, serviu para ampliarem os seus conhecimentos, para desenvolverem a capacidade de se expressarem e não menos importante para identificar situações em que, apesar de respostas aparentemente certas, surgem de raciocínios falaciosos e, da mesma forma, algumas respostas incorrectas podem ter por detrás raciocínios válidos, que de outro modo não seriam facilmente identificadas.Transmitting and explaining to someone how you can have a certain mathematical reasoning is not always an easy task. Looking for methodologies or practices which can facilitate that task in addition to debating this issue in classroom has been the starting point for this investigation. By giving 7th form students the opportunity to debate mathematical situations using technological resources, they had the chance to explain their reasoning as well as they could understand their classmates’. Based on a theoretical reference on communication and mathematical debate in classroom, it is very important to highlight the functions that these have as far as the development of teaching and learning mathematics process is concerned, never forgetting the emergency of the use of technological tools as an essential support. As this is a qualitative investigation, its descriptive character present on the case study, and once the investigator is also the mathematics teacher of the group of students under investigation, has helped for the choice of participating observation as the technician of data collection. This investigation analyses the way students solve mathematical problems and comment their classmates’ as well as the contribution of the technology for the explanation of the reasoning involved. The interactions observed in classroom were the result from the application of a set of tasks that were part of the topic Triangles and Quadrilaterals. Those interactions were phased by three moments of accomplishment: presentation, the students’ autonomous work and the collective debate about the mathematical problem solving. During the phase of problem solving the students were given free access to a dynamical geometry software – GeoGebra – through computers while during the collective debate and the presentation of mathematical problem solving they could use the interactive board. Having in mind the results that have been achieved we may conclude that the use of the interactive board has promoted the involvement of more students in their process of learning, having encouraged them to participate and allowed them a greater number of interactions with their classmates as well as facilitated a high level of collective debate. The debate in turn has provided the possibility of exchanging ideas among students, enlarged their knowledge, their ability to express themselves and not least helped them identifying situations that, although the answers seem to be correct, they came out of fallacious reasoning. The same way some incorrect answers may have valid reasoning behind. These situations couldn’t be possibly identified any other way

    An investigation into how cell phones can be used in the teaching of mathematics using VITALmaths video clips: a case study of 2 schools in Grahamstown, South Africa

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    Cell phones have become a ubiquitous part of daily life for both teachers and learners alike. The educational potential afforded by cell phones is diverse. The challenge for teachers is to capitalise on this ubiquity and make use of cell phones for educational purposes. This study investigates how cell phones can be used in the teaching of Mathematics using VITALmaths video clips. Five VITALmaths video clips were uploaded onto cell phones which were used in the classroom to explore the Theorem of Pythagoras in a visually appealing way that supported a conceptual understanding of the basis of the theorem. The study was conducted in two high schools in Grahamstown, South Africa. It involved two teachers from each school and a total number of 47 Grade 10 Mathematics students. The participating teachers were chosen from a group of Mathematics teachers taking part in the Mathematics Teacher Enrichment Programme (MTEP) of the FirstRand Foundation Mathematics Education Chair hosted by Rhodes University. This study is framed as a case study and is grounded within the interpretive paradigm. The study captures teachers’ and learners’ experiences in using cell phones as instructional aids within the pedagogical context of the classroom. This research suggests that cell phones can be a useful resource to support teaching and learning in the classroom, particularly in under-resourced schools. The use of VITALmaths video clips as mathematical content, and cell phones as a vehicle of delivery, enhanced active participation and concentration, sped up lessons, encouraged collaboration as well as interaction and hands-on exploration, and promoted both student autonomy as well as teacher enrichment

    An investigation into how cell phones can be used in the teaching of mathematics using VITALmaths video clips: a case study of 2 schools in Grahamstown, South Africa

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    Cell phones have become a ubiquitous part of daily life for both teachers and learners alike. The educational potential afforded by cell phones is diverse. The challenge for teachers is to capitalise on this ubiquity and make use of cell phones for educational purposes. This study investigates how cell phones can be used in the teaching of Mathematics using VITALmaths video clips. Five VITALmaths video clips were uploaded onto cell phones which were used in the classroom to explore the Theorem of Pythagoras in a visually appealing way that supported a conceptual understanding of the basis of the theorem. The study was conducted in two high schools in Grahamstown, South Africa. It involved two teachers from each school and a total number of 47 Grade 10 Mathematics students. The participating teachers were chosen from a group of Mathematics teachers taking part in the Mathematics Teacher Enrichment Programme (MTEP) of the FirstRand Foundation Mathematics Education Chair hosted by Rhodes University. This study is framed as a case study and is grounded within the interpretive paradigm. The study captures teachers’ and learners’ experiences in using cell phones as instructional aids within the pedagogical context of the classroom. This research suggests that cell phones can be a useful resource to support teaching and learning in the classroom, particularly in under-resourced schools. The use of VITALmaths video clips as mathematical content, and cell phones as a vehicle of delivery, enhanced active participation and concentration, sped up lessons, encouraged collaboration as well as interaction and hands-on exploration, and promoted both student autonomy as well as teacher enrichment

    How online small groups co-construct mathematical artifacts to do collaborative problem solving

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    Developing pedagogies and instructional tools to support learning math with understanding is a major goal in math education. A common theme among various characterizations of mathematical understanding involves constructing relations among mathematical facts, procedures, and ideas encapsulated in graphical and symbolic artifacts. Discourse is key for enabling students to realize such connections among seemingly unrelated mathematical artifacts. Analysis of mathematical discourse on a moment-to-moment basis is needed to understand the potential of small-group collaboration and online communication tools to support learning math with understanding.This dissertation investigates interactional practices enacted by virtual teams of secondary students as they co-construct mathematical artifacts in an online environment with multiple interaction spaces including text-chat, whiteboard, and wiki components. The findings of the dissertation arrived at through ethnomethodologically-informed case studies of online sessions are organized along three dimensions: (a) Mathematical Affordances: Whiteboard and chat spaces allow teams to co-construct multiple realizations of relevant mathematical artifacts. Contributions remain persistentlyavailable for subsequent manipulation and reference in the shared visual field. The persistence of contributions facilitates the management of multiple threads of activities across dual media. The sequence of actions that lead to the construction and modification of shared inscriptions makes the visual reasoning process visible.(b) Coordination Methods: Team members achieve a sense of sequential organization across dual media through temporal coordination of their chat postings and drawings. Groups enact referential uses of available features to allocate their attention to specific objects in the shared visual field and to associate them with locally defined terminology. Drawings and text-messages are used together as semiotic resources in mutually elaborating ways.(c) Group Understanding: Teams develop shared mathematical understanding through joint recognition of connections among narrative, graphical and symbolic realizations of the mathematical artifacts that they have co-constructed to address their shared task. The interactional organization of the co-construction work establishes an indexical ground as support for the creation and maintenance of a shared problem space for the group. Each new contribution is made sense of in relation to this persistently available and shared indexical ground, which evolves sequentially as new contributions modify the sense of previous contributions.Ph.D., Information Science and Technology -- Drexel University, 200