242 research outputs found

    Smart kitchen for Ambient Assisted Living

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    El envejecimiento de la población es una realidad en todos los países desarrollados. Las predicciones de crecimiento de esta población son alarmantes, planteando un reto para los servicios sociales y sanitarios. Las personas ancianas padecen diversas discapacidades que se van acentuando con la edad, siendo más propensas a sufrir accidentes domésticos, presentando problemas para realizar tareas cotidianas, etc. Esta situación conlleva a una pérdida paulatina de capacidades que en muchas ocasiones acaba con la vida autónoma de la persona. En este contexto, las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) aplicadas al entorno doméstico pueden jugar un papel importante, permitiendo que las personas ancianas vivan más tiempo, de forma independiente en su propio hogar, presentando, por tanto, una alternativa a la hospitalización o institucionalización de las mismas. Este trabajo da un paso más en este sentido, presentando el diseño y desarrollo de un Ambiente Inteligente en la cocina, que ayuda a las personas ancianas y/o con discapacidad a desempeñar sus actividades de la vida diaria de una forma más fácil y sencilla. Esta tesis realiza sus principales aportaciones en dos campos: El metodológico y el tecnológico. Por un lado se presenta una metodología sistemática para extraer necesidades de colectivos específicos a fin de mejorar la información disponible por el equipo de diseño del producto, servicio o sistema. Esta metodología se basa en el estudio de la interacción Hombre-Máquina en base a los paradigmas y modelos existentes y el modelado y descripción de las capacidades del usuario en la misma utilizado el lenguaje estandarizado propuesto en la Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, de la Discapacidad y de la Salud (CIF). Adicionalmente, se plantea el problema de la evaluación tecnológica, diseñando la metodología de evaluación de la tecnología con la finalidad de conocer su accesibilidad, funcionalidad y usabilidad del sistema desarrollado y aplicándola a 61 usuarios y 31 profesionales de la gerontología. Desde un punto de vista técnico, se afronta el diseño de un ambiente asistido inteligente (Ambient Assisted Living, AAL) en la cocina, planteando y definiendo la arquitectura del sistema. Esta arquitectura, basada en OSGi (Open Services Gateway initiative), oferta un sistema modular, con altas capacidades de interoperabilidad y escalabilidad. Además, se diseña e implementa una red de sensores distribuida en el entorno con el fin de obtener la mayor información posible del contexto, presentando distintos algoritmos para obtener información de alto nivel: detección de caídas o localización. Todos los dispositivos presentes en el entorno han sido modelados utilizando la taxonomía propuesta en OSGi4AmI, extendiendo la misma a los electrodomésticos más habituales de la cocina. Finalmente, se presenta el diseño e implementación de la inteligencia del sistema, que en función de la información procedente del contexto y de las capacidades del usuario da soporte a las principales actividades de la vida diaria (AVD) en la cocina

    Healthcare in the Smart Home: A Study of Past, Present and Future

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    Open Access journalUbiquitous or Pervasive Computing is an increasingly used term throughout the technology industry and is beginning to enter the consumer electronics space in its most recent form under the umbrella term: “Internet of Things”. One area of focus is in augmenting the home with intelligent, networked sensors and computers to create a Smart Home which opens a host of possibilities for the role of tomorrow’s dwelling. As the world’s population continues to live longer and consequently experience more medical-related ailments, at the same time institutional healthcare is struggling to cope, the role of the Smart Home becomes paramount to monitoring a dweller’s health and providing any necessary intervention. This study looks at the history of Smart Home Healthcare, current research areas, and potential areas of future investigation. Unique categorisations are presented in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and Personal Sensors, and a thorough look at the application of Smart Home Healthcare is presented. Technology can augment traditional methods of healthcare delivery and in some cases completely replace it. Costs can be reduced and medical adherence can be increased, all of which contribute to a more sustainable and effective model of care

    A systematic literature review on IoT-aware business process modeling views, requirements and notations

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    The Internet of things has been adopted in several sectors both influencing how people work and enhancing organizations' business processes. This resulted in the rise of relevant research topics such as IoT-aware business processes. The modeling of these processes makes it possible to better understand working scenarios and to support the adoption of model-driven development approaches for IoT-aware and process-oriented software systems. Since much research has been performed on this topic, a better awareness of the current status is needed. This paper reports a systematic literature review to develop a map on modeling notations for IoT-aware business processes. The survey mainly adopts an academic point of view, resulting in the detailed analysis of 84 research works from the leading computer science digital libraries. The output of the review is in the form of schemes and reflections. In particular, our research aims to shed light on (1) the relevant modeling views referring to different types of IoT-aware business processes; (2) the IoT requirements supported by the modeling notations; and (3) the modeling notations proposed and/or adopted to model IoT-aware business processes. Finally, our research work highlights possible future research lines needing further investigations

    Accelerated neuromorphic cybernetics

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    Accelerated mixed-signal neuromorphic hardware refers to electronic systems that emulate electrophysiological aspects of biological nervous systems in analog voltages and currents in an accelerated manner. While the functional spectrum of these systems already includes many observed neuronal capabilities, such as learning or classification, some areas remain largely unexplored. In particular, this concerns cybernetic scenarios in which nervous systems engage in closed interaction with their bodies and environments. Since the control of behavior and movement in animals is both the purpose and the cause of the development of nervous systems, such processes are, however, of essential importance in nature. Besides the design of neuromorphic circuit- and system components, the main focus of this work is therefore the construction and analysis of accelerated neuromorphic agents that are integrated into cybernetic chains of action. These agents are, on the one hand, an accelerated mechanical robot, on the other hand, an accelerated virtual insect. In both cases, the sensory organs and actuators of their artificial bodies are derived from the neurophysiology of the biological prototypes and are reproduced as faithfully as possible. In addition, each of the two biomimetic organisms is subjected to evolutionary optimization, which illustrates the advantages of accelerated neuromorphic nervous systems through significant time savings

    Taxonomy-Driven Prototyping of Home Automation Applications : a Novice-Programmer Visual Language and its Evaluation

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    International audienceHome automation environments are dedicated to helping users in their everyday life and are being deployed in an increasing number of areas, including home security, energy consumption, and assisted living. The range of situations to be addressed makes the development of home automation applications challenging: it requires to manage hetero- geneous entities with a wide variety of functionalities. Moreover, since this area covers a large spectrum of user needs, it is crucial to ease the development and the evolution of these applications. This paper presents Pantagruel, an expressive and accessible approach to integrating a taxonomical description of a home automation environment into a visual programming language. A taxonomy describes the relevant entities of a given home automation area and serves as a parameter to a sensor-controller-actuator development paradigm. The orchestration of area-specific entities is supported by high-level constructs, customized with respect to taxonomical information. We have implemented a visual environment that integrates a taxonomical approach in the development of orchestration rules. Furthermore, we have developed a compiler for Pantagruel and successfully used it to test applications in various areas related to orchestration development for the domain of home automation. Finally, we have successfully evaluated the usability of Pantagruel through a user study performed with eighteen novice programmers

    A two-stage game theoretical approach for interference mitigation in Body-to-Body Networks

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    International audienceIn this paper, we identify and exploit opportunities for cooperation between a group of mobile Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs), forming a Body-to-Body Network (BBN), through inter-body interference detection and subsequent mitigation. Thus, we consider a dynamic system composed of several BBNs and we analyze the joint mutual and cross-technology interference problem due to the utilization of a limited number of channels by different transmission technologies (i.e., ZigBee and WiFi) sharing the same radio spectrum. To this end, we propose a game theoretical approach to address the problem of Socially-aware Interference Mitigation (SIM) in BBNs, where WBANs are " social " and interact with each other. Our approach considers a two-stage channel allocation scheme: a BBN-stage for inter-WBANs' communications and a WBAN-stage for intra-WBAN communications. We demonstrate that the proposed BBN-stage and WBAN-stage games admit exact potential functions, and we develop a Best-Response (BR-SIM) algorithm that converges to Nash equilibrium points. A second algorithm, named Sub-Optimal Randomized Trials (SORT-SIM), is then proposed and compared to BR-SIM in terms of efficiency and computation time. We further compare the BR-SIM and SORT-SIM algorithms to two power control algorithms in terms of signal-to-interference ratio and aggregate interference, and show that they outperform the power control schemes in several cases. Numerical results, obtained in several realistic mobile scenarios, show that the proposed schemes are indeed efficient in optimizing the channel allocation in medium-to-large-scale BBNs

    Personalized ambient parameters monitoring: design and implementing of a wrist-worn prototype for hazardous gases and sound level detection

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    The concentration is on “3D space utilization” as the concept and infrastructure of designing of a wearable in ambient parameters monitoring. This strategy is implemented according to “multi-layer” approach. In this approach, each group of parameters from the same category is monitored by a modular physical layer enriched with the respected sensors. Depending on the number of parameters and layers, each physical layer is located on top of another. The intention is to implement a device for “everyone in everywhere for everything”

    Wireless distributed intelligence in personal applications

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    Tietokoneet ovat historian kuluessa kehittyneet keskustietokoneista hajautettujen, langattomasti toimivien järjestelmien suuntaan. Elektroniikalla toteutetut automaattiset toiminnot ympärillämme lisääntyvät kiihtyvällä vauhdilla. Tällaiset sovellukset lisääntyvät tulevaisuudessa, mutta siihen soveltuva tekniikka on vielä kehityksen alla ja vaadittavia ominaisuuksia ei aina löydy. Nykyiset lyhyen kantaman langattoman tekniikan standardit ovat tarkoitettu lähinnä teollisuuden ja multimedian käyttöön, siksi ne ovat vain osittain soveltuvia uudenlaisiin ympäristöälykkäisiin käyttötarkoituksiin. Ympäristöälykkäät sovellukset palvelevat enimmäkseen jokapäiväistä elämäämme, kuten turvallisuutta, kulunvalvontaa ja elämyspalveluita. Ympäristöälykkäitä ratkaisuja tarvitaan myös hajautetussa automaatiossa ja kohteiden automaattisessa seurannassa. Tutkimuksen aikana Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulussa on tutkittu lyhyen kantaman langatonta tekniikkaa: suunniteltu ja kehitetty pienivirtaisia radionappeja, niitten ohjelmointiympäristöä sekä langattoman verkon synkronointia, tiedonkeruuta ja reititystä. Lisäksi on simuloitu eri reititystapoja, sisäpaikannusta ja kaivinkoneen kalibrointia soveltaen mm. neurolaskentaa. Tekniikkaa on testattu myös käytännön sovelluksissa. Ympäristöälykkäät sovellusalueet ovat ehkä nopeimmin kasvava lähitulevaisuuden ala tietotekniikassa. Tutkitulla tekniikalla on runsaasti uusia haasteita ihmisten hyvinvointia, terveyttä ja turvallisuutta lisäävissä sovelluksissa, kuten myös teollisuuden uusissa sovelluksissa, esimerkiksi älykkäässä energiansiirtoverkossa.The development of computing is moving from mainframe computers to distributed intelligence with wireless features. The automated functions around us, in the form of small electronic devices, are increasing and the pace is continuously accelerating. The number of these applications will increase in the future, but suitable features needed are lacking and suitable technology development is still ongoing. The existing wireless short-range standards are mostly suitable for use in industry and in multimedia applications, but they are only partly suitable for the new network feature demands of the ambient intelligence applications. The ambient intelligent applications will serve us in our daily lives: security, access control and exercise services. Ambient intelligence is also adopted by industry in distributed amorphous automation, in access monitoring and the control of machines and devices. During this research, at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, we have researched, designed and developed short-range wireless technology: low-power radio buttons with a programming environment for them as well as synchronization, data collecting and routing features for the wireless network. We have simulated different routing methods, indoor positioning and excavator calibration using for example neurocomputing. In addition, we have tested the technology in practical applications. The ambient intelligent applications are perhaps the area growing the most in information technology in the future. There will be many new challenges to face to increase welfare, health, security, as well as industrial applications (for example, at factories and in smart grids) in the future.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Autonomic ubiquitous computing: a home environment management system

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    Tese de doutoramento em Electrónica Industrial (ramo do conhecimento Informática Industrial)The Ubiquitous Computing and Autonomic Computing reached a point of convergence in which pervasive technology in the environment meets the ability of people to interact with it, making use of all the possibilities made available by this technology. Ubiquitous computing envisions a habitat where the abundance of devices, services and applications allows the physical and virtual worlds to become seamlessly merged. The promise of ubiquitous computing environments is not feasible unless these systems can effectively "disappear". In order to achieve this goal, they need to become autonomic, by managing their own evolution and configuration with minimal user intervention. It is in this context that aspects like self-configuration and self-healing from the autonomic computing concept were adopted in this project. The context awareness and the creation of applications which use that context are the core concern of Ubiquitous Computing Systems and represent the fundamentals for autonomic actions in this type of systems. Such research raises questions on context acquisition, distribution and manipulation, as well as on artificial intelligence algorithms that decide autonomic actions in the environment, having implications in the human interaction with Autonomic Ubiquitous Systems. The research presented in this thesis concentrates on some of those issues. During this project it was developed an experimental setup for context acquisition, in an effortless way, of some activities of a small group of users. This experimental setup was installed in a real home where a young family, a couple and a small child, were actually living. This experimental setup was mainly responsible for the control of the light system of the house, by a network of several inter-connected devices scattered in the home with limited resources. This prototype installation allowed the validation of the system ability, to capture daily life behaviour patterns of the inhabitants. The system architecture was designed based on the concept of a high level and a low level autonomic management system taking from nature the model of the human reflex arc. A reflexive behaviour is managed at a local level by the small devices, with limited resources, high level management is responsible for processing and analysis of the events broadcast by the group of small devices, and run in a centralized mode in a PC. The concept of device information broadcast, to the communication medium, as events was used as an approach to: inter-connect future systems, monitor correct operation of the system devices, capture raw data for estimation of context; allow the visualization of system feedback in user interface devices. Finally, an algorithm using artificial neural networks in combination with simple statistics was developed which allowed the house to learn the routines of its inhabitants, making it truly intelligent by embedding the knowledge about patterns of activities of the users in the devices scattered in the environment, increasing their comfort and, at same time, leading to more energy efficiency. The analysis of the data captured, during two complete years, shows that the reduction of power consumption could be as high as 50%, depending on the profile of the usage of the light.A Computação Ubíqua e a Computação Autónoma atingiram um ponto de convergência no qual a tecnologia dispersa nos ambientes, juntamente com a capacidade das pessoas interagirem, permite tirar partido do seu uso para novas potencialidades. A computação ubíqua vislumbra habitats repletos de dispositivos, serviços e aplicações que permitem a união perfeita do mundo real com o mundo virtual, mas de uma forma natural. A promessa da criação de tais ambientes de computação ubíqua não se tornará possível sem que a complexidade destes sistemas “desapareçam” efectivamente da percepção dos utilizadores. Para que isso seja possível, estes necessitam de ser autónomos, gerindo a sua própria evolução e configuração com o mínimo de intervenção do utilizador. É neste contexto que a noção de Sistemas Ubíquos Autónomos envolvendo as facetas de auto-configuração e auto-reparação derivadas do conceito da computação autónoma, será usada nesta tese. A percepção do contexto e a criação de aplicações que o usam são as principais preocupações na investigação dos Sistemas de Computação Ubíqua, constituindo também a base para as acções autónomas neste tipo de sistemas. Essa investigação levanta questões sobre a forma como o contexto é capturado, distribuído e manipulado. Por outro lado, provoca impacto nos algoritmos de inteligência artificial que efectuam as decisões de acções autónomas no ambiente, afectando consequentemente a interacção humana com os Sistemas Ubíquos Autónomos. A investigação apresentada nesta dissertação concentra-se efectivamente em alguns destes aspectos. Durante a tese foi desenvolvido um sistema experimental com o objectivo de capturar o contexto, de uma forma perceptível, das actividades de um pequeno grupo de utilizadores. Este sistema experimental foi instalado numa casa real, onde vive uma jovem família constituída por uma casal e uma pequena criança. O sistema experimental era responsável por controlar toda a iluminação eléctrica da casa, através de um conjunto de dispositivos, com recursos limitados, conectados em rede e espalhados pela casa. A instalação permitiu validar a capacidade do sistema de capturar os padrões de comportamento quotidiano dos habitantes da casa. A arquitectura do sistema foi projectada baseando-se no conceito de alto-nível e baixo-nivel dos sistemas de gestão autónoma, inspirando-se no modelo dos processos que ocorrem num acto reflexo no corpo humano. As acções de reflexo ou acções básicas são geridas pelo baixo-nivel nos pequenos dispositivos e com recursos limitados, e quanto o gestão de alto-nivel é responsável pelo processamento e analise dos eventos disponíveis no barramento de dados da rede dos pequenos dispositivos. Foi também usado o conceito da difusão (broadcast) da informação, para o barramento de dados, na forma de eventos para permitir: a interligação com sistema futuros, monitorização do correcto funcionamento do sistema, captura da informação para posterior determinação do contexto; e por fim permitir a visualização do estado do sistema na interface com os utilizadores. Por último, foi desenvolvido um algoritmo usando redes neuronais artificiais e em combinação com estatística básica que permite aprender, de uma forma autónoma, as rotinas dos habitantes em casa, conferindo a esta um ambiente inteligente. Desta forma, a casa contém o conhecimento dos padrões quotidianos dos habitantes, aumentando consequentemente o seu conforto e ao mesmo tempo, permitindo melhor eficiência energética. As análises dos dados capturados, durante dois anos completos, mostram que a redução no consumo energético pode chegar os 50%, dependendo do perfil de uso da iluminação.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Scholarship number SFRH/BD/8290/2004