4 research outputs found

    Error performance analysis of n-ary Alamouti scheme with signal space diversity.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.In this dissertation, a high-rate Alamouti scheme with Signal Space Diversity is developed to improve both the spectral efficiency and overall error performance in wireless communication links. This scheme uses high modulation techniques (M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) and N-ary phase shift keying modulation (N-PSK)). Hence, this dissertation presents the mathematical models, design methodology and theoretical analysis of this high-rate Alamouti scheme with Signal Space Diversity.To improve spectral efficiency in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications an N-ary Alamouti M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) scheme is proposed in this thesis. The proposed N-ary Alamouti M-QAM Scheme uses N-ary phase shift keying modulation (NPSK) and M-QAM. The proposed scheme is investigated in Rayleigh fading channels with additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Based on union bound a theoretical average bit error probability (ABEP) of the system is formulated. The simulation results validate the theoretical ABEP. Both theoretical results and simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves spectral efficiency by 0.5 bit/sec/Hz in 2 × 4 16-PSK Alamouti 16-QAM system compared to the conventional Alamouti scheme (16-QAM). To further improve the error performance of the proposed N-ary Alamouti M-QAM Scheme an × N-ary Alamouti coded M-QAM scheme with signal space diversity (SSD) is also proposed in this thesis. In this thesis, based on the nearest neighbour (NN) approach a theoretical closed-form expression of the ABEP is further derived in Rayleigh fading channels. Simulation results also validate the theoretical ABEP for N-ary Alamouti M-QAM scheme with SSD. Both theoretical and simulation results further show that the 2 × 4 4-PSK Alamouti 256-QAM scheme with SSD can achieve 0.8 dB gain compared to the 2 × 4 4-PSK Alamouti 256-QAM scheme without SSD

    Design of concatenated space-time block codes using signal space diversity and the Alamouti scheme

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    New full-rate space-time block codes achieving full diversity for quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) using an even number of transmit antennas over quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels are proposed. The proposed codes are constructed by serially concatenating unitary rotating precoders with the Alamouti code. The coding advantage of the proposed code for a codeword pair corresponding to any distinct input pair is shown to be greater than or equal to that of the ST-CR code.X1112sciescopu

    Hierarchical modulation with signal space and transmit diversity in Nakagami-m fading channel.

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    M. Sc. Eng. University of KwaZulu-Natal 2013.Hierarchical modulation (HM) is a promising scheme for wireless image and video transmission, exploiting the benefits of unequal error protection to ensure enhanced system performance. However, there is a limiting factor to the benefits of using only hierarchy to improve bit error rate (BER) performance of a transmission system. Diversity, namely signal space diversity (SSD) and Alamouti transmit diversity (ATD), can be introduced to improve BER performance results for HM systems. This dissertation presents the BER analysis of hierarchically modulated QAM with SSD and using maximal ratio combining (MRC) to retrieve the transmitted symbol from receiver antennas. In addition, the study includes the BER analysis of an identical system in an ATD scheme employing two transmit antennas and receiver antennas with MRC. SSD comprises of two fundamental stages: constellation rotation and component interleaving. The angle at which the constellation is rotated can affect the performance of the system. In the past, the rotation angle is determined based on a design criterion which maximizes the diversity order by minimizing the Euclidean square product or, alternatively, minimizes an SER expression. In this dissertation, a simple method for determining a rotation angle at which system performance is optimal for hierarchical constellations is presented. Previously, the BER analysis for HM involves an intricate approach where the probability of an error occurring is determined by considering the probability of a transmitted symbol exceeding past a set decision boundary. This dissertation presents the Nearest Neighbor (NN) union bound approach for determining an accurate approximation of the BER of an HM system with SSD. This method of analysis is later extended for an ATD scheme employing HM with SSD. Although introducing diversity elevates the system performance constraints on HM, it does so at the cost of detection complexity. To address this issue, a reduced complexity maximum-likelihood (ML) based detector is also proposed. While the conventional ML detector performs an exhaustive search to find the minimum Euclidean distance between the received symbol and all possible modulated symbols, the proposed detector only considers the nearest neighbors of the received symbol. By reducing the number of comparisons, a complexity reduction of 51.43% between the proposed detector and the optimal detector for 16-QAM is found