1 research outputs found

    Design of a band-pass filter in 0,18 μm CMOS for 2,4 GHz reader-less RFID transponder

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    Sustavi temeljeni na Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) sada su široko rasprostranjeni. Pojasno fazni filtri igraju važnu ulogu u funkcioniranju RFID transpondera. U ovom radu, pojasno fazni filtar s induktorom aktivnim samo s tranzistorom prikazan je za kompaktni RFID transponder bez čitača visokih performansi. Rezultat simulacije rasporeda otkriva da središnja frekvencija filtra može biti postavljena na frekvenciju od 2,42 GHz sa širinom pojasa od 38 MHz. Jezgra filtra zauzima površinu od 0,004 mm2 i gubi samo 1,3 mW kod napona napajanja od 1,5 V. Predloženi filtar dizajniran je pomoću CEDEC 0,18 μm CMOS tehnologije u Mentor Graphics okruženju.Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based systems are ubiquitous nowadays. Band pass filters always play an important role in overall performance of an RFID transponder. In this paper, a band pass filter with a transistor only active inductor is presented for compact high performance reader-less RFID transponder. Post layout simulation result reveals that the centre frequency of the filter can be set to 2,42 GHz frequency with a bandwidth of 38 MHz. The filter core occupies an area of 0,004 mm2 and dissipates only 1,3 mW at 1,5 V supply voltage. CEDEC 0,18 μm CMOS technology in Mentor Graphics environment has been used for the design of the proposed filter