82 research outputs found

    Технології виробництва заготовок литтям

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    У навчальному посібнику «Технології виробництва заготовок литтям» розглянуто еволюцію ливарного виробництва, сучасні методи одержання литих заготовок, класифікацію способів виробництва заготовок литтям, їх переваги та недоліки. Подано фундаментальні основи сучасного виробництва литих заготовок, раціональні варіанти їх виготовлення; обладнання, інструменти та технологічне оснащення для різних технологічних режимів і умов. Для перевірки отриманих знань запропоновано тестові завдання з кожного розділу посібника. Начальний посібник рекомендовано для здобувачів вищої освіти галузі знань 13 «Механічна інженерія», а також для інженерно-технічних працівників ливарної промисловостіThe manual «Technologies of Workpieces Manufacturing by Castings» provides knowledge regarding different foundry processes and their industrial importance. It is considered the modern techniques of processing raw materials by casting as an important stage of solving the tasks of designing technological processes for manufacturing the parts. The manual includes fundamentals of metal casting, the evolution of the foundry industry, basic casting techniques, the metal casting operations, methods of manufacturing the cast blanks; the most rational variants of their manufacturing; equipment, tools and machining attachments for making workpieces of machine elements and parts in different process specifications and conditions. Also focused on efficient design of casting runner, riser and gating system with minimal casting defects and solidification process. Multiple choice questions from each section of the manual are offered to test the acquired knowledge. Recommended for higher education seekers in 13 «Mechanical Engineering» majors, and can also be useful for engineering and technical specialists of foundry technologies in the mechanical engineering industryINTRODUCTION...7 1. EVOLUTION OF THE METAL CASTING INDUSTRY...8 Multiple Choice Questions...18 2. METAL CASTING AS A MANUFACTURING PROCESS...22 Multiple Choice Questions...33 3. METALS AND ALLOYS USED IN METAL CASTING...38 Multiple Choice Questions...54 4. CLASSIFICATION OF METAL CASTING PROCESSES...58 Multiple Choice Questions...62 5. FUNDAMENTALS OF METAL CASTING 5.1. Metal casting basics...64 5.2. Metal casting operations...73 5.3. Gases in metal casting...80 5.4. Metal casting design...82 Multiple Choice Questions...90 6. EXPENDABLE MOLD CASTING 6.1. Sand casting...129 6.2. Plaster mold casting...140 6.3. Ceramic mold casting...143 6.4. Shell molding...146 6.5. Vacuum casting...152 6.6. Expanded polystyrene casting...158 6.7. Investment casting Multiple ...162 Choice Questions...169 7. PERMANENT MOLD CASTING 7.1. Basic permanent mold casting...204 7.2. Vacuum permanent mold casting...213 7.3. Slush casting...216 7.4. Die casting...223 7.4.1. Hot chamber die casting...233 7.4.2. Cold chamber die casting...240 7.5. Pressure die casting...248 7.5.1. Low pressure die casting...253 7.5.2. High pressure die casting...260 7.5.3. Gravity die casting...270 7.6. Centrifugal casting...276 7.6.1. True centrifugal casting...283 7.6.2. Semi-centrifugal casting...288 7.6.3. Centrifuge casting...294 7.7. Squeeze casting...299 7.8. Continuous casting...307 7.9. Evaporative pattern casting...314 7.9.1. Lost foam casting...325 7.9.2. Full mold casting...331 7.10. Stir casting...337 7.11. Ingot casting manufacture...341 Multiple Choice Questions...346 8. CASTING DEFECTS 8.1. Casting microstructure...411 8.2. Casting defects and remedies... Multiple Choice Questions...427 9. COMPUTER SYSTEMS FOR CASTING PROCESSES SIMULATION...433 GLOSSARY...446 REFERENCES...48

    Building Engines for War:A comparative study of British and American production of air-cooled radial aero engines during World War II

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    This dissertation presents, for the first time in the historiography, a critical aspect of British and American wartime production: how British and American aero engine manufacturers shifted from their pre-war practice of low-volume, batch production relying on highly skilled workers using standard machine tools, to large-scale production in wartime using new production methods, semi- and unskilled workers and new types of machine tools in new, larger factories. During World War II, Britain and America built over one million aero engines. The standard narrative of production in World War II is that mass production methods typically associated with the automotive industry were essential to all wartime production. In contrast, this dissertation will argue that aero engine production was not a case of simply adopting these mass production methods, nor was it a simple process of converting what some assume to have been a civilian industry to military production, using civilian factories and existing machine tools to aero engine production. Aero engines were not, and could not, be built on the assembly lines typical of mass production. This dissertation will argue that the key to large-scale production of aero engines was implementing flow production, an argument that has not heretofore appeared in the historiography of production in World War II.In comparing British and American aero engine production, the dissertation will focus on two leading aero engine manufacturers, Bristol Aeroplane Company in Britain and Wright Aeronautical Corporation in America. The dissertation will, for the first time, give a detailed picture of production of three types of air-cooled radial engines built by Bristol, the nine-cylinder Mercury and Pegasus engines and the fourteen-cylinder Hercules engine, and three types of similar engines built by Wright Aeronautical, the nine-cylinder Cyclone 9, the 14-cylinder Cyclone 14 and the 18-cylinder Cyclone 18. The dissertation will, also for the first time, provide a comparison of automobile engines and aero engines to bring out the extensive differences between them. These differences were not well understood at the time, nor later, but they had profound implications for manufacturing aero engines on a large scale. In describing the transition from low-volume batch production to large scale production the dissertation will describe how Bristol and Wright used production and process engineering to shift from the pre-war functional layout of machine tools in the factory to a system known as line production, arranging machine tools in the proper sequence of successive operations to achieve flow production, the direct and uninterrupted flow of material through the factory from raw material to finished product.The dissertation will describe how the British and American Governments organized aero engine production, bringing in the automotive industry through the shadow factory scheme in Britain and licensed production in America. Both governments financed a significant expansion of production capacity. This dissertation will provide the first detailed description and comparative study of the government-financed wartime aero engine factories in Britain and America. The dissertation will argue that aero engine factory design in Britain and America went through four generations of factories, a significant point missing in the historiography. The dissertation will show that many of the American aero engine factories were larger than their British counterparts, including what were, successively, the largest industrial single-story buildings in the world. As the dissertation will also show, American factories were different not only in size but in design and layout.Aero engine production during World War II provides a unique case in the history of machine tools, a subject not well covered in the historiography. To meet the demand for aero engines in unprecedented quantities, the aero engine manufacturers developed new types of machine tools to cope with the shortage of skilled workers and to facilitate large-scale production. Bristol and Wright replaced many standard machine tools use in their pre-war factories with special-purpose machine tools. Later, Wright developed even more efficient high-production machine tools specifically designed for aero engine production. The dissertation will describe the Greenlee Automatic Transfer machines, the epitome of these high-production machine tools, that Wright developed with the Greenlee Brothers Company.The dissertation will make clear that while Bristol and Wright were comparable companies in the pre-war years, Wright’s wartime aero engine production was on a completely different scale from production in Britain, quantitatively and qualitatively. There were significant differences between Bristol and Wright in output, size of factories, production methods and types of machine tools. The dissertation will, again for the first time in the historiography, look at comparative labour productivity and argue that labour productivity in American aero engine factories was superior to the British factories. The explanation for this difference, it will be argued, is that American aero engine factories were better suited to flow production and used greater numbers of high-production machine tools than British aero engine factories.<br/

    An investigation into the improvement of maintenance quality in a production plant through the use of reliability management

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    Abstract: Extensive research has been conducted on plant reliability maintenance. However, getting the maintenance system in place remains the core of maintenance improvement. The purpose of this research dissertation is to investigate the impact reliability management has within production industries and its role in improving the quality of maintenance. This study will assist management to reflect on the costeffectiveness and influence that the maintenance management system has within the organisation. The study will also contribute to existing knowledge in plant reliability maintenance. It is, therefore, significant for an organisation to establish good management practices and set maintenance as an integral part of their overall plant strategy. The approach that was followed by this research is a mixed method – a combination of quantitative and qualitative. Data collection was carried out through a literature review, observations, a questionnaire, a survey, interviews and from company documentation. An employee questionnaire was prepared and distributed to 25 participants to conduct gap analysis and evaluate the maintenance practices within the observed company. A benchmark study was also performed using an online survey, based on 85 responses from employees in other processing plant industries within South Africa. The empirical study conducted with Company A’s employees (mainly from the maintenance and operation departments) identified possible blunders, which transpired during the reliability management system implementation phase. Based on this sample the results obtained indicated that maintenance is done unnecessarily on the plant on average. The study also found issues regarding maintenance financial planning ineffectiveness, unavailability of spares and lack of skillsets to perform jobs. The online survey revealed that organisations do make use of Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) to facilitate their maintenance. CMMS also has a positive impact on the overall maintenance processes and productivity. The study identified the importance of planning and scheduling shutdowns in advance, as a significant part of the maintenance annual budget and cost reduction. ..M.Phil. (Engineering Management


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    The publication documents and reflects on THEN/NOW, a public art project made with and for the Forth and Clyde Canal in Glasgow, Scotland by Minty Donald, Neil McGuire and Nick Millar. The publication is an anthology of writings and images evoking the perspectives of some of the makers, participants and audiences who engaged with the project. The publication situates the project in relation to debates about public art, temporality, heritage and ecology

    Cogeneration technology alternatives study. Volume 2: Industrial process characteristics

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    Information and data for 26 industrial processes are presented. The following information is given for each process: (1) a description of the process including the annual energy consumption and product production and plant capacity; (2) the energy requirements of the process for each unit of production and the detailed data concerning electrical energy requirements and also hot water, steam, and direct fired thermal requirements; (3) anticipated trends affecting energy requirements with new process or production technologies; and (4) representative plant data including capacity and projected requirements through the year 2000

    NASA Thesaurus. Volume 1: Hierarchical listing

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    There are 16,713 postable terms and 3,716 nonpostable terms approved for use in the NASA scientific and technical information system in the Hierarchical Listing of the NASA Thesaurus. The generic structure is presented for many terms. The broader term and narrower term relationships are shown in an indented fashion that illustrates the generic structure better than the more widely used BT and NT listings. Related terms are generously applied, thus enhancing the usefulness of the Hierarchical Listing. Greater access to the Hierarchical Listing may be achieved with the collateral use of Volume 2 - Access Vocabulary

    Laskentatoimi tuotekehitysprosessissa

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    Uuden tuotteen kehittäminen on yrityksen kannalta epävarmaa toimintaa ja tuotteen todellista menekkiä ei voida varmuudella sanoa sen elinkaaren alkuvaiheessa. Lisäksi yritykset joutuvat yleensä rahoittamaan itse tuotekehitysprojektit, koska uuden tuotteen kehittämisen kulut syntyvät etupainotteisesti ja tulot jälkipainotteisesti. Tuotekehitys on yksi yrityksien tärkeimmistä toiminnoista jonka aikana lukitaan suurin osa uuden tuotteen kustannuksista. Sen jälkeen kun tuote on suunniteltu, on muilla toiminnoilla tuotekehityksen jälkeen vain hyvin rajalliset mahdollisuudet vaikuttaa tuotteen kustannustasoon. Tästä syystä yritykset joutuvat usein tilanteeseen jossa teknisesti valmistuote joudutaan suunnittelemaan uudestaan, jotta tuotteen kustannustaso saadaan halutulle tasolle. Tuulivoima on vielä suhteellisen uusi tapa tuottaa sähköä ja 2000-luvun nousukauden jälkeen markkinat ovat rauhoittuneet merkittävästi. Energiamuotona tuuli on edelleen hyvin voimakkaasti riippuvainen erilaisista tukitoiminnoista minkä takia huonoina aikoina tuulivoimateollisuus kärsii muita teollisuuden muotoja enemmän. Tuulivoimalla tuotetun energian hinta on tällä hetkellä liian korkea toimiakseen omavaraisesti ja tästä syystä koko arvoketjun tulisi tehdä töitä yhdessä, jotta tuulivoimasta saataisiin kilpailukykyinen vaihtoehto verrattaessa muihin energiamuotoihin. Tästä syystä omavaraisuusrajan saavuttaminen lähitulevaisuudessa on merkittävää tuulivoiman menestymisen kannalta. Tämä diplomityö laadittiin Moventas Gears Oy:n tarpeeseen saada liitettyä kustannustietoisuus osaksi tuotekehitysprosessia. Käytössä oleva stage-gate -mallinen tuotekehitysprosessi viedään nykyisin läpi pääsääntöisesti aikataulutavoitteella ja prosessin aikana päätökset pohjautuvat pääosin tuotteen teknisiin seikkoihin. Tämän työn tavoitteena on tuoda kustannustenhallinta ja niiden seuranta olennaiseksi osaksi olemassa olevaa tuotekehitysprosessia. Suunnittelijoiden ja tuotekehitysinsinöörien tulisi voida tehdä tuotekehitysprojektin aikana päätöksiä tuotteeseen liittyen myös kustannusmielessä. Työ sisältää kirjallisuustutkimuksen sekä pienimuotoisen benchmarking osion. Benchmark -tutkimuksen tärkein tavoite oli selvittää miten muut tuotekehitysorganisaatiot hyödyntävät kustannustietoisuutta tuotekehitysprosessissa ja mitä laskentatoimen työkaluja he käyttävät sen aikana. Lisäksi tätä työtä varten on tutkittu 10 toteutuneen tuuliturbiinivaihteen kustannusrakenne, jonka avulla oli mahdollista havainnollistaa mitkä tuuliturbiinivaihteen osat muodostavat suurimman osan tuotteen kustannuksista ja missä vaiheessa tuotekehitysprosessia ne lukitaan. Uusi ehdotettu toimintatapa tukee kustannusten läpinäkyvyyttä läpi organisaation ja korostaa kustannuslaskennan tärkeyttä ennen kuin tuotteen kustannukset ovat sidottuja. Työn tuloksena esitetään lisäyksiä nykyiseen tuotekehitysprosessiin, jotka tukevat kustannustietoista tuotekehitysprosessia. Ehdotettu toimintatapa korostaa myös tuotekehitysprosessin suorituskyvyn mittaamista ja diplomityö toimii lähtökohtana tuotteen elinkaaren aikaiselle hallinnalle

    NASA thesaurus. Volume 1: Hierarchical Listing

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    There are over 17,000 postable terms and nearly 4,000 nonpostable terms approved for use in the NASA scientific and technical information system in the Hierarchical Listing of the NASA Thesaurus. The generic structure is presented for many terms. The broader term and narrower term relationships are shown in an indented fashion that illustrates the generic structure better than the more widely used BT and NT listings. Related terms are generously applied, thus enhancing the usefulness of the Hierarchical Listing. Greater access to the Hierarchical Listing may be achieved with the collateral use of Volume 2 - Access Vocabulary and Volume 3 - Definitions