1 research outputs found

    Design of a High-Performance RSVP-TE Hardware Signaling Accelerator

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    Abstract—Signaling protocols, primarily used to set up and tear down connections, are essential in connection-oriented networks. Up to now, signaling protocols are mostly implemented in software for two reasons: complexity and the requirement for flexibility. Adversely, the price paid is in performance. Software implementations of signaling protocols are rarely capable of handling over 1,000 calls/sec. Corresponding call setup delays per switch are in the order of milliseconds. To improve performance for high-speed networks, we implemented a subset of the RSVP-TE signaling protocol in reconfigurable FPGA hardware. Our implementation demonstrates the feasibility of 1,000x speed-up vis-à-vis software implementations. The impact of this work is far-reaching in that it enables connection-oriented networks to support new applications that require rate guarantees but have short call holding times