5 research outputs found

    Agents for Distributed Multimedia Information Management

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    This paper discusses the role of agents in a distributed multimedia information system (DMIS) engineered according to the principles of open hypermedia. It is based on the new generation of Microcosm, an open hypermedia system developed by the Multimedia Research Group at the University of Southampton. Microcosm provides a framework for supporting the three major roles of agents within open information systems: resource discovery, information integrity and navigation assistance. We present Microcosm and its agents, and discuss our current research in applying agent technology in this framework

    Continuations and Web Servers

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    Exact Tests via Complete Enumeration: A Distributed Computing Approach

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    The analysis of categorical data often leads to the analysis of a contingency table. For large samples, asymptotic approximations are sufficient when calculating p-values, but for small samples the tests can be unreliable. In these situations an exact test should be considered. This bases the test on the exact distribution of the test statistic. Sampling techniques can be used to estimate the distribution. Alternatively, the distribution can be found by complete enumeration. A new algorithm is developed that enables a model to be defined by a model matrix, and all tables that satisfy the model are found. This provides a more efficient enumeration mechanism for complex models and extends the range of models that can be tested. The technique can lead to large calculations and a distributed version of the algorithm is developed that enables a number of machines to work efficiently on the same problem

    Design of a Concurrent and Distributed Language

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    . This paper presents a new dialect of Scheme aimed towards concurrency and distribution. It offers a few primitives, including first-class continuations, with very simple semantics. Numerous examples are given showing how to program the classical concurrent control operators such as future, pcall and either. The implementation is sketched and presented along the lines of a metacircular interpreter. This paper presents the idiom of Icsla 1 , a language belonging to the Lisp family and more precisely a descendant of Scheme. This dialect has been designed with respect to the following main objectives: -- It should have a very simple and understandable semantics, with few but powerful and unrestrictively combinable concepts; -- It should offer concurrency, distribution and some other modern features such as sophisticated control features while not sacrificing the variety of styles traditionally offered by Lisp. These goals are rather general and deserve further comment. Following Sche..