126 research outputs found

    Energy-Efficient Coordinated Multi-Cell Multigroup Multicast Beamforming with Antenna Selection

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    This paper studies energy-efficient coordinated beamforming in multi-cell multi-user multigroup multicast multiple-input single-output systems. We aim at maximizing the network energy efficiency by taking into account the fact that some of the radio frequency chains can be switched off in order to save power. We consider the antenna specific maximum power constraints to avoid non-linear distortion in power amplifiers and user-specific quality of service (QoS) constraints to guarantee a certain QoS levels. We first introduce binary antenna selection variables and use the perspective formulation to model the relation between them and the beamformers. Subsequently, we propose a new formulation which reduces the feasible set of the continuous relaxation, resulting in better performance compared to the original perspective formulation based problem. However, the resulting optimization problem is a mixed-Boolean non-convex fractional program, which is difficult to solve. We follow the standard continuous relaxation of the binary antenna selection variables, and then reformulate the problem such that it is amendable to successive convex approximation. Thereby, solving the continuous relaxation mostly results in near-binary solution. To recover the binary variables from the continuous relaxation, we switch off all the antennas for which the continuous values are smaller than a small threshold. Numerical results illustrate the superior convergence result and significant achievable gains in terms of energy efficiency with the proposed algorithm.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted to IEEE ICC 2017 - International Workshop on 5G RAN Desig

    General Rank Multiuser Downlink Beamforming With Shaping Constraints Using Real-valued OSTBC

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    In this paper we consider optimal multiuser downlink beamforming in the presence of a massive number of arbitrary quadratic shaping constraints. We combine beamforming with full-rate high dimensional real-valued orthogonal space time block coding (OSTBC) to increase the number of beamforming weight vectors and associated degrees of freedom in the beamformer design. The original multi-constraint beamforming problem is converted into a convex optimization problem using semidefinite relaxation (SDR) which can be solved efficiently. In contrast to conventional (rank-one) beamforming approaches in which an optimal beamforming solution can be obtained only when the SDR solution (after rank reduction) exhibits the rank-one property, in our approach optimality is guaranteed when a rank of eight is not exceeded. We show that our approach can incorporate up to 79 additional shaping constraints for which an optimal beamforming solution is guaranteed as compared to a maximum of two additional constraints that bound the conventional rank-one downlink beamforming designs. Simulation results demonstrate the flexibility of our proposed beamformer design

    Massive MIMO Multicasting in Noncooperative Cellular Networks

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    We study the massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multicast transmission in cellular networks where each base station (BS) is equipped with a large-scale antenna array and transmits a common message using a single beamformer to multiple mobile users. We first show that when each BS knows the perfect channel state information (CSI) of its own served users, the asymptotically optimal beamformer at each BS is a linear combination of the channel vectors of its multicast users. Moreover, the optimal combining coefficients are obtained in closed form. Then we consider the imperfect CSI scenario where the CSI is obtained through uplink channel estimation in timedivision duplex systems. We propose a new pilot scheme that estimates the composite channel which is a linear combination of the individual channels of multicast users in each cell. This scheme is able to completely eliminate pilot contamination. The pilot power control for optimizing the multicast beamformer at each BS is also derived. Numerical results show that the asymptotic performance of the proposed scheme is close to the ideal case with perfect CSI. Simulation also verifies the effectiveness of the proposed scheme with finite number of antennas at each BS.Comment: to appear in IEEE JSAC Special Issue on 5G Wireless Communication System

    Rate-Splitting for Max-Min Fair Multigroup Multicast Beamforming in Overloaded Systems

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of achieving max-min fairness amongst multiple co-channel multicast groups through transmit beamforming. We explicitly focus on overloaded scenarios in which the number of transmitting antennas is insufficient to neutralize all inter-group interference. Such scenarios are becoming increasingly relevant in the light of growing low-latency content delivery demands, and also commonly appear in multibeam satellite systems. We derive performance limits of classical beamforming strategies using DoF analysis unveiling their limitations; for example, rates saturate in overloaded scenarios due to inter-group interference. To tackle interference, we propose a strategy based on degraded beamforming and successive interference cancellation. While the degraded strategy resolves the rate-saturation issue, this comes at a price of sacrificing all spatial multiplexing gains. This motivates the development of a unifying strategy that combines the benefits of the two previous strategies. We propose a beamforming strategy based on rate-splitting (RS) which divides the messages intended to each group into a degraded part and a designated part, and transmits a superposition of both degraded and designated beamformed streams. The superiority of the proposed strategy is demonstrated through DoF analysis. Finally, we solve the RS beamforming design problem and demonstrate significant performance gains through simulations

    Coordinated Multicast Beamforming in Multicell Networks

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    We study physical layer multicasting in multicell networks where each base station, equipped with multiple antennas, transmits a common message using a single beamformer to multiple users in the same cell. We investigate two coordinated beamforming designs: the quality-of-service (QoS) beamforming and the max-min SINR (signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio) beamforming. The goal of the QoS beamforming is to minimize the total power consumption while guaranteeing that received SINR at each user is above a predetermined threshold. We present a necessary condition for the optimization problem to be feasible. Then, based on the decomposition theory, we propose a novel decentralized algorithm to implement the coordinated beamforming with limited information sharing among different base stations. The algorithm is guaranteed to converge and in most cases it converges to the optimal solution. The max-min SINR (MMS) beamforming is to maximize the minimum received SINR among all users under per-base station power constraints. We show that the MMS problem and a weighted peak-power minimization (WPPM) problem are inverse problems. Based on this inversion relationship, we then propose an efficient algorithm to solve the MMS problem in an approximate manner. Simulation results demonstrate significant advantages of the proposed multicast beamforming algorithms over conventional multicasting schemes.Comment: 10pages, 9 figure

    Multicast Beamformer Design for MIMO Coded Caching Systems

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    Coded caching (CC) techniques have been shown to be conveniently applicable in multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems. In a KK-user network with spatial multiplexing gains of LL at the transmitter and GG at every receiver, if each user can cache a fraction γ\gamma of the file library, a total number of GKγ+LGK\gamma + L data streams can be served in parallel. In this paper, we focus on improving the finite-SNR performance of MIMO-CC systems. We first consider a MIMO-CC scheme that relies only on unicasting individual data streams, and then, introduce a decomposition strategy to design a new scheme that delivers the same data streams through multicasting of GG parallel codewords. We discuss how optimized beamformers could be designed for each scheme and use numerical simulations to compare their finite-SNR performance. It is shown that while both schemes serve the same number of streams, multicasting provides notable performance improvements. This is because, with multicasting, transmission vectors are built with fewer beamformers, leading to more efficient usage of available power resources