23 research outputs found

    Detailed design of product oriented manufacturing systems

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    This paper describes a procedure for the detailed and repetitive design of manufacturing systems within an approach of constantly fitting production system configuration to the varying production needs of products and, therefore, designing Product Oriented Manufacturing Systems – POMS. The detailed design procedure depart from a set of conceptual manufacturing cell configurations and develops from there, through conceptual cell and workstation instantiation, with basis on available methods, the required manufacturing system and control mechanisms for a product or a family of similar products.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Distributed design of product oriented manufacturing systems

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    Manufacturing leanness and agility are requirements of today’s manufacturing systems. Leanness call for a best fit of the manufacturing systems to products, therefore requiring product oriented manufacturing systems (POMS). Manufacturing agility can be achieved through easy systems reconfiguration to fit changing manufacturing requirements, which may mean dynamically configuring POMS. For this a suitable design system is required. Due to complexity of this design, and to the need for using suitable design methods, which may not be available locally, distributed sources of design services can be used. This paper presents and describes a prototype of a Distributed Design system for POMS based on a POMS design methodology and distributed suppliers of design services

    A framework for a computer aided design system for product oriented manufacturing systems

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    In this paper we present a framework and an associated support system for the design of Product Oriented Manufacturing Systems (POMS). This includes the characterization and description of the structure and components of the support system, including database, user interface and knowledge base. The framework components are integrated into an organized system called CADS_POMS (Computer Aided Design System for POMS)

    Production systems design : a product oriented approach and methodology

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    Production systems design is critical to achieving manufacturing performance and objectives. Although generic approaches to this design are available they may not be able to objectively address specific manufacturing configurations. Here it is argued that product oriented manufacturing (POM) organization offers advantages in relation to the function oriented one. Based on this, a methodology specially addressing POM systems design, and prototype of a Computer Aided Design System based on the methodology were develop. A brief description of both is presented

    Issues and design approach for product oriented manufacturing systems

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    The Product Oriented Manufacturing (POM) concept here presented addresses competition in today’s changing global market of manufacturing companies. It is a challenge to the Function Oriented Manufacturing (FOM) concept supposedly adequate for dealing with demand changes and large product variety without needing reconfiguration. The POM concept evolves from the traditional cellular manufacturing, ultimately aiming at full system integration and coordination for completely processing a product, not parts of it, or a family of similar products, for efficient manufacturing and good customer service. In this respect it is customer order centred. For answering changing demand it draws upon system adaptation exploring several reconfiguration strategies. Due to POM complexity and design focus, a design methodology called GCD was developed and is here briefly described. The first phase, the Generic Design, is emphasized in relation to the others. It is mainly directed to analysing manufacturing companies’ demand market position and current manufacturing system in order to evaluate, at a generic level, the suitability of the POM concept for manufacturing. Further design phases explore alternatives of POM systems to reach a POMS suitable solution

    Design methodologies for product oriented manufacturing systems

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    This paper presents a review of design methodologies for production systems, with focus on Product Oriented Manufacturing Systems (POMS). POMS organization is discussed and compared against production systems concepts. The methodologies are described and grouped in three classes: generic, specific and focused, if they provide a generic solution like a product, a tool or a system; only one type of solution, e.g., a production system or guides through a implementation of a particular instance of a production system, e.g., Toyota Production System implementation. The focused class of the methodologies is also divided in two groups: methodologies for designing new production systems, referred as construction methodologies for production systems, and methodologies for reengineering existing systems, referred as improvement methodologies. A better grasp of production systems design needs is given through a brief introduction to the GCD design methodology developed by the authors. Moreover the GCD methodology is put in perspective showing differences and design suitability in relation to the reviewed methodologies

    A review of design methodologies for manufacturing systems

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    This paper presents a review of design methodologies for manufacturing systems, with focus on Product Oriented Manufacturing Systems (POMS). POMS organization is discussed and compared against function oriented manufacturing. The methodologies for manufacturing systems design are described and grouped in three classes: generic, specific and product oriented focused. Several methodologies in the first class are referred. They tend to be suitable for whatever kind of product that is necessary to develop or design, including manufacturing systems. Usually, they arrive to a general, conceptual first approximation manufacturing system solution, which need refinement. Manufacturing systems specific methodologies are more objective being able to offer a clearer picture of the manufacturing system ultimate solution. A number of them are reviewed. The product focused class of the manufacturing systems design methodologies is divided in two groups: methodologies for designing new manufacturing systems, referred as construction methodologies, and methodologies for reengineering or reconfiguring existing ones. A few methodologies are referred and a methodology referred as the GCD methodology is explained in more detail due to its particular focus on POMS design. Through it a better understanding is given of the POMS design needs. The GCD methodology is also put in perspective in relation to other reviewed methodologies

    A computer aided design system for product oriented manufacturing systems reconfiguration

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    Product Oriented Manufacturing Systems (POMS) are systems designed for variable product demand markets, and dynamically reconfigured for the manufacture of a single type of product or a family of similar products at a time. POMS systems can take several forms and result from exploring the use of flexible resources, a variety of new design philosophies, technologies and approaches to manufacture, including Cellular, Lean, Agile, Quick Response and Fit Manufacturing. In this paper a computer aided design system for the design and reconfiguration of POMS is addressed. A characterization and description of the structure and components of the design system, including a database, a user interface and a knowledge base and the description of some important data sets, are presented

    Reconfiguration of assembly lines using lean thinking in an electronics components' manufacturer for the automotive industry

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    This article discusses the reconfiguration and improvement of electronics components assembly lines through the use of Lean Thinking principles. This reconfiguration was undertaken in a project that followed the action-research methodology. There were three main distinct problems related with the outdated assembly lines. The first came from a diagnosis of the assembly line itself, where quality problems and difficulties with compliance with the takt-time were identified, as well as activities that do not added value. The second happened due to an adjustment in demand that requires a reconfiguration of the line and, the third problem, related to the integration in an existing assembly line of a new process for a product pertaining to the same family, forcing the exploitation of synergies in production of these two products. Regarding the improvement proposals, some managed to be implemented in a timely manner, others, despite not having been implemented, their impacts has been predicted. Overall, the level of scrap was reduced by 57% through the implementation of the Lean Six Sigma methodology, and the cycle time of an operation was reduced by 12,5% by eliminating non-value adding operations. Also, gains were obtained by reducing the previous occupation with the project of an assembly line segment dedicated to the new product. With this, a reduction of one employee with the integration of two workstations was achieved.I would like to thank all the company's employees who made this project possible, and for the support given. This work has been supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    An industrial application study of the GCD design methodology for product oriented manufacturing

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    This paper presents an application and test study, carried out in a garment company in the Minho region in the North of Portugal, of the Generic - Conceptual-Detailed (GCD) methodology for designing Product Oriented Manufacturing Systems (POMS). The methodology is in an advanced stage of development and is now being submitted to a refining process based on findings from application tests in industry