125 research outputs found

    Maximally decimated perfect-reconstruction FIR filter banks with pairwise mirror-image analysis (and synthesis) frequency responses

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    Structures are presented for the perfect-reconstruction quadrature mirror filter bank that are based on lossless building blocks. These structures ensure that the frequency responses of the analysis (and synthesis) filters have pairwise symmetry with respect to π/2 and require fewer parameters than recently reported structures (also based on lossless building blocks). The design time for the proposed structures is correspondingly much less than for the earlier methods, which did not incorporate such symmetry

    Theory and design of M-channel maximally decimated quadrature mirror filters with arbitrary M, having the perfect-reconstruction property

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    Based on the concept of losslessness in digital filter structures, this paper derives a general class of maximally decimated M-channel quadrature mirror filter banks that lead to perfect reconstruction. The perfect-reconstruction property guarantees that the reconstructed signalhat{x} (n)is a delayed version of the input signal x (n), i.e.,hat{x} (n) = x (n - n_{0}). It is shown that such a property can be satisfied if the alias component matrix (AC matrix for short) is unitary on the unit circle of the z plane. The number of channels M is arbitrary, and when M is two, the results reduce to certain recently reported 2-channel perfect-reconstruction QMF structures. A procedure, based on recently reported FIR cascaded-lattice structures, is presented for optimal design of such FIR M-channel filter banks. Design examples are included

    Fixed-analysis adaptive-synthesis filter banks

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    Subband/Wavelet filter analysis-synthesis filters are a major component in many compression algorithms. Such compression algorithms have been applied to images, voice, and video. These algorithms have achieved high performance. Typically, the configuration for such compression algorithms involves a bank of analysis filters whose coefficients have been designed in advance to enable high quality reconstruction. The analysis system is then followed by subband quantization and decoding on the synthesis side. Decoding is performed using a corresponding set of synthesis filters and the subbands are merged together. For many years, there has been interest in improving the analysis-synthesis filters in order to achieve better coding quality. Adaptive filter banks have been explored by a number of authors where by the analysis filters and synthesis filters coefficients are changed dynamically in response to the input. A degree of performance improvement has been reported but this approach does require that the analysis system dynamically maintain synchronization with the synthesis system in order to perform reconstruction. In this thesis, we explore a variant of the adaptive filter bank idea. We will refer to this approach as fixed-analysis adaptive-synthesis filter banks. Unlike the adaptive filter banks proposed previously, there is no analysis synthesis synchronization issue involved. This implies less coder complexity and more coder flexibility. Such an approach can be compatible with existing subband wavelet encoders. The design methodology and a performance analysis are presented.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Smith, Mark J. T.; Committee Co-Chair: Mersereau, Russell M.; Committee Member: Anderson, David; Committee Member: Lanterman, Aaron; Committee Member: Rosen, Gail; Committee Member: Wardi, Yora

    A Novel Method for Designing M-Band Linear-Phase Perfrect-Reconstruction filter Banks

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    This paper studies the design of M-channel perfect-reconstruction (PR) linear-phase (LP) filter banks (FBs) with M=2k using a tree-structured FB. It is based on a observation of Fliege(1995) that the length of the analysis filters is decreased by a factor of two when the depth of the tree is increased by one, while its transition bandwidth is increased by the same factor. A lattice-based 2-channel LP FB is chosen because the frequency responses of the lowpass and highpass analysis (synthesis) filters can be designed to be closely symmetric to the other around π/2. By properly selecting the filter length, transition bandwidth. and stopband attenuation of the 2-channel PR LP FBs at each level of the tree structure, it is possible to design uniform PR LP FB with excellent frequency characteristic and much lower system delay.published_or_final_versio

    One- and two-level filter-bank convolvers

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    In a recent paper, it was shown in detail that in the case of orthonormal and biorthogonal filter banks we can convolve two signals by directly convolving the subband signals and combining the results. In this paper, we further generalize the result. We also derive the statistical coding gain for the generalized subband convolver. As an application, we derive a novel low sensitivity structure for FIR filters from the convolution theorem. We define and derive a deterministic coding gain of the subband convolver over direct convolution for a fixed wordlength implementation. This gain serves as a figure of merit for the low sensitivity structure. Several numerical examples are included to demonstrate the usefulness of these ideas. By using the generalized polyphase representation, we show that the subband convolvers, linear periodically time varying systems, and digital block filtering can be viewed in a unified manner. Furthermore, the scheme called IFIR filtering is shown to be a special case of the convolver

    Linear phase paraunitary filter banks: theory, factorizations and designs

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    M channel maximally decimated filter banks have been used in the past to decompose signals into subbands. The theory of perfect-reconstruction filter banks has also been studied extensively. Nonparaunitary systems with linear phase filters have also been designed. In this paper, we study paraunitary systems in which each individual filter in the analysis synthesis banks has linear phase. Specific instances of this problem have been addressed by other authors, and linear phase paraunitary systems have been shown to exist. This property is often desirable for several applications, particularly in image processing. We begin by answering several theoretical questions pertaining to linear phase paraunitary systems. Next, we develop a minimal factorizdion for a large class of such systems. This factorization will be proved to be complete for even M. Further, we structurally impose the additional condition that the filters satisfy pairwise mirror-image symmetry in the frequency domain. This significantly reduces the number of parameters to be optimized in the design process. We then demonstrate the use of these filter banks in the generation of M-band orthonormal wavelets. Several design examples are also given to validate the theory

    Orthonormal and biorthonormal filter banks as convolvers, and convolutional coding gain

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    Convolution theorems for filter bank transformers are introduced. Both uniform and nonuniform decimation ratios are considered, and orthonormal as well as biorthonormal cases are addressed. All the theorems are such that the original convolution reduces to a sum of shorter, decoupled convolutions in the subbands. That is, there is no need to have cross convolution between subbands. For the orthonormal case, expressions for optimal bit allocation and the optimized coding gain are derived. The contribution to coding gain comes partly from the nonuniformity of the signal spectrum and partly from nonuniformity of the filter spectrum. With one of the convolved sequences taken to be the unit pulse function,,e coding gain expressions reduce to those for traditional subband and transform coding. The filter-bank convolver has about the same computational complexity as a traditional convolver, if the analysis bank has small complexity compared to the convolution itself

    On optimal design and applications of linear transforms

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    Linear transforms are encountered in many fields of applied science and engineering. In the past, conventional block transforms provided acceptable answers to different practical problems. But now, under increasing competitive pressures, with the growing reservoir of theory and a corresponding development of computing facilities, a real demand has been created for methods that systematically improve performance. As a result the past two decades have seen the explosive growth of a class of linear transform theory known as multiresolution signal decomposition. The goal of this work is to design and apply these advanced signal processing techniques to several different problems. The optimal design of subband filter banks is considered first. Several design examples are presented for M-band filter banks. Conventional design approaches are found to present problems when the number of constraints increases. A novel optimization method is proposed using a step-by-step design of a hierarchical subband tree. This method is shown to possess performance improvements in applications such as subband image coding. The subband tree structuring is then discussed and generalized algorithms are presented. Next, the attention is focused on the interference excision problem in direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) communications. The analytical and experimental performance of the DSSS receiver employing excision are presented. Different excision techniques are evaluated and ranked along with the proposed adaptive subband transform-based excises. The robustness of the considered methods is investigated for either time-localized or frequency-localized interferers. A domain switchable excision algorithm is also presented. Finally, sonic of the ideas associated with the interference excision problem are utilized in the spectral shaping of a particular biological signal, namely heart rate variability. The improvements for the spectral shaping process are shown for time-frequency analysis. In general, this dissertation demonstrates the proliferation of new tools for digital signal processing

    Classical sampling theorems in the context of multirate and polyphase digital filter bank structures

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    The recovery of a signal from so-called generalized samples is a problem of designing appropriate linear filters called reconstruction (or synthesis) filters. This relationship is reviewed and explored. Novel theorems for the subsampling of sequences are derived by direct use of the digital-filter-bank framework. These results are related to the theory of perfect reconstruction in maximally decimated digital-filter-bank systems. One of the theorems pertains to the subsampling of a sequence and its first few differences and its subsequent stable reconstruction at finite cost with no error. The reconstruction filters turn out to be multiplierless and of the FIR (finite impulse response) type. These ideas are extended to the case of two-dimensional signals by use of a Kronecker formalism. The subsampling of bandlimited sequences is also considered. A sequence x(n ) with a Fourier transform vanishes for |ω|&ges;Lπ/M, where L and M are integers with L<M, can in principle be represented by reducing the data rate by the amount M/L. The digital polyphase framework is used as a convenient tool for the derivation as well as mechanization of the sampling theorem

    Multirate digital filters, filter banks, polyphase networks, and applications: a tutorial

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    Multirate digital filters and filter banks find application in communications, speech processing, image compression, antenna systems, analog voice privacy systems, and in the digital audio industry. During the last several years there has been substantial progress in multirate system research. This includes design of decimation and interpolation filters, analysis/synthesis filter banks (also called quadrature mirror filters, or QMFJ, and the development of new sampling theorems. First, the basic concepts and building blocks in multirate digital signal processing (DSPJ, including the digital polyphase representation, are reviewed. Next, recent progress as reported by several authors in this area is discussed. Several applications are described, including the following: subband coding of waveforms, voice privacy systems, integral and fractional sampling rate conversion (such as in digital audio), digital crossover networks, and multirate coding of narrow-band filter coefficients. The M-band QMF bank is discussed in considerable detail, including an analysis of various errors and imperfections. Recent techniques for perfect signal reconstruction in such systems are reviewed. The connection between QMF banks and other related topics, such as block digital filtering and periodically time-varying systems, based on a pseudo-circulant matrix framework, is covered. Unconventional applications of the polyphase concept are discussed