1 research outputs found

    Rethinking Low Genus Hyperelliptic Jacobian Arithmetic over Binary Fields: Interplay of Field Arithmetic and Explicit Formulæ

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    Abstract. This paper is an extensive study of the issues of efficient software implementation of low genus hyperelliptic Jacobians over binary fields. We first give a detailed description of the methods by which one obtains explicit formulæ from Cantor’s algorithm. We then present improvements on the best known explicit formulæ for curves of genus three and four. Special routines for multiplying vectors of field elements by a fixed quantity (which are much faster than performing the multiplications separately) are also deployed, and the explicit formulæ for all genera are redesigned or re-implemented accordingly. To allow a fair comparison of the curves of different genera, we use a highly optimized software library for arithmetic in binary fields. Our goals in its development were to minimize the overheads and performance penalties associated to granularity problems, which have a larger impact as the genus of the curves increases. The current state of the art in attacks against the discrete logarithm problem is taken into account for the choice of the field and group sizes and performance tests are done on a personal computer. Our results can be shortly summarized as follows: Curves of genus three provide performance similar, or better, to that of curves of genus two, and these two types of curves perform consistently around 50 % faster than elliptic curves; Curves of genus four attain a performance level comparable to, and more often than not, better than, elliptic curves. A large choice of curves is therefore available for the deployment of curve based cryptography, with curves of genus three and four providing their own advantages as larger cofactors can be allowed for the group order