14 research outputs found

    Electronic System-Level Synthesis Methodologies

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    Review of System Design Frameworks

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    In the last decade, the enormous development of the semiconductor industry with ever-increasing complexities of digital embedded systems and strong market competition with fast time-to-market and low design cost demands have imposed serious difficulty to a conventional design method. Therefore, there emerges a new design flow named model-based system design, which is based on high-level abstraction models, heavy design automation, and extensive component reuse to increase productivity and satisfy the market pressure. This thesis presents reviews of ten high level academic system design frameworks and tools that have been proposed and implemented recently to support the model based design flow, namely System-on-Chip Environment (SCE), Embedded System Environment (ESE), Metropolis, Daedalus, SystemCoDesigner (SCD), xPilot, GAUT, No-Instruction-Set Computer (NISC), Formal System Design (ForSyDe), and Ptolemy II. These tools are then compared to each other in various aspects comprising objective, technique, implementation and capability. Following that, three design flow frameworks, including ESE, Daedalus, and SystemCoDesigner, are experimented for their real usage, performance and practicality. The frameworks and tools implementing the model-based design flow all show promising results. Modelling tools (ForSyDe, and Ptolemy II) can sufficiently capture a wide range of complicated modern systems, while high-level synthesis tools (xPilot, GAUT, and NISC) produce better design qualities in terms of area, power, and cost in comparison to traditional works. Study cases of design flow frameworks (SCE, ESE, Metropolis, Daedalus, and SCD) show the model-based method significantly reduces developing time as well as facilitates the system design process. However, most of these tools and frameworks are being incomplete, and still under the experimental stage. There still be a lot of works needed until the method can be put into practice

    Task-Level Data Model for Hardware Synthesis Based on Concurrent Collections

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    Execution platform modeling for system-level architecture performance analysis

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    Today's embedded systems are designed for more complex and more computationally-intensive applications than they were a decade ago. Most if not every embedded system designed today is a sort of parallel computing system - only called differently - a platform. A platform is essentially a heterogeneous system consisting of communicating processing units of different types and mostly distributed memory units. A platform can be anything: from multiprocessors comprising task-dedicated processors and a dedicated communication network, to a (semi-)programmable multiprocessor that can run parallel processes by means of both interleaving and overlapping. However, the specification, exploration and design of application multiprocessor system platforms from user requirements is still a painstaking process that takes too long and is too costly. Our answer to the above mentioned issues is the Archer approach. It embodies: Application representations (Symbolic Programs - SP), a platform-based library of the architecture components and their configurations (all-in-hardware, all-in-software, hybrid multiprocessor, with dedicated network, hared-bus, highway, burst-bus, or hybrid network), and a mapping methodology (managing the aforementioned representations while transforming application SPs to Archer architecture components), that we have been developing and experimenting with.UBL - phd migration 201


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    Modern high performance computing applications such as personal computing, gaming, numerical simulations require application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) that comprises of many cores. Performance for these applications depends mainly on latency of interconnects which transfer data between cores that implement applications by distributing tasks. Time-to-market is a critical consideration while designing ASICs for these applications. Therefore, to reduce design cycle time, predicting system performance accurately at an early stage of design is essential. With process technology in nanometer era, physical phenomena such as crosstalk, reflection on the propagating signal have a direct impact on performance. Incorporating these effects provides a better performance estimate at an early stage. This work presents a methodology for better performance prediction at an early stage of design, achieved by mapping system specification to a circuit-level netlist description. At system-level, to simplify description and for efficient simulation, SystemVerilog descriptions are employed. For modeling system performance at this abstraction, queueing theory based bounded queue models are applied. At the circuit level, behavioral Input/Output Buffer Information Specification (IBIS) models can be used for analyzing effects of these physical phenomena on on-chip signal integrity and hence performance. For behavioral circuit-level performance simulation with IBIS models, a netlist must be described consisting of interacting cores and a communication link. Two new netlists, IBIS-ISS and IBIS-AMI-ISS are introduced for this purpose. The cores are represented by a macromodel automatically generated by a developed tool from IBIS models. The generated IBIS models are employed in the new netlists. Early performance prediction methodology maps a system specification to an instance of these netlists to provide a better performance estimate at an early stage of design. The methodology is scalable in nanometer process technology and can be reused in different designs

    Parallele und kooperative Simulation fĂĽr eingebettete Multiprozessorsysteme

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    Die Entwicklung von eingebetteten Systemen wird durch die stetig steigende Anzahl und Integrationsdichte neuer Funktionen in Kombination mit einem erhöhten Interaktionsgrad zunehmend zur Herausforderung. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden in dieser Arbeit Methoden zur SystemC-basierten parallelen Simulation von Multiprozessorsystemen auf Manycore Architekturen sowie zur Verbesserung der Interoperabilität zwischen heterogenen Simulationswerkzeugen entwickelt, experimentell untersucht und bewertet

    Systematische Transaction-Level-Kommunikations-Modellierung mit SystemC

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    An emerging approach to embedded system design is to assemble them from a library of hardware and software component models (IP, intellectual property) using a system description language, such as SystemC. SystemC allows describing the communication among IPs in terms of abstract operations (transactions). The promise is that with transaction-level modeling (TLM), future systems-on-chip with one billion transistors and more can be composed out of IPs as simply as playing with LEGO bricks. However, reality is far out. In fact, each IP vendor promotes another proprietary interface standard and the provided design tools lack compatibility, such that heterogeneous IPs cannot be integrated efficiently. A novel generic interconnect fabric for TLM is presented which aims at enabling inter-operation between models of different levels of abstraction (mixed-mode) and models with different interfaces (heterogeneous components), with as little overhead as possible. A generic, protocol independent representation of transactions is developed, among with an abstraction level formalism. This approach is shown to support systematic simulation of state-of-the-art buses and networks-on-chip such as IBM CoreConnect and PCI Express over several levels of TLM abstraction. A layered simulation framework for SystemC, GreenBus, is developed to examine the proposed concepts. The thesis discusses new implementation techniques for communication modeling with SystemC which outperform the existing approaches in terms of flexibility, simulation accuracy, and performance. Based on these techniques, advanced concepts for TLM-based hardware/software co-design and FPGA prototyping are examined. Several experiments and a video processor case study highlight the efficiency of the approach and show its applicability in a TLM design flow.Eingebettete Systeme werden zunehmend auf Basis vorgefertigter Hard- und Softwarebausteine entwickelt, die in Form von Modellen (IP, Intellectual Property) vorliegen. Hierzu werden Systembeschreibungssprachen wie SystemC eingesetzt. SystemC ermöglicht, die Kommunikation zwischen IPs durch abstrakte Operationen, sog. Transaktionen zu beschreiben. Mit dieser Transaction-Level-Modellierung (TLM) sollen auch zukünftige Systeme mit 1 Milliarde Transistoren und mehr effizient entwickelt werden können. Idealerweise sollte das Hantieren mit IPs dabei so einfach sein wie das Spielen mit LEGO-Steinen. In der Realität sind jedoch IPs unterschiedlicher Hersteller nicht ohne weiteres integrierbar, und auch die Entwurfswerkzeuge sind nicht kompatibel. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird ein neuer, generischer Ansatz für die Transaction-Level-Modellierung mit SystemC vorgestellt, der Kommunikation zwischen Modellen auf unterschiedlichen Abstraktionsebenen (Mixed-Mode) und mit unterschiedlichen Schnittstellen (heterogene Komponenten) möglich macht. Der zusätzlich benötigte Simulations- und Code-Aufwand ist minimal. Ein protokollunabhängiges Transaktionsmodell und ein formaler Ansatz zur Beschreibung von Abstraktionsebenen werden vorgestellt, mit denen verschiedenartige Busse und Networks-on-Chip wie IBM CoreConnect und PCI Express auf verschiedenen TLM-Abstraktionsebenen simuliert werden können. Ein modulares Simulationsframework für SystemC wird entwickelt (GreenBus), um die vorgeschlagenen Konzepte zu untersuchen. Anhand von GreenBus werden neue Implementierungstechniken diskutiert, die den existierenden Ansätzen in Flexibilität, Simulationsgenauigkeit und -geschwindigkeit überlegen sind. Die Vor- und Nachteile der entwickelten Techniken werden mit Experimenten belegt, und eine Videoprozessor-Fallstudie demonstriert die Effizienz des Ansatzes in einem TLM-basierten Entwurfsfluss

    Implementation Effort and Parallelism - Metrics for Guiding Hardware/Software Partitioning in Embedded System Design

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