502 research outputs found

    Characterization And Optimization Of Avalanche Photodiodes Fabricated By Standard Cmos Process For High-Speed High-Speed Photoreceivers

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    A dissertation presented on the characterization and optimization of avalanche photodiodes fabricated by standard CMOS process (CMOS-APD) for high-speed photoreceivers, beginning with the theory and principle related to photodetector and avalanche photodiodes, followed by characterization,optimization, and wavelength dependence of CMOS-APD, and finally link up with the transimpedance amplifier. nMOS-type and pMOS-type silicon avalanche photodiodes were fabricated by standard 0.18 μm CMOS process, and the currentvoltage characteristic and the frequency response of the CMOS-APDs with and without the guard ring structure were measured. CMOS-APDs have features of high avalanche gain below 10 V, wide bandwidth over 5 GHz, and easy integration with electronic circuits. In CMOS-APDs, guard ring structure is introduced for high-speed operation with the role of elimination the slow photo generated carriers in a deep layer and a substrate. The bandwidth of the CMOS-APD is enhanced with the guard ring structure at a sacrifice of the responsivity. Based on comparison of nMOS-type and pMOS-type APDs, the nMOS-type APD is more suitable for high-speed operation. The bandwidth is enhanced with decreasing the spacing of interdigital electrodes due to decreased carrier transit time and with decreasing the detection area and the PAD size for RF probing due to decreased device capacitance. Thus, an nMOS-type APD with the electrode spacing of 0.84 μm, the detection area of 10 x 10 μm², the PAD size for RF probing of 30 x 30 μm² along with the guard ring structure was fabricated. As a results, the maximum bandwidth of 8.4 GHz at the avalanche gain of about 10 and the gain-bandwidth product of 280 GHz were achieved. Furthermore, the wavelength dependence of the responsivity and the bandwidth of the CMOS-APDs with and without the guard ring structure also revealed. At a wavelength of 520 nm or less, there is no difference in the responsivity and the frequency response because all the illuminated light is absorbed in the p+-layer and the Nwell due to strong light absorption of Si. On the other hand, a part of the incident light is absorbed in the Psubstrate and the photo-generated carriers in the P-substrate are eliminated by the guard ring structure for the wavelength longer than 520 nm, and then bandwidth was remarkably enhanced at the sacrifice of the responsivity. In addition, to achieve high-speed photoreceivers, two types of TIA which are common-source and regulated-cascode TIAs were simulated by utilizing the output of the CMOSAPDs.The figure of merits of gain-bandwidth product was used to find the ideal results of the transimpedance gain and bandwidth performance due to trade-offs between both of them. The common-source TIA produced the transimpedance gain of 22.17 dBΩ, the bandwidth of 21.21 GHz and the gain-bandwidth product of 470.23 THz × dBΩ. Besides that, the simulated results of the regulated-cascade TIA configuration demonstrate 79.45 dBΩ transimpedance gain, 10.64 GHz bandwidth, and 845.35 THz × dBΩ gain-bandwidth product. Both of these TIA results meet the target of this research and further encouraging this successful CMOS-APDs to realize high-speed photoreceivers

    Avalanche Photodiode Focal Plane Arrays and Their Application to Laser Detection and Ranging

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    Focal-plane avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are being more and more widely and deeply studied to satisfy the requirement in weak light and single photon imaging. The progresses of this worldwide study, especially the distinctive researches and achievements in Southwest Institute of Technical Physics and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China are reviewed in this chapter. We successfully fabricated up to 64 × 1 linear-mode Si APD arrays, and 32 × 32–64 × 64 Si single-photon avalanche detector (SPAD) arrays, and applied them in Laser Detection and Ranging (LADAR) platforms like driverless vehicles. Also, we developed 32 × 32–64 × 64 InGaAsP/InP SPAD arrays, and constructed three-dimensional imaging LADAR using them. Together with the progresses of other groups and other materials, we see a prospective future for the development and application of focal-plane APDs

    Optimization of Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Semiconductor Sensors via On-Chip Signal Amplification and Interface-Induced Noise Suppression.

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    Radiation detectors are now used in a large variety of fields in science and technology, and the number of applications is growing continually. This thesis presents the development of a wide band-gap solid state photomultiplier (SSPM) and the performance improvement of Si radiation detector with respect to noise suppression and resolution enhancement. Recently developed advanced scintillators, which have the ability to distinguish gamma-ray interaction events from those that accompany neutron impact, require improved quantum efficiency in the blue or near UV region of the spectrum. We utilize AlGaAs photodiode elements as components in a wide band-gap SSPM as a lower-cost, lower logistical burden and higher quantum efficiency replacement for the photomultiplier tube (PMT). We demonstrate that the diodes are responsive to blue and near UV in both linear and breakdown modes with robust electrical characteristics, which includes the leakage current and the onset of breakdown against geometric alteration in the diode design. For semiconductor direct-conversion radiation detectors, we investigated the performance enhancement of the detector via the suppression of noise induced from the semiconductor interface and the resolution improvement with on-chip amplification. The properties of the phonon-based noise are studied and methods to quench the charge mobility fluctuation via surface control, evaluating acoustic reflectance at the semiconductor metal interface by calculating reflectance coefficient via the roaming phonon microgradient (RPMG) model. Si radiation detectors are fabricated and the hypotheses evaluated with different geometries and metal types. In addition to the noise suppression, we also sought to increase the device signal by integrating an amplifying junction as part of the detector topology so that the SNR could be maximized. From this research, we demonstrated the feasibility of improving the energy resolution relative to those low-noise designs that don’t possess on-chip amplification by modeling, fabricating, and characterizing proof-of-concept planar and partitioned detectors. From the fabricated detectors, a semi-empirical result shows that the energy resolution for 81 keV gamma-rays can be reduced from 2.12 % to 0.96 % (for a k = 0.2) with a gain of ~8, which shows the best SNR optimization from our modeling.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111488/1/thnkang_1.pd

    Design, Layout, and Testing of Sige APDs Fabricated in a Bicmos Process

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    This Thesis is concerned with the design, layout, and testing of avalanche photodiodes (APDs). APDs are a type of photodetector and, thus, convert light signals into electrical signals (current or voltage). APDs can be fabricated using silicon (Si). In this Thesis, however, three integrated circuit (IC) chips containing various silicon-germanium (SiGe) APDs with different sizes, structures, and geometries were designed, laid out, and fabricated using the Austriamicrosystems (AMS) 0.35μm SiGe BiCMOS (S35) process. This was done in order to compare SiGe APDs to Si only APDs and investigate the hypothesis that SiGe APDs are capable of detecting longer wavelengths than Si only APDs. This is due to the smaller band gap energy associated with SiGe compared to that of Si. The different SiGe APDs were tested and found to, indeed, have the capability of detecting slightly longer wavelengths than Si APDs. A 5μm x 5μm SiGe APD and 24μm x 24μm SiGe APD were found to have a spectral peak at 500nm and a cutoff wavelength (λc) of 1180nm compared to 480nm and 1100nm, respectively, for a 10μm x 10μm Si APD. The 24μm x 24μm SiGe APD was also found to have a responsivity of 0.34 A/W at 500nm and quantum efficiency (QE) of 85% at 450nm. APDs differ from traditional photodiodes in that they possess an internal avalanche gain and, thus, produce a larger electrical signal than a traditional photodiode for the same amount of incident light. All photodiodes produce an undesired electrical signal, called dark current, even in a dark state with no light signal incident on the photodiode. Therefore, the gain and dark current associated with each of the fabricated APDs was also measured in order to determine the characteristics of the different SiGe APD variants. The 5μm x 5μm and 24μm x 24μm SiGe APDs have a zero bias (0V) dark current of 3pA and 5pA, respectively, compared to 3pA for the 10μm x 10μm Si APD. The 5μm x 5μm and 24μm x 24μm SiGe APDs and the 10μm x 10μm Si APD also have gains of 88,000 (98dB), 1390 (63dB), and 1000 (60dB), respectively

    Physical Characteristics, Sensors and Applications of 2D/3DIntegrated CMOS Photodiodes

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    Two-dimensional photodiodes are reversely biased at a reasonable voltage whereas 3D photodiodes are likely operated at the Geiger mode. How to design integrated 2D and 3D photodiodes is investigated in terms of quantum efficiency, dark current, crosstalk, response time and so on. Beyond photodiodes, a charge supply mechanism provides a proper charge for a high dynamic range of 2D sensing, and a feedback pull-down mechanism expedites the response time of 3D sensing for time-of-flight applications. Particularly, rapid parallel reading at a 3D mode is developed by a bus-sharing mechanism. Using the TSMC 0.35μm 2P4M technology, a 2D/3D-integrated image sensor including P-diffusion_N-well_P-substrate photodiodes, pixel circuits, correlated double sampling circuits, sense amplifiers, a multi-channel time-to-digital converter, column/row decoders, bus-sharing connections/decoders, readout circuits and so on was implemented with a die size of 12mm×12mm. The proposed 2D/3D-integrated image sensor can perceive a 352×288-pixel 2D image and an 88×72-pixel 3D image with a dynamic range up to 100dB and a depth resolution of around 4cm, respectively. Therefore, our image sensor can effectively capture gray-level and depth information of a scene at the same location without additional alignment and post-processing. Finally, the currently available 2D and 3D image sensors are discussed and presented

    Broadband PureGaB Ge-on-Si photodiodes responsive in the ultraviolet to near-infrared range

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    Optical characterization of PureGaB germanium-on-silicon (Ge-on-Si) photodiodes was performed for wavelengths between 255 nm and 1550 nm. In PureGaB technology, chemical vapor deposition is used to grow germanium islands in oxide windows to the silicon substrate and then cap them in-situ with nm-thin layers of first gallium and then boron, thus forming nm-shallow p+n diodes. These PureGaB Ge-on-Si photodiodes are CMOS compatible and characterized by low leakage currents. Here they are shown to have high responsivity in the whole ultraviolet (UV) to near infrared (NIR) wavelength range. Particularly, two sets of diodes were studied with respect to possible detrimental effects of the Al metallization/alloying process steps on the responsivity. Al-mediated transport of the Ge and underlying Si was observed if the PureGaB layer, which forms a barrier to metal layers, did not cover all surfaces of the Ge islands. A simulation study was performed confirming that the presence of acceptor traps at the Ge/Si interface could decrease the otherwise high theoretically attainable responsivity of PureGaB Ge-on-Si photodiodes in the whole UV to NIR range. A modification of the device structure is proposed where the PureGaB layer covers not only the top surface of the Ge-islands, but also the sidewalls. It was found that to mitigate premature breakdown, it would be necessary to add p-doped guard rings in Si around the perimeter of Ge islands, but this PureGaB-all-around structure would not compromise the optical performance.</p

    Geiger-Mode Avalanche Photodiodes in Standard CMOS Technologies

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    Photodiodes are the simplest but most versatile semiconductor optoelectronic devices. They can be used for direct detection of light, of soft X and gamma rays, and of particles such as electrons or neutrons. For many years, the sensors of choice for most research and industrial applications needing photon counting or timing have been vacuum-based devices such as Photo-Multiplier Tubes, PMT, and Micro-Channel Plates, MCP (Renker, 2004). Although these photodetectors provide good sensitivity, noise and timing characteristics, they still suffer from limitations owing to their large power consumption, high operation voltages and sensitivity to magnetic fields, as well as they are still bulky, fragile and expensive. New approaches to high-sensitivity imagers tend to use CCD cameras coupled with either MCP Image Intensifiers, I-CCDs, or Electron Multipliers, EM-CCDs (Dussault & Hoess, 2004), but they still have limited performances in extreme time-resolved measurements. A fully solid-state solution can improve design flexibility, cost, miniaturization, integration density, reliability and signal processing capabilities in photodetectors. In particular, Single- Photon Avalanche Diodes, SPADs, fabricated by conventional planar technology on silicon can be used as particle (Stapels et al., 2007) and photon (Ghioni et al., 2007) detectors with high intrinsic gain and speed. These SPAD are silicon Avalanche PhotoDiodes biased above breakdown. This operation regime, known as Geiger mode, gives excellent single-photon sensitivity thanks to the avalanche caused by impact ionization of the photogenerated carriers (Cova et al., 1996). The number of carriers generated as a result of the absorption of a single photon determines the optical gain of the device, which in the case of SPADs may be virtually infinite. The basic concepts concerning the behaviour of G-APDs and the physical processes taking place during their operation will be reviewed next, as well as the main performance parameters and noise sources
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