1 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a DSP based MPEG-1 audio encoder

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    The speed of current PCs enables them to decode and play an MPEG bitstream in real time. The encoding process, however, cannot be done in real-time. The purpose of this thesis is to produce a low-cost real-time Digital Signal Processor (DSP) implementation of an MPEG encoder. The DSP will provide an MPEG bitstream to the PC that can be saved to disk. The input to the DSP will be an analog audio signal. A codec provides the DSP with 16-bit samples of the signal. The DSP compresses these 16-bit samples using MPEG-1 layer 1 compression. Then it formats the compressed data to the correct MPEG-1 bitstream, and transmits it to the PC over its byte-wide host interface. On the PC side, a program receives the data from the DSP and saves the MPEG data to the disk. An MPEG-1 layer 1 player can play the resulting file