7,229 research outputs found

    The Advanced Applications For Optical Coherence Tomography In Skin Imaging

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT), based on the principle of interferometry, is a fast and non-invasive imaging modality, which has been approved by FDA for dermatologic applications. OCT has high spatial resolution up to micrometer scale compared to traditional ultrasound imaging. In addition, OCT can provide real-time cross-sectional images with 1 to 2 mm penetration depth, which makes it an ideal imaging technique to assess the skin micro-morphology and pathology without any tissue removal. Many studies have investigated the possibilities of using OCT to evaluate dermatologic conditions, such as skin cancer, dermatitis, psoriasis, and skin damages. Hence, OCT has tremendous potential to provide skin histological and pathological information and assist differential diagnosis of various skin diseases. In this study, we used a swept-source OCT with 1305 nm central wavelength to explore its advanced applications in dermatology. This dissertation consists of four major research projects. First, we explored the feasibility of OCT imaging for assisting real-time visualization in skin biopsy. We showed that OCT could be used to guide and track a needle insertion in mouse skin in real-time. The structure of skin and the movement of needle can be clearly seen on the OCT images without any time delay during the procedures. Next, we tested the concept of performing the punch biopsy using OCT hand-held probe attached to a piercing tip in a phantom. We proved that using the OCT is a reliable technique to delineate the margin of lesion in phantom. And it is possible to perform the punch biopsy with the OCT probe. Second, we tested the performance of contrast-enhanced OCT in melanoma detection in an in vitro study. Melanoma is the most lethal type of skin cancer. Early detection could significantly improve the long-term survival rate of patients. In this initial study, a contrast agent (Gal3-USGNPs) is developed by conjugating melanoma biomarker (Gal3) to ultra-small gold nanoparticles (USGNPs). We showed that the contrast agent can differentiate B16 melanoma cells from normal skin keratinocytes in vitro. To avoid systemic administration of USGNPs, the third project continues to explore the enhanced topical delivery of USGNPs. In this study, we used OCT to monitor the topical delivery of nanoparticles on pig skin over time. And the diffusion and penetration of USGNPs in skin can be improved by applying chemical and physical enhancers such as DMSO and sonophoresis. Finally, in addition to image the cross-sectional structure of skin, we also aim to extract quantitative information from OCT images. The skin optical properties such as attenuation coefficient can be measured from OCT images. We measured and compared the skin attenuation coefficient in the skin of forehead and lateral hip, the skin of three different age groups, and the skin of three different Fitzpatrick types. The statistical analysis showed that epidermis has much higher attenuation coefficient than dermis. And the skin type V & VI have a relatively lower attenuation coefficient than the other skin types. These studies could aid the detection of skin cancer using imaging techniques and provide some new insights into the future applications of OCT in dermatology

    Complexity Reduction in Image-Based Breast Cancer Care

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    The diversity of malignancies of the breast requires personalized diagnostic and therapeutic decision making in a complex situation. This thesis contributes in three clinical areas: (1) For clinical diagnostic image evaluation, computer-aided detection and diagnosis of mass and non-mass lesions in breast MRI is developed. 4D texture features characterize mass lesions. For non-mass lesions, a combined detection/characterisation method utilizes the bilateral symmetry of the breast s contrast agent uptake. (2) To improve clinical workflows, a breast MRI reading paradigm is proposed, exemplified by a breast MRI reading workstation prototype. Instead of mouse and keyboard, it is operated using multi-touch gestures. The concept is extended to mammography screening, introducing efficient navigation aids. (3) Contributions to finite element modeling of breast tissue deformations tackle two clinical problems: surgery planning and the prediction of the breast deformation in a MRI biopsy device

    What scans we will read: imaging instrumentation trends in clinical oncology

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    Oncological diseases account for a significant portion of the burden on public healthcare systems with associated costs driven primarily by complex and long-lasting therapies. Through the visualization of patient-specific morphology and functional-molecular pathways, cancerous tissue can be detected and characterized non- invasively, so as to provide referring oncologists with essential information to support therapy management decisions. Following the onset of stand-alone anatomical and functional imaging, we witness a push towards integrating molecular image information through various methods, including anato-metabolic imaging (e.g., PET/ CT), advanced MRI, optical or ultrasound imaging. This perspective paper highlights a number of key technological and methodological advances in imaging instrumentation related to anatomical, functional, molecular medicine and hybrid imaging, that is understood as the hardware-based combination of complementary anatomical and molecular imaging. These include novel detector technologies for ionizing radiation used in CT and nuclear medicine imaging, and novel system developments in MRI and optical as well as opto-acoustic imaging. We will also highlight new data processing methods for improved non-invasive tissue characterization. Following a general introduction to the role of imaging in oncology patient management we introduce imaging methods with well-defined clinical applications and potential for clinical translation. For each modality, we report first on the status quo and point to perceived technological and methodological advances in a subsequent status go section. Considering the breadth and dynamics of these developments, this perspective ends with a critical reflection on where the authors, with the majority of them being imaging experts with a background in physics and engineering, believe imaging methods will be in a few years from now. Overall, methodological and technological medical imaging advances are geared towards increased image contrast, the derivation of reproducible quantitative parameters, an increase in volume sensitivity and a reduction in overall examination time. To ensure full translation to the clinic, this progress in technologies and instrumentation is complemented by progress in relevant acquisition and image-processing protocols and improved data analysis. To this end, we should accept diagnostic images as “data”, and – through the wider adoption of advanced analysis, including machine learning approaches and a “big data” concept – move to the next stage of non-invasive tumor phenotyping. The scans we will be reading in 10 years from now will likely be composed of highly diverse multi- dimensional data from multiple sources, which mandate the use of advanced and interactive visualization and analysis platforms powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for real-time data handling by cross-specialty clinical experts with a domain knowledge that will need to go beyond that of plain imaging


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    Acousto-optic (AO) sensing and imaging (AOI) is a dual-wave modality that combines ultrasound with diffusive light to measure and/or image the optical properties of optically diffusive media, including biological tissues such as breast and brain. The light passing through a focused ultrasound beam undergoes a phase modulation at the ultrasound frequency that is detected using an adaptive interferometer scheme employing a GaAs photorefractive crystal (PRC). The PRC-based AO system operating at 1064 nm is described, along with the underlying theory, validating experiments, characterization, and optimization of this sensing and imaging apparatus. The spatial resolution of AO sensing, which is determined by spatial dimensions of the ultrasound beam or pulse, can be sub-millimeter for megahertz-frequency sound waves.A modified approach for quantifying the optical properties of diffuse media with AO sensing employs the ratio of AO signals generated at two different ultrasound focal pressures. The resulting “pressure contrast signal” (PCS), once calibrated for a particular set of pressure pulses, yields a direct measure of the spatially averaged optical transport attenuation coefficient within the interaction volume between light and sound. This is a significant improvement over current AO sensing methods since it produces a quantitative measure of the optical properties of optically diffuse media without a priori knowledge of the background illumination. It can also be used to generate images based on spatial variations in both optical scattering and absorption. Finally, the AO sensing system is modified to monitor the irreversible optical changes associated with the tissue heating from high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapy, providing a powerful method for noninvasively sensing the onset and growth of thermal lesions in soft tissues. A single HIFU transducer is used to simultaneously generate tissue damage and pump the AO interaction. Experimental results performed in excised chicken breast demonstrate that AO sensing can identify the onset and growth of lesion formation in real time and, when used as feedback to guide exposure parameters, results in more predictable lesion formation.Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface and Imaging Systems (CenSSIS) via the NSF ERC award number EEC-9986821


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    Acousto-optic (AO) sensing and imaging (AOI) is a dual-wave modality that combines ultrasound with diffusive light to measure and/or image the optical properties of optically diffusive media, including biological tissues such as breast and brain. The light passing through a focused ultrasound beam undergoes a phase modulation at the ultrasound frequency that is detected using an adaptive interferometer scheme employing a GaAs photorefractive crystal (PRC). The PRC-based AO system operating at 1064 nm is described, along with the underlying theory, validating experiments, characterization, and optimization of this sensing and imaging apparatus. The spatial resolution of AO sensing, which is determined by spatial dimensions of the ultrasound beam or pulse, can be sub-millimeter for megahertz-frequency sound waves.A modified approach for quantifying the optical properties of diffuse media with AO sensing employs the ratio of AO signals generated at two different ultrasound focal pressures. The resulting “pressure contrast signal” (PCS), once calibrated for a particular set of pressure pulses, yields a direct measure of the spatially averaged optical transport attenuation coefficient within the interaction volume between light and sound. This is a significant improvement over current AO sensing methods since it produces a quantitative measure of the optical properties of optically diffuse media without a priori knowledge of the background illumination. It can also be used to generate images based on spatial variations in both optical scattering and absorption. Finally, the AO sensing system is modified to monitor the irreversible optical changes associated with the tissue heating from high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapy, providing a powerful method for noninvasively sensing the onset and growth of thermal lesions in soft tissues. A single HIFU transducer is used to simultaneously generate tissue damage and pump the AO interaction. Experimental results performed in excised chicken breast demonstrate that AO sensing can identify the onset and growth of lesion formation in real time and, when used as feedback to guide exposure parameters, results in more predictable lesion formation.Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface and Imaging Systems (CenSSIS) via the NSF ERC award number EEC-9986821

    Cable-driven parallel mechanisms for minimally invasive robotic surgery

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    Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has revolutionised surgery by providing faster recovery times, less post-operative complications, improved cosmesis and reduced pain for the patient. Surgical robotics are used to further decrease the invasiveness of procedures, by using yet smaller and fewer incisions or using natural orifices as entry point. However, many robotic systems still suffer from technical challenges such as sufficient instrument dexterity and payloads, leading to limited adoption in clinical practice. Cable-driven parallel mechanisms (CDPMs) have unique properties, which can be used to overcome existing challenges in surgical robotics. These beneficial properties include high end-effector payloads, efficient force transmission and a large configurable instrument workspace. However, the use of CDPMs in MIS is largely unexplored. This research presents the first structured exploration of CDPMs for MIS and demonstrates the potential of this type of mechanism through the development of multiple prototypes: the ESD CYCLOPS, CDAQS, SIMPLE, neuroCYCLOPS and microCYCLOPS. One key challenge for MIS is the access method used to introduce CDPMs into the body. Three different access methods are presented by the prototypes. By focusing on the minimally invasive access method in which CDPMs are introduced into the body, the thesis provides a framework, which can be used by researchers, engineers and clinicians to identify future opportunities of CDPMs in MIS. Additionally, through user studies and pre-clinical studies, these prototypes demonstrate that this type of mechanism has several key advantages for surgical applications in which haptic feedback, safe automation or a high payload are required. These advantages, combined with the different access methods, demonstrate that CDPMs can have a key role in the advancement of MIS technology.Open Acces

    How sonoporation disrupts cellular structural integrity: morphological and cytoskeletal observations

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    Posters: no. 1Control ID: 1672429OBJECTIVES: In considering sonoporation for drug delivery applications, it is essential to understand how living cells respond to this puncturing force. Here we seek to investigate the effects of sonoporation on cellular structural integrity. We hypothesize that the membrane morphology and cytoskeletal behavior of sonoporated cells under recovery would inherently differ from that of normal viable cells. METHODS: A customized and calibrated exposure platform was developed for this work, and the ZR-75-30 breast carcinoma cells were used as the cell model. The cells were exposed to either single or multiple pulses of 1 MHz ultrasound (pulse length: 30 or 100 cycles; PRF: 1kHz; duration: up to 60s) with 0.45 MPa spatial-averaged peak negative pressure and in the presence of lipid-shelled microbubbles. Confocal microscopy was used to examine insitu the structural integrity of sonoporated cells (identified as ones with exogenous fluorescent marker internalization). For investigations on membrane morphology, FM 4-64 was used as the membrane dye (red), and calcein was used as the sonoporation marker (green); for studies on cytoskeletal behavior, CellLight (green) and propidium iodide (red) were used to respectively label actin filaments and sonoporated cells. Observation started from before exposure to up to 2 h after exposure, and confocal images were acquired at real-time frame rates. Cellular structural features and their temporal kinetics were quantitatively analyzed to assess the consistency of trends amongst a group of cells. RESULTS: Sonoporated cells exhibited membrane shrinkage (decreased by 61% in a cell’s cross-sectional area) and intracellular lipid accumulation (381% increase compared to control) over a 2 h period. The morphological repression of sonoporated cells was also found to correspond with post-sonoporation cytoskeletal processes: actin depolymerization was observed as soon as pores were induced on the membrane. These results show that cellular structural integrity is indeed disrupted over the course of sonoporation. CONCLUSIONS: Our investigation shows that the biophysical impact of sonoporation is by no means limited to the induction of membrane pores: e.g. structural integrity is concomitantly affected in the process. This prompts the need for further fundamental studies to unravel the complex sequence of biological events involved in sonoporation.postprin

    Developmental delays and subcellular stress as downstream effects of sonoporation

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    Posters: no. 2Control ID: 1672434OBJECTIVES: The biological impact of sonoporation has often been overlooked. Here we seek to obtain insight into the cytotoxic impact of sonoporation by gaining new perspectives on anti-proliferative characteristics that may emerge within sonoporated cells. We particularly focused on investigating the cell-cycle progression kinetics of sonoporated cells and identifying organelles that may be stressed in the recovery process. METHODS: In line with recommendations on exposure hardware design, an immersion-based ultrasound platform has been developed. It delivers 1 MHz ultrasound pulses (100 cycles; 1 kHz PRF; 60 s total duration) with 0.45 MPa peak negative pressure to a cell chamber that housed HL-60 leukemia cells and lipid-shelled microbubbles at a 10:1 cell-tobubble ratio (for 1e6/ml cell density). Calcein was used to facilitate tracking of sonoporated cells with enhanced uptake of exogenous molecules. The developmental trend of sonoporated cells was quantitatively analyzed using BrdU/DNA flow cytometry that monitors the cell population’s DNA synthesis kinetics. This allowed us to measure the temporal progression of DNA synthesis of sonoporated cells. To investigate whether sonoporation would upset subcellular homeostasis, post-exposure cell samples were also assayed for various proteins using Western blot analysis. Analysis focus was placed on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER): an important organelle with multi-faceted role in cellular functioning. The post-exposure observation time spanned between 0-24 h. RESULTS: Despite maintaining viability, sonoporated cells were found to exhibit delays in cell-cycle progression. Specifically, their DNA synthesis time was lengthened substantially (for HL-60 cells: 8.7 h for control vs 13.4 h for the sonoporated group). This indicates that sonoporated cells were under stress: a phenomenon that is supported by our Western blot assays showing upregulation of ER-resident enzymes (PDI, Ero1), ER stress sensors (PERK, IRE1), and ER-triggered pro-apoptotic signals (CHOP, JNK). CONCLUSIONS: Sonoporation, whilst being able to facilitate internalization of exogenous molecules, may inadvertently elicit a cellular stress response. These findings seem to echo recent calls for reconsideration of efficiency issues in sonoporation-mediated drug delivery. Further efforts would be necessary to improve the efficiency of sonoporation-based biomedical applications where cell death is not desirable.postprin

    A study on the change in plasma membrane potential during sonoporation

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    Posters: no. 4Control ID: 1680329OBJECTIVES: There has been validated that the correlation of sonoporation with calcium transients is generated by ultrasound-mediated microbubbles activity. Besides calcium, other ionic flows are likely involved in sonoporation. Our hypothesis is the cell electrophysiological properties are related to the intracellular delivery by ultrasound and microbubbles. In this study, a real-time live cell imaging platform is used to determine whether plasma membrane potential change is related to the sonoporation process at the cellular level. METHODS: Hela cells were cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS in Opticell Chamber at 37 °C and 5% CO2, and reached 80% confluency before experiments. The Calcein Blue-AM, DiBAC4(3) loaded cells in the Opticell chamber filled with PI solution and Sonovue microbubbles were immerged in a water tank on a inverted fluorescence microscope. Pulsed ultrasound (1MHz freq., 20 cycles, 20Hz PRF, 0.2-0.5MPa PNP) was irradiated at the angle of 45° to the region of interest for 1s.The real-time fluorescence imaging for different probes was acquired by a cooled CCD camera every 20s for 10min. The time-lapse fluorescence images were quantitatively analyzed to evaluate the correlation of cell viability, intracellular delivery with plasma membrane potential change. RESULTS: Our preliminary data showed that the PI fluorescence, which indicated intracellular delivery, was immediately accumulated in cells adjacent to microbubbles after exposure, suggesting that their membranes were damaged by ultrasound-activated microbubbles. However, the fluorescence reached its highest level within 4 to 6 minutes and was unchanged thereafter, indicating the membrane was gradually repaired within this period. Furthermore, using DIBAC4(3), which detected the change in the cell membrane potential, we found that the loss of membrane potential might be associated with intracellular delivery, because the PI fluorescence accumulation was usually accompanied with the change in DIBAC4 (3) fluorescence. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that there may be a linkage between the cell membrane potential change and intracellular delivery mediated by ultrasound and microbubbles. We also suggest that other ionic flows or ion channels may be involved in the cell membrane potential change in sonoporation. Further efforts to explore the cellular mechanism of this phenomenon will improve our understanding of sonoporation.postprin
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