75 research outputs found

    Magneto-Rheological Actuators for Human-Safe Robots: Modeling, Control, and Implementation

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    In recent years, research on physical human-robot interaction has received considerable attention. Research on this subject has led to the study of new control and actuation mechanisms for robots in order to achieve intrinsic safety. Naturally, intrinsic safety is only achievable in kinematic structures that exhibit low output impedance. Existing solutions for reducing impedance are commonly obtained at the expense of reduced performance, or significant increase in mechanical complexity. Achieving high performance while guaranteeing safety seems to be a challenging goal that necessitates new actuation technologies in future generations of human-safe robots. In this study, a novel two degrees-of-freedom safe manipulator is presented. The manipulator uses magneto-rheological fluid-based actuators. Magneto-rheological actuators offer low inertia-to-torque and mass-to-torque ratios which support their applications in human-friendly actuation. As a key element in the design of the manipulator, bi-directional actuation is attained by antagonistically coupling MR actuators at the joints. Antagonistically coupled MR actuators at the joints allow using a single motor to drive multiple joints. The motor is located at the base of the manipulator in order to further reduce the overall weight of the robot. Due to the unique characteristic of MR actuators, intrinsically safe actuation is achieved without compromising high quality actuation. Despite these advantages, modeling and control of MR actuators present some challenges. The antagonistic configuration of MR actuators may result in limit cycles in some cases when the actuator operates in the position control loop. To study the possibility of limit cycles, describing function method is employed to obtain the conditions under which limit cycles may occur in the operation of the system. Moreover, a connection between the amplitude and the frequency of the potential limit cycles and the system parameters is established to provide an insight into the design of the actuator as well as the controller. MR actuators require magnetic fields to control their output torques. The application of magnetic field however introduces hysteresis in the behaviors of MR actuators. To this effect, an adaptive model is developed to estimate the hysteretic behavior of the actuator. The effectiveness of the model is evaluated by comparing its results with those obtained using the Preisach model. These results are then extended to an adaptive control scheme in order to compensate for the effect of hysteresis. In both modeling and control, stability of proposed schemes are evaluated using Lyapunov method, and the effectiveness of the proposed methods are validated with experimental results

    Hybrid Magneto-Rheological Actuators for Human Friendly Robotic Manipulators

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    In recent years, many developments in the field of the physical human robot interaction (pHRI) have been witnessed and significant attentions have been given to the subject of safety within the interactive environments. Ensuring the safety has led to the design of the robots that are physically unable to hurt humans. However, Such systems commonly suffer from the safety-performance trade-off. Magneto-Rheological (MR) fluids are a special class of fluids that exhibit variable yield stress with respect to an applied magnetic field. Devices developed with such fluids are known to provide the prerequisite requirements of intrinsic safe actuation while maintaining the dynamical performance of the actuator. In this study, a new concept for generating magnetic field in Magneto-Rheological (MR) clutches is presented. The main rationale behind this concept is to divide the magnetic field generation into two parts using an electromagnetic coil and a permanent magnet. The main rationale behind this concept is to utilize a hybrid combination of electromagnetic coil and a permanent magnet. The combination of permanent magnets and electromagnetic coils in Hybrid Magneto-Rheological (HMR) clutches allows to distribute the magnetic field inside an MR clutch more uniformly. Moreover, The use of a permanent magnet dramatically reduces the mass of MR clutches for a given value of the nominal torque that results in developing higher torque-to-mass ratio. High torque-to-mass and torque-to-inertia ratios in HMR clutches promotes the use of these devices in human-friendly actuation

    Design and Development of Magneto-Rheological Actuators with Application in Mobile Robotics

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    In recent years, Magneto-Rheological (MR) fluids devices are widely studied and used for various purposes. Among these MR fluids devices, the MR actuator has attracted increasing attention for last two decades. An MR actuator is usually made of an active component (motor) and MR clutches. Compared with the regular actuators, the MR actuator features compliance due to the existence of MR fluids, which is commonly consider as benefits at the aspect of safety. On the other hand, the MR actuator has advantages on controllable bandwidth, torque-mass and torque-inertia ratios compared with the other compliant actuators. In this study, a new closed-loop, Field-Programable-Gate-Array (FPGA) based control scheme to linearize an MR clutch\u27s input-output relationship is presented. The feedback signal used in this control scheme is the magnetic field acquired from hall sensors within the MR clutch. The FPGA board uses this feedback signal to compensate for the nonlinear behavior of the MR clutch using an estimated model of the clutch magnetic field. The local use of an FPGA board will dramatically simplify the use of MR clutches for torque actuation. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is validated using an experimental platform that includes an MR clutch as part of a compliant actuation mechanism. The results clearly demonstrate that the use of the FPGA based closed-loop control scheme can effectively eliminate hysteretic behaviors of the MR clutch, allowing to have linear actuators with predictable behaviors. Moreover, a novel optimization design of MR clutches is proposed. Based on the optimization, the characteristics of MR clutches in three common configurations are discussed and compared. People can select suitable configuration of MR clutch before design. Lastly, a lightweight mobile robot is developed by using MR actuators. This mobile robot also has large driving force and can stop at any positions without running the motor

    Design of a Haptic Interface for Medical Applications using Magneto-Rheological Fluid based Actuators

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    This thesis reports on the design, construction, and evaluation of a prototype two degrees-of-freedom (DOF) haptic interface, which takes advantage of Magneto-Rheological Fluid (MRF) based clutches for actuation. Haptic information provides important cues in teleoperated systems and enables the user to feel the interaction with a remote or virtual environment during teleoperation. The two main objectives in designing a haptic interface are stability and transparency. Indeed, deficiencies in these factors in haptics-enabled telerobotic systems has the introduction of haptics in medical environments where safety and reliability are prime considerations. An actuator with poor dynamics, high inertia, large size, and heavy weight can significantly undermine the stability and transparency of a teleoperated system. In this work, the potential benefits of MRF-based actuators to the field of haptics in medical applications are studied. Devices developed with such fluids are known to possess superior mechanical characteristics over conventional servo systems. These characteristics significantly contribute to improved stability and transparency of haptic devices. This idea is evaluated and verified through both theoretical and experimental points of view. The design of a small-scale MRF-based clutch, suitable for a multi-DOF haptic interface, is discussed and its performance is compared with conventional servo systems. This design is developed into four prototype clutches. In addition, a closed-loop torque control strategy is presented. The feedback signal used in this control scheme comes from the magnetic field acquired from embedded Hall sensors in the clutch. The controller uses this feedback signal to compensate for the nonlinear behavior using an estimated model, based on Artificial Neural Networks. Such a control strategy eliminates the need for torque sensors for providing feedback signals. The performance of the developed design and the effectiveness of the proposed modeling and control techniques are experimentally validated. Next, a 2-DOF haptic interface based on a distributed antagonistic configuration of MRF-based clutches is constructed for a class of medical applications. This device is incorporated in a master-slave teleoperation setup that is used for applications involving needle insertion and soft-tissue palpation. Phantom and in vitro animal tissue were used to assess the performance of the haptic interface. The results show a great potential of MRF-based actuators for integration in haptic devices for medical interventions that require reliable, safe, accurate, highly transparent, and stable force reflection

    A lightweight magnetorheological actuator using hybrid magnetization

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    Copyright © 2020, IEEE This paper presents the design and validation of a lightweight Magneto-Rheological (MR) clutch, called Hybrid Magneto-Rheological (HMR) clutch. The clutch utilizes a hybrid magnetization using an electromagnetic coil and a permanent magnet. The electromagnetic coil can adjust the magnetic fieldgenerated by the permanent magnet to a desired value, and fully control the transmitted torque. To achieve the maximum torque to mass ratio, the design of HMR clutch is formulated as a multiobjective optimization problem with three design objectives, namely the transmitted torque, the mass of the clutch, and themagnetic field strength within the clutch pack. A prototype of the HMR clutch is fabricated and its dynamic performance is experimentally validated. Experimental results clearly demonstrate the advantages of the HMR clutch in applications requiring fast and precise motion and torque control. This article presents the design and validation5 of a lightweight magnetorheological (MR) clutch, called hy6brid magnetorheological (HMR) clutch. The clutch utilizes7 a hybrid magnetization using an electromagnetic coil and8 a permanent magnet. The electromagnetic coil can adjust9 the magnetic field generated by the permanent magnet to10 a desired value and fully control the transmitted torque. To11 achieve the maximum torque-to-mass ratio, the design of12 the HMR clutch is formulated as a multiobjective optimiza13tion problemwith three design objectives, namely the trans14mitted torque, themass of the clutch, and themagnetic field15 strength within the clutch pack. A prototype of the HMR16 clutch is fabricated, and its dynamic performance is ex17perimentally validated. Experimental results clearly demon18strate the advantages of the HMR clutch in applications19 requiring fast and precise motion and torque control


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    Design, Development, and Evaluation of Customized Electronics for Controlling a 5-DOF Magneto-Rheological Actuator Collaborative Robot

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    In recent years, Magneto-Rheological (MR) fluids has been used in various fields such as robotics, automotive, aerospace, etc. The most common use of the MR fluids is within a clutch-like mechanism, namely an MR clutch. When mechanical input is coupled to the input part of the MR clutch, the MR clutch provides a means of delivering this mechanical input to its output, through the MR fluids. The combination of the mechanical input device and the MR clutch is called an MR actuator. The MR actuator features inherently compliance owing to the characteristic of the MR fluids while also offering higher torque-to-mass and torque-to-inertia ratios over common actuators. As such, MR actuators are suitable candidates for human-safe and collaborative robots. The goal of this study is to design, develop and test customized electronic drivers that are compact and powerful to enable effective low-level control of the robot joints. The electronic drivers are responsible for sensor data processing, between-joint communication, supplying electric power, and executing control actions. The hardware design is optimized to handle transient current and voltage, and dissipate heat generated by components. Moreover, software development is based on μ C/OS-II real-time operating system to handle multiple time-critical tasks and to guarantee the stability and effectiveness of robot control system. A series of experiments are conducted to validate the designed hardware and software systems, and evaluate their performance

    Étude de faisabilité d’un système de distribution de puissance hydrostatique utilisant des embrayages magnétorhéologiques destiné aux exosquelettes

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    Les exosquelettes sont des robots mobiles assistant les humains de multiples façons, que ce soit pour la réadaptation, l’augmentation de la force ou la réduction du coût métabolique. Plusieurs exosquelettes sont maintenant commercialisés et utilisés dans des domaines militaires, médicaux et industriels. Ces dispositifs doivent interagir avec l’humain, et donc posséder un haut niveau de transparence mécanique qui est atteint ultimement lorsque les mouvements humains ne sont pas affectés par le robot. Cette aptitude constitue en fait le plus grand défi de conception d’un exosquelette. Les deux caractéristiques qui définissent une bonne transparence sont une bande passante élevée et une bonne réversibilité du mécanisme. Pour atteindre ces deux critères, le système de distribution de puissance, constitué de l’actionnement et de la transmission, doit être léger, doit posséder peu d’inertie reflétée et peu de friction. Les systèmes de distribution de puissance utilisés actuellement dans les exosquelettes comportent par contre un compromis fondamental entre une bonne densité de force et un bon niveau de transparence; en général, les exosquelettes forts ne sont pas transparents, et vice-versa. Certaines applications requièrent par contre à la fois force et transparence, un exosquelette pour la course en est un bon exemple. Dans le but de pallier cette problématique, ce mémoire présente le développement et la caractérisation d’un système de distribution de puissance possédant une bonne densité de force ainsi qu’un bon niveau de transparence. Ce système est composé d’embrayages magnétorhéologiques (MR) couplés à une transmission hydrostatique comportant des cylindres à membranes déroulantes. Les embrayages MR possèdent une bonne bande passante (>50 Hz), une bonne densité de force et peu d’inertie reflétée. Couplée aux embrayages MR, la transmission hydrostatique est très rigide, possède peu de friction ainsi qu’une faible inertie. La transparence a été évaluée expérimentalement et à l’aide d’un modèle analytique et numérique. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que le système est à la fois fort et transparent, ce qui lui confère un haut potentiel d’être employé dans les exosquelettes. Les essais expérimentaux ont été effectués sur une interface haptique à un degré de liberté prenant la forme d’un joystick. Les résultats démontrent une bonne transparence du système avec une bande passante supérieure à 40 Hz et des niveaux des forces restrictives (inertie et friction) ne dépassant pas 11 % de la force maximale (bonne réversibilité du mécanisme) de 112 N au bout du joint haptique. Le modèle analytique et numérique élaboré confirme ces résultats et sert également de guide à la conception en fournissant des tendances de bande passante et de forces restrictives en fonctions de différents paramètres de la transmission hydrostatique. Enfin, les performances de ce système ouvrent la voie à de nombreuses applications d’exosquelettes transparents, forts, peu coûteux et versatiles