425 research outputs found

    Bioinspired Soft Actuation System Using Shape Memory Alloys

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    Soft robotics requires technologies that are capable of generating forces even though the bodies are composed of very light, flexible and soft elements. A soft actuation mechanism was developed in this work, taking inspiration from the arm of the Octopus vulgaris, specifically from the muscular hydrostat which represents its constitutive muscular structure. On the basis of the authors’ previous works on shape memory alloy (SMA) springs used as soft actuators, a specific arrangement of such SMA springs is presented, which is combined with a flexible braided sleeve featuring a conical shape and a motor-driven cable. This robot arm is able to perform tasks in water such as grasping, multi-bending gestures, shortening and elongation along its longitudinal axis. The whole structure of the arm is described in detail and experimental results on workspace, bending and grasping capabilities and generated forces are presented. Moreover, this paper demonstrates that it is possible to realize a self-contained octopus-like robotic arm with no rigid parts, highly adaptable and suitable to be mounted on underwater vehicles. Its softness allows interaction with all types of objects with very low risks of damage and limited safety issues, while at the same time producing relatively high forces when necessary

    A general method for the design and fabrication of shape memory alloy active spring actuators

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    Shape memory alloys have been widely proposed as actuators, in fields such as robotics, biomimetics and microsystems: in particular spring actuators are the most widely used, due to their simplicity of fabrication. The aim of this paper is to provide a general model and the techniques for fabricating SMA spring actuators. All the steps of the design process are described: a mechanical model to optimize the mechanical characteristic for a given requirement of force and available space, and a thermal model for the estimation of the electrical power needed for activation. The parameters of both models are obtained by experimental measurements, which are described in the paper. The models are then validated on springs manufactured manually, showing also the fabrication process. The design method is valid for the dimensioning of SMA springs, independently from the external ambient conditions. The influence on the actuator bandwidth was investigated for different working environments, providing numerical indications for the utilization in underwater applications. The spring characteristics can be calculated by the mechanical model with an accuracy of 5%. The thermal model allows one to calculate the current needed for activation under different ambient conditions, in order to guarantee activation in the specific loading conditions. Moreover, two solutions were found to reduce the power consumption by more than 40% without a dramatic reduction of bandwidth

    Safe Supervisory Control of Soft Robot Actuators

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    Although soft robots show safer interactions with their environment than traditional robots, soft mechanisms and actuators still have significant potential for damage or degradation particularly during unmodeled contact. This article introduces a feedback strategy for safe soft actuator operation during control of a soft robot. To do so, a supervisory controller monitors actuator state and dynamically saturates control inputs to avoid conditions that could lead to physical damage. We prove that, under certain conditions, the supervisory controller is stable and verifiably safe. We then demonstrate completely onboard operation of the supervisory controller using a soft thermally-actuated robot limb with embedded shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators and sensing. Tests performed with the supervisor verify its theoretical properties and show stabilization of the robot limb's pose in free space. Finally, experiments show that our approach prevents overheating during contact (including environmental constraints and human contact) or when infeasible motions are commanded. This supervisory controller, and its ability to be executed with completely onboard sensing, has the potential to make soft robot actuators reliable enough for practical use

    Frontiers of robotic endoscopic capsules: a review

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    Digestive diseases are a major burden for society and healthcare systems, and with an aging population, the importance of their effective management will become critical. Healthcare systems worldwide already struggle to insure quality and affordability of healthcare delivery and this will be a significant challenge in the midterm future. Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE), introduced in 2000 by Given Imaging Ltd., is an example of disruptive technology and represents an attractive alternative to traditional diagnostic techniques. WCE overcomes conventional endoscopy enabling inspection of the digestive system without discomfort or the need for sedation. Thus, it has the advantage of encouraging patients to undergo gastrointestinal (GI) tract examinations and of facilitating mass screening programmes. With the integration of further capabilities based on microrobotics, e.g. active locomotion and embedded therapeutic modules, WCE could become the key-technology for GI diagnosis and treatment. This review presents a research update on WCE and describes the state-of-the-art of current endoscopic devices with a focus on research-oriented robotic capsule endoscopes enabled by microsystem technologies. The article also presents a visionary perspective on WCE potential for screening, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures

    Capability by Stacking: The Current Design Heuristic for Soft Robots

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    Soft robots are a new class of systems being developed and studied by robotics scientists. These systems have a diverse range of applications including sub-sea manipulation and rehabilitative robotics. In their current state of development, the prevalent paradigm for the control architecture in these systems is a one-to-one mapping of controller outputs to actuators. In this work, we define functional blocks as the physical implementation of some discrete behaviors, which are presented as a decomposition of the behavior of the soft robot. We also use the term ‘stacking’ as the ability to combine functional blocks to create a system that is more complex and has greater capability than the sum of its parts. By stacking functional blocks a system designer can increase the range of behaviors and the overall capability of the system. As the community continues to increase the capabilities of soft systems—by stacking more and more functional blocks—we will encounter a practical limit with the number of parallelized control lines. In this paper, we review 20 soft systems reported in the literature and we observe this trend of one-to-one mapping of control outputs to functional blocks. We also observe that stacking functional blocks results in systems that are increasingly capable of a diverse range of complex motions and behaviors, leading ultimately to systems that are capable of performing useful tasks. The design heuristic that we observe is one of increased capability by stacking simple units—a classic engineering approach. As we move towards more capability in soft robotic systems, and begin to reach practical limits in control, we predict that we will require increased amounts of autonomy in the system. The field of soft robotics is in its infancy, and as we move towards realizing the potential of this technology, we will need to develop design tools and control paradigms that allow us to handle the complexity in these stacked, non-linear systems
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