2,876 research outputs found

    Development of a micromanipulation system with force sensing

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    This article provides in-depth knowledge about our undergoing effort to develop an open architecture micromanipulation system with force sensing capabilities. The major requirement to perform any micromanipulation task effectively is to ensure the controlled motion of actuators within nanometer accuracy with low overshoot even under the influence of disturbances. Moreover, to achieve high dexterity in manipulation, control of the interaction forces is required. In micromanipulation, control of interaction forces necessitates force sensing in milli-Newton range with nano-Newton resolution. In this paper, we present a position controller based on a discrete time sliding mode control architecture along with a disturbance observer. Experimental verifications for this controller are demonstrated for 100, 50 and 10 nanometer step inputs applied to PZT stages. Our results indicate that position tracking accuracies up to 10 nanometers, without any overshoot and low steady state error are achievable. Furthermore, the paper includes experimental verification of force sensing within nano-Newton resolution using a piezoresistive cantilever endeffector. Experimental results are compared to the theoretical estimates of the change in attractive forces as a function of decreasing distance and of the pull off force between a silicon tip and a glass surface, respectively. Good agreement among the experimental data and the theoretical estimates has been demonstrated

    Model-Free Adaptive Sensing and Control for a Piezoelectrically Actuated System

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    Since the piezoelectrically actuated system has nonlinear and time-varying behavior, it is difficult to establish an accurate dynamic model for a model-based sensing and control design. Here, a model-free adaptive sliding controller is proposed to improve the small travel and hysteresis defects of piezoelectrically actuated systems. This sensing and control strategy employs the functional approximation technique (FAT) to establish the unknown function for eliminating the model-based requirement of the sliding-mode control. The piezoelectrically actuated system’s nonlinear functions can be approximated by using the combination of a finite number of weighted Fourier series basis functions. The unknown weighted vector can be estimated by an updating rule. The important advantage of this approach is to achieve the sliding-mode controller design without the system dynamic model requirement. The update laws for the coefficients of the Fourier series functions are derived from a Lyapunov function to guarantee the control system stability. This proposed controller is implemented on a piezoelectrically actuated X-Y table. The dynamic experimental result of this proposed FAT controller is compared with that of a traditional model-based sliding-mode controller to show the performance improvement for the motion tracking performance

    Control of a 3D piezo-actuating table by using an adaptive sliding-mode controller for a drilling process

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    AbstractRecently, the micropositioner has become an important developing target for achieving the requirements of precision machinery. The piezo-actuating device plays a very important role in this application area. In this paper, a model-free adaptive sliding-mode controller is proposed for a 3D piezo-actuating system because of the system’s hysteresis nonlinearity and time-varying characteristics. This control strategy employs the functional approximation technique to establish the unknown function for releasing the model based requirements of the sliding-mode control. The update laws for the coefficients of the Fourier series function parameters are derived from a Lyapunov function to guarantee the control system stability. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed controller, drilling process control using the designed controller is investigated in this paper


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    A distributed parameters modeling and control framework for flexible solid-state hysteretic actuator is presented in this work. For the simplicity of analysis, the actuator dynamic behavior is decoupled and treated separately from the hysteresis nonlinearity. To include the effects of widely-used flexural mechanisms, a mass-spring-damper boundary condition is considered for system. Moreover, the effect of electromechanical actuation is included as a concentrate force at the boundary. The problem is then divided into two parts: first part deals with free motion analysis of system in order to obtain eigenvalues and eigenfunctions using the expansion theorem and a standard eigenvalue problem procedure. The effects of different boundary mass and spring values on the natural frequencies and mode shapes are demonstrated, which indicate their significant contribution to system performance. In the second part, forced motion analysis of system and its state-space representation are presented. A frequency based control strategy utilizing widely used Lyapunov theorem is designed to obtain an accurate control over the actuator motion. A robust variable structure control is incorporated into the developed controller for compensation of ever-present plant structural uncertainties. A full order state feedback observer is designed to accurately mimic the states of an unobservable plant. An optimization algorithm is developed to compute the optimal observer gain matrix. Various frequency tracking simulations are performed using feedback controller-observer model to observe the effect of modes deficiency on the tracking frequency bandwidth of the controller. Finally, for the accurate prediction of nonlinear multi-loop hysteresis effect, a major source of inaccuracies at quasi-static frequency, a recently developed hysteresis model based on three hysteric properties of piezoelectric material namely targeting of turning points, curve alignment and the wiping-out effect is used. Initially, the hysteresis nonlinearity is decoupled from the looping effect and modeled separately using an exponential function. The obtained exponential function is then utilized in a nonlinear mapping procedure, where it is mapped between consequent turning points recorded in model memory unit. This mapping also uses four constant shaping parameters - two for the ascending and two for the descending hysteresis trajectories. A proportional integral (PI) controller is used for the compensation of hysteresis nonlinearity. Performance of PI controller is validated using several numerical simulations. Finally, the method of combining robust feedback control strategy with the feedforward hysteresis compensation technique is presented to accomplish the precise control over actuator motion

    Modeling and Control of Piezoactive Micro and Nano Systems

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    Piezoelectrically-driven (piezoactive) systems such as nanopositioning platforms, scanning probe microscopes, and nanomechanical cantilever probes are advantageous devices enabling molecular-level imaging, manipulation, and characterization in disciplines ranging from materials science to physics and biology. Such emerging applications require precise modeling, control and manipulation of objects, components and subsystems ranging in sizes from few nanometers to micrometers. This dissertation presents a comprehensive modeling and control framework for piezoactive micro and nano systems utilized in various applications. The development of a precise memory-based hysteresis model for feedforward tracking as well as a Lyapunov-based robust-adaptive controller for feedback tracking control of nanopositioning stages are presented first. Although hysteresis is the most degrading factor in feedforward control, it can be effectively compensated through a robust feedback control design. Moreover, an adaptive controller can enhance the performance of closed-loop system that suffers from parametric uncertainties at high-frequency operations. Comparisons with the widely-used PID controller demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller in tracking of high-frequency trajectories. The proposed controller is then implemented in a laser-free Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) setup for high-speed and low-cost imaging of surfaces with micrometer and nanometer scale variations. It is demonstrated that the developed AFM is able to produce high-quality images at scanning frequencies up to 30 Hz, where a PID controller is unable to present acceptable results. To improve the control performance of piezoactive nanopositioning stages in tracking of time-varying trajectories with frequent stepped discontinuities, which is a common problem in SPM systems, a supervisory switching controller is designed and integrated with the proposed robust adaptive controller. The controller switches between two control modes, one mode tuned for stepped trajectory tracking and the other one tuned for continuous trajectory tracking. Switching conditions and compatibility conditions of the control inputs in switching instances are derived and analyzed. Experimental implementation of the proposed switching controller indicates significant improvements of control performance in tracking of time-varying discontinuous trajectories for which single-mode controllers yield undesirable results. Distributed-parameters modeling and control of rod-type solid-state actuators are then studied to enable accurate tracking control of piezoactive positioning systems in a wide frequency range including several resonant frequencies of system. Using the extended Hamilton\u27s principle, system partial differential equation of motion and its boundary conditions are derived. Standard vibration analysis techniques are utilized to formulate the truncated finite-mode state-space representation of the system. A new state-space controller is then proposed for asymptotic output tracking control of system. Integration of an optimal state-observer and a Lyapunov-based robust controller are presented and discussed to improve the practicability of the proposed framework. Simulation results demonstrate that distributed-parameters modeling and control is inevitable if ultra-high bandwidth tracking is desired. The last part of the dissertation, discusses new developments in modeling and system identification of piezoelectrically-driven Active Probes as advantageous nanomechanical cantilevers in various applications including tapping mode AFM and biomass sensors. Due to the discontinuous cross-section of Active Probes, a general framework is developed and presented for multiple-mode vibration analysis of system. Application in the precise pico-gram scale mass detection is then presented using frequency-shift method. This approach can benefit the characterization of DNA solutions or other biological species for medical applications

    Design and experimental validation of a piezoelectric actuator tracking control based on fuzzy logic and neural compensation

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    This work proposes two control feedback-feedforward algorithms, based on fuzzy logic in combination with neural networks, aimed at reducing the tracking error and improving the actuation signal of piezoelectric actuators. These are frequently used devices in a wide range of applications due to their high precision in micro- and nanopositioning combined with their mechanical stiffness. Nevertheless, the hysteresis is one the main phenomenon that degrades the performance of these actuators in tracking operations. The proposed control schemes were tested experimentally in a commercial piezoelectric actuator. They were implemented with a dSPACE 1104 device, which was used for signal generation and acquisition purposes. The performance of the proposed control schemes was compared to conventional structures based on proportional-integral-derivative and fuzzy logic in feedback configuration. Experimental results show the advantages of the proposed controllers, since they are capable of reducing the error to significant magnitude orders.The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Basque Government, through the project EKOHEGAZ (ELKARTEK KK-2021/00092), to the Diputación Foral de Álava (DFA), through the project CONAVANTER, and to the UPV/EHU, through the project GIU20/063, for supporting this work

    Regulatori struje aktivnih filtara snage za poboljšanje kvalitete snage: Tehnička analiza

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    Non-linear load deteriorates the quality of current waveforms at the point of common coupling of various consumers. Active power filter (APFs) is used to mitigate the most concern harmonic pollution in an electrical network. The controller part is the nucleus of an active power filter configuration. Active power filter performance is affected significantly by the selection of current control techniques. The active filter and its current control must have the capability to track sudden slope variations in the current reference to compensate the distorted current drawn by the voltage source inverter. Therefore, the choice and implementation of the current regulator is more important for the achievement of a satisfactory performance level. In this survey, technical reviews of various types of controllers covering a wide range have been presented. This work also reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the practiced control strategies. The effectiveness of the study will help the researchers to choose the proper control methods for various applicationsof active power filter.Nelinearni tereti pogoršavaju kvalitetu strujnih valova u točki u kojoj se spaja više potrošača. Aktivni filtar snage se koristi za ublažavanje najvažnijeg harmoničkog onečišćenja strujne mreže. Jezgra aktivnog filtra snage je regulator. Na performanse aktivnog filtra snage značajno utječe odabir upravljačke tehnike. Aktivni filtar i njegova tehnika upravljanja strujom moraju imati mogućnost pratiti nagle skokove u referentnoj vrijednosti struje kako bi mogli kompenzirati izobličenja struje koju vuče inverter naponskog izvora. Zato su izbor i implementacija regulatora struje iznimno važni za postizanje zadovoljavajuće razine performansi. U ovom pregledu su predstavljene tehničke recenzije koje pokrivaju širok raspon regulatora. Ovaj rad također otkriva prednosti i mane korištenih strategija upravljanja. Efektivnost ovog pregleda pomoći će istraživačima da izaberu ispravnu metodu upravljanja za različite aplikacije aktivnog filtra snage

    Regulatori struje aktivnih filtara snage za poboljšanje kvalitete snage: Tehnička analiza

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    Non-linear load deteriorates the quality of current waveforms at the point of common coupling of various consumers. Active power filter (APFs) is used to mitigate the most concern harmonic pollution in an electrical network. The controller part is the nucleus of an active power filter configuration. Active power filter performance is affected significantly by the selection of current control techniques. The active filter and its current control must have the capability to track sudden slope variations in the current reference to compensate the distorted current drawn by the voltage source inverter. Therefore, the choice and implementation of the current regulator is more important for the achievement of a satisfactory performance level. In this survey, technical reviews of various types of controllers covering a wide range have been presented. This work also reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the practiced control strategies. The effectiveness of the study will help the researchers to choose the proper control methods for various applicationsof active power filter.Nelinearni tereti pogoršavaju kvalitetu strujnih valova u točki u kojoj se spaja više potrošača. Aktivni filtar snage se koristi za ublažavanje najvažnijeg harmoničkog onečišćenja strujne mreže. Jezgra aktivnog filtra snage je regulator. Na performanse aktivnog filtra snage značajno utječe odabir upravljačke tehnike. Aktivni filtar i njegova tehnika upravljanja strujom moraju imati mogućnost pratiti nagle skokove u referentnoj vrijednosti struje kako bi mogli kompenzirati izobličenja struje koju vuče inverter naponskog izvora. Zato su izbor i implementacija regulatora struje iznimno važni za postizanje zadovoljavajuće razine performansi. U ovom pregledu su predstavljene tehničke recenzije koje pokrivaju širok raspon regulatora. Ovaj rad također otkriva prednosti i mane korištenih strategija upravljanja. Efektivnost ovog pregleda pomoći će istraživačima da izaberu ispravnu metodu upravljanja za različite aplikacije aktivnog filtra snage

    Modeling and Control of Piezoelectric Actuators

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    Piezoelectric actuators (PEAs) utilize the inverse piezoelectric effect to generate fine displacement with a resolution down to sub-nanometers and as such, they have been widely used in various micro- and nanopositioning applications. However, the modeling and control of PEAs have proven to be challenging tasks. The main difficulties lie in the existence of various nonlinear or difficult-to-model effects in PEAs, such as hysteresis, creep, and distributive vibration dynamics. Such effects can seriously degrade the PEA tracking control performances or even lead to instability. This raises a great need to model and control PEAs for improved performance. This research is aimed at developing novel models for PEAs and on this basis, developing model-based control schemes for the PEA tracking control taking into account the aforementioned nonlinear effects. In the first part of this research, a model of a PEA for the effects of hysteresis, creep, and vibration dynamics was developed. Notably, the widely-used Preisach hysteresis model cannot represent the one-sided hysteresis of PEAs. To overcome this shortcoming, a rate-independent hysteresis model based on a novel hysteresis operator modified from the Preisach hysteresis operator was developed, which was then integrated with the models of creep and vibration dynamics to form a comprehensive model for PEAs. For its validation, experiments were carried out on a commercially-available PEA and the results obtained agreed with those from model simulations. By taking into account the linear dynamics and hysteretic behavior of the PEA as well as the presliding friction between the moveable platform and the end-effector, a model of the piezoelectric-driven stick-slip (PDSS) actuator was also developed in the first part of the research. The effectiveness of the developed model was illustrated by the experiments on the PDSS actuator prototyped in the author's lab. In the second part of the research, control schemes were developed based on the aforementioned PEA models for tracking control of PEAs. Firstly, a novel PID-based sliding mode (PIDSM) controller was developed. The rational behind the use of a sliding mode (SM) control is that the SM control can effectively suppress the effects of matched uncertainties, while the PEA hysteresis, creep, and external load can be represented by a lumped matched uncertainty based on the developed model. To solve the chattering and steady-state problems, associated with the ideal SM control and the SM control with boundary layer (SMCBL), the novel PIDSM control developed in the present study replaces the switching control term in the ideal SM control schemes with a PID regulator. Experiments were carried out on a commercially-available PEA and the results obtained illustrate the effectiveness of the PIDSM controller, and its superiorities over other schemes of PID control, ideal SM control, and the SMCBL in terms of steady state error elimination, chattering suppression, and tracking error suppression. Secondly, a PIDSM observer was also developed based on the model of PEAs to provide the PIDSM controller with state estimates of the PEA. And the PIDSM controller and the PIDSM observer were combined to form an integrated control scheme (PIDSM observer-controller or PIDSMOC) for PEAs. The effectiveness of the PIDSM observer and the PIDSMOC were also validated experimentally. The superiority of the PIDSMOC over the PIDSM controller with σ-β filter control scheme was also analyzed and demonstrated experimentally. The significance of this research lies in the development of novel models for PEAs and PDSS actuators, which can be of great help in the design and control of such actuators. Also, the development of the PIDSM controller, the PIDSM observer, and their integrated form, i.e., PIDSMOC, enables the improved performance of tracking control of PEAs with the presence of various nonlinear or difficult-to-model effects