17 research outputs found

    Generalized Instantly Decodable Network Coding for Relay-Assisted Networks

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of minimizing the frame completion delay for Instantly Decodable Network Coding (IDNC) in relay-assisted wireless multicast networks. We first propose a packet recovery algorithm in the single relay topology which employs generalized IDNC instead of strict IDNC previously proposed in the literature for the same relay-assisted topology. This use of generalized IDNC is supported by showing that it is a super-set of the strict IDNC scheme, and thus can generate coding combinations that are at least as efficient as strict IDNC in reducing the average completion delay. We then extend our study to the multiple relay topology and propose a joint generalized IDNC and relay selection algorithm. This proposed algorithm benefits from the reception diversity of the multiple relays to further reduce the average completion delay in the network. Simulation results show that our proposed solutions achieve much better performance compared to previous solutions in the literature.Comment: 5 pages, IEEE PIMRC 201

    On Minimizing the Maximum Broadcast Decoding Delay for Instantly Decodable Network Coding

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of minimizing the maximum broadcast decoding delay experienced by all the receivers of generalized instantly decodable network coding (IDNC). Unlike the sum decoding delay, the maximum decoding delay as a definition of delay for IDNC allows a more equitable distribution of the delays between the different receivers and thus a better Quality of Service (QoS). In order to solve this problem, we first derive the expressions for the probability distributions of maximum decoding delay increments. Given these expressions, we formulate the problem as a maximum weight clique problem in the IDNC graph. Although this problem is known to be NP-hard, we design a greedy algorithm to perform effective packet selection. Through extensive simulations, we compare the sum decoding delay and the max decoding delay experienced when applying the policies to minimize the sum decoding delay [1] and our policy to reduce the max decoding delay. Simulations results show that our policy gives a good agreement among all the delay aspects in all situations and outperforms the sum decoding delay policy to effectively minimize the sum decoding delay when the channel conditions become harsher. They also show that our definition of delay significantly improve the number of served receivers when they are subject to strict delay constraints

    Rate Aware Instantly Decodable Network Codes

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    This paper addresses the problem of reducing the delivery time of data messages to cellular users using instantly decodable network coding (IDNC) with physical-layer rate awareness. While most of the existing literature on IDNC does not consider any physical layer complications and abstract the model as equally slotted time for all users, this paper proposes a cross-layer scheme that incorporates the different channel rates of the various users in the decision process of both the transmitted message combinations and the rates with which they are transmitted. The consideration of asymmetric rates for receivers reflects more practical application scenarios and introduces a new trade-off between the choice of coding combinations for various receivers and the broadcasting rate for achieving shorter completion time. The completion time minimization problem in such scenario is first shown to be intractable. The problem is, thus, approximated by reducing, at each transmission, the increase of an anticipated version of the completion time. The paper solves the problem by formulating it as a maximum weight clique problem over a newly designed rate aware IDNC (RA-IDNC) graph. The highest weight clique in the created graph being potentially not unique, the paper further suggests a multi-layer version of the proposed solution to improve the obtained results from the employed completion time approximation. Simulation results indicate that the cross-layer design largely outperforms the uncoded transmissions strategies and the classical IDNC scheme

    Delay Minimization for Instantly Decodable Network Coding in Persistent Channels with Feedback Intermittence

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of minimizing the multicast decoding delay of generalized instantly decodable network coding (G-IDNC) over persistent forward and feedback erasure channels with feedback intermittence. In such an environment, the sender does not always receive acknowledgement from the receivers after each transmission. Moreover, both the forward and feedback channels are subject to persistent erasures, which can be modelled by a two state (good and bad states) Markov chain known as Gilbert-Elliott channel (GEC). Due to such feedback imperfections, the sender is unable to determine subsequent instantly decodable packets combination for all receivers. Given this harsh channel and feedback model, we first derive expressions for the probability distributions of decoding delay increments and then employ these expressions in formulating the minimum decoding problem in such environment as a maximum weight clique problem in the G-IDNC graph. We also show that the problem formulations in simpler channel and feedback models are special cases of our generalized formulation. Since this problem is NP-hard, we design a greedy algorithm to solve it and compare it to blind approaches proposed in literature. Through extensive simulations, our adaptive algorithm is shown to outperform the blind approaches in all situations and to achieve significant improvement in the decoding delay, especially when the channel is highly persisten

    Delay Reduction in Multi-Hop Device-to-Device Communication using Network Coding

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    This paper considers the problem of reducing the broadcast decoding delay of wireless networks using instantly decodable network coding (IDNC) based device-to-device (D2D) communications. In a D2D configuration, devices in the network can help hasten the recovery of the lost packets of other devices in their transmission range by sending network coded packets. Unlike previous works that assumed fully connected network, this paper proposes a partially connected configuration in which the decision should be made not only on the packet combinations but also on the set of transmitting devices. First, the different events occurring at each device are identified so as to derive an expression for the probability distribution of the decoding delay. The joint optimization problem over the set of transmitting devices and the packet combinations of each is, then, formulated. The optimal solution of the joint optimization problem is derived using a graph theory approach by introducing the cooperation graph and reformulating the problem as a maximum weight clique problem in which the weight of each vertex is the contribution of the device identified by the vertex. Through extensive simulations, the decoding delay experienced by all devices in the Point to Multi-Point (PMP) configuration, the fully connected D2D (FC-D2D) configuration and the more practical partially connected D2D (PC-D2D) configuration are compared. Numerical results suggest that the PC-D2D outperforms the FC-D2D and provides appreciable gain especially for poorly connected networks

    Instantly decodable network coding for real-time device-to-device communications

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    This paper studies the delay reduction problem for instantly decodable network coding (IDNC)-based device-to-device (D2D) communication-enabled networks. Unlike conventional point-to-multipoint (PMP) systems in which the wireless base station has the sufficient computation abilities, D2D networks rely on battery-powered operations of the devices. Therefore, a particular emphasis on the computation complexity needs to be addressed in the design of delay reduction algorithms for D2D networks. While most of the existing literature on IDNC directly extend the delay reduction PMP schemes, known to be NP-hard, to the D2D setting, this paper proposes to investigate and minimize the complexity of such algorithms for battery-powered devices. With delay minimization problems in IDNC-based systems being equivalent to a maximum weight clique problems in the IDNC graph, the presented algorithms, in this paper, can be applied to different delay aspects. This paper introduces and focuses on the reduction of the maximum value of the decoding delay as it represents the most general solution. The complexity of the solution is reduced by first proposing efficient methods for the construction, the update, and the dimension reduction of the IDNC graph. The paper, further, shows that, under particular scenarios, the problem boils down to a maximum clique problem. Due to the complexity of discovering such maximum clique, the paper presents a fast selection algorithm. Simulation results illustrate the performance of the proposed schemes and suggest that the proposed fast selection algorithm provides appreciable complexity gain as compared to the optimal selection one, with a negligible degradation in performance. In addition, they indicate that the running time of the proposed solution is close to the random selection algorithm