2 research outputs found

    Towards a method to quantitatively measure toolchain interoperability in the engineering lifecycle: A case study of digital hardware design

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    The engineering lifecycle of cyber-physical systems is becoming more challenging than ever. Multiple engineering disciplines must be orchestrated to produce both a virtual and physical version of the system. Each engineering discipline makes use of their own methods and tools generating different types of work products that must be consistently linked together and reused throughout the lifecycle. Requirements, logical/descriptive and physical/analytical models, 3D designs, test case descriptions, product lines, ontologies, evidence argumentations, and many other work products are continuously being produced and integrated to implement the technical engineering and technical management processes established in standards such as the ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 "Systems and software engineering-System life cycle processes". Toolchains are then created as a set of collaborative tools to provide an executable version of the required technical processes. In this engineering environment, there is a need for technical interoperability enabling tools to easily exchange data and invoke operations among them under different protocols, formats, and schemas. However, this automation of tasks and lifecycle processes does not come free of charge. Although enterprise integration patterns, shared and standardized data schemas and business process management tools are being used to implement toolchains, the reality shows that in many cases, the integration of tools within a toolchain is implemented through point-to-point connectors or applying some architectural style such as a communication bus to ease data exchange and to invoke operations. In this context, the ability to measure the current and expected degree of interoperability becomes relevant: 1) to understand the implications of defining a toolchain (need of different protocols, formats, schemas and tool interconnections) and 2) to measure the effort to implement the desired toolchain. To improve the management of the engineering lifecycle, a method is defined: 1) to measure the degree of interoperability within a technical engineering process implemented with a toolchain and 2) to estimate the effort to transition from an existing toolchain to another. A case study in the field of digital hardware design comprising 6 different technical engineering processes and 7 domain engineering tools is conducted to demonstrate and validate the proposed method.The work leading to these results has received funding from the H2020-ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 826452-“Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions” and from specific national programs and/or funding authorities. Funding for APC: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Read & Publish Agreement CRUE-CSIC 2023)

    Using foresight futures and systems thinking to evaluate digitally enhanced advanced service concepts for a rolling stock company (ROSCO)

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    Purpose: This paper reports on a study in conjunction with a UK-based rolling stock leasing company (ROSCO). The aim was to generate and evaluate future operational concepts for digitally enhanced advanced services from the point of view of a ROSCO – one of many stakeholders (or actors) within a future wider mobility ecosystem.Design/Methodology/Approach: The research design followed the Generic Foresight Process Framework (Voros 2003). Desk-based research and horizon scanning analysis revealed technologies, mobility and transport trends, and other predictions towards 2060. A workshop was developed and participants were presented with a series of future scenarios and design fictions for end-to-end intermodal mobility and passenger carbon quotas. A future Mobility Servitization Systems Architecture was developed.Findings: Five future megatrends were identified; Decarbonisation, changing traveller needs, digitisation, mobility ecosystems and new business models in digital ecosystems. The ‘what-if’ activities revealed insights into alternate futures; revealing system of systems (SoS) actors, the role of a ROSCO, integrations, assumptions and operational constraints.Originality/Value: This research contributes to engineering and design methods for digitally enhanced advanced services, particularly for corporate strategic foresight in a dominant design industry. The Mobility Servitization Systems Architecture was seen to be a powerful model for ecosystem understanding.</div