5 research outputs found

    FAS Behavioral Survey of Traits: Screening for Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol

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    The FAS BeST was developed by parents and educators of children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome rating behaviors characteristic of FASD including; easily influenced by others, difficulty learning from experience, appearing and declaring innocence even when confronted with evidence to the contrary, and experiencing difficulties in other domains. The FAS BeST differentiates between children with PEA, dysgenesis of the corpus callosum (DCC), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; Porter & Andrews, 2004). The sample included 294 participants. Using the cutoff score suggested by Porter and Andrews (2004) the accuracy rates were 78% for FAS/E, 100% for controls, 85% for DCC, and 100% for ADHD. Reliability for the FASD BeST was established for all groups using split-half analysis. Criterion validity was verified using the Achenbach behavioral checklists (2002). A factor analysis indicated the FAS BeST denotes a general factor. The FAS BeST is a reliable and valid measure that is easily administered and scored. Children with PEA can be screened to determine whether further evaluation is warranted and differentiate between disorders with similar behaviors, enabling professionals to better serve the child and assist the care providers

    3D Symmetry Measure Invariant to Subject Pose During Image Acquisition

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    In this study we evaluate the influence of subject pose during image acquisition on quantitative analysis of breast morphology. Three (3D) and two-dimensional (2D) images of the torso of 12 female subjects in two different poses; (1) hands-on-hip (HH) and (2) hands-down (HD) were obtained. In order to quantify the effect of pose, we introduce a new measure; the 3D pBRA (Percentage Breast Retraction Assessment) index, and validate its use against the 2D pBRA index. Our data suggests that the 3D pBRA index is linearly correlated with the 2D counterpart for both of the poses, and is independent of the localization of fiducial points within a tolerance limit of 7 mm. The quantitative assessment of 3D asymmetry was found to be invariant of subject pose. This study further corroborates the advantages of 3D stereophotogrammetry over 2D photography. Problems with pose that are inherent in 2D photographs are avoided and fiducial point identification is made easier by being able to panoramically rotate the 3D surface enabling views from any desired angle

    Reconstruction of three-dimensional facial geometric features related to fetal alcohol syndrome using adult surrogates

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    Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a condition caused by prenatal alcohol exposure. The diagnosis of FAS is based on the presence of central nervous system impairments, evidence of growth abnormalities and abnormal facial features. Direct anthropometry has traditionally been used to obtain facial data to assess the FAS facial features. Research efforts have focused on indirect anthropometry such as 3D surface imaging systems to collect facial data for facial analysis. However, 3D surface imaging systems are costly. As an alternative, approaches for 3D reconstruction from a single 2D image of the face using a 3D morphable model (3DMM) were explored in this research study. The research project was accomplished in several steps. 3D facial data were obtained from the publicly available BU-3DFE database, developed by the State University of New York. The 3D face scans in the training set were landmarked by different observers. The reliability and precision in selecting 3D landmarks were evaluated. The intraclass correlation coefficients for intra- and inter-observer reliability were greater than 0.95. The average intra-observer error was 0.26 mm and the average inter-observer error was 0.89 mm. A rigid registration was performed on the 3D face scans in the training set. Following rigid registration, a dense point-to-point correspondence across a set of aligned face scans was computed using the Gaussian process model fitting approach. A 3DMM of the face was constructed from the fully registered 3D face scans. The constructed 3DMM of the face was evaluated based on generalization, specificity, and compactness. The quantitative evaluations show that the constructed 3DMM achieves reliable results. 3D face reconstructions from single 2D images were estimated based on the 3DMM. The MetropolisHastings algorithm was used to fit the 3DMM features to 2D image features to generate the 3D face reconstruction. Finally, the geometric accuracy of the reconstructed 3D faces was evaluated based on ground-truth 3D face scans. The average root mean square error for the surface-to-surface comparisons between the reconstructed faces and the ground-truth face scans was 2.99 mm. In conclusion, a framework to estimate 3D face reconstructions from single 2D facial images was developed and the reconstruction errors were evaluated. The geometric accuracy of the 3D face reconstructions was comparable to that found in the literature. However, future work should consider minimizing reconstruction errors to acceptable clinical standards in order for the framework to be useful for 3D-from-2D reconstruction in general, and also for developing FAS applications. Finally, future work should consider estimating a 3D face using multi-view 2D images to increase the information available for 3D-from-2D reconstruction

    An investigation into the use of stereophotogrammetry for the analysis of craniofacial dysmorphology in schizophrenia

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    Studies of craniofacial dysmorphology in schizophrenia, carried out since the 1960s, have reported minor physical anomalies in those with schizophrenia, prominently in the craniofacial region. Indirect methods, most notably 3D laser imaging, have been used previously for investigating craniofacial dysmorphology in schizophrenia. This project aimed to investigate the ability of a stereophotogrammetry system to detect craniofacial dysmorphology in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. Furthermore, observed dysmorphology was characterised and compared with that found in previous studies. Three-dimensional craniofacial landmark coordinates were obtained from images collected using a bespoke design stereophotogrammetry system. The system includes a camera rig and a calibration rig. On the camera rig is mounted three digital single-lens reflex cameras hardwired to a trigger for simultaneous image capture. The calibration rig consists of a frame with strategically positioned retro-reflective calibration markers of known 3D orientation. The precision and reliability of the stereophotogrammetry system was tested using a human subject. Measurements were taken using the system and directly using callipers by two operators on two separate occasions. Intra- and inter-operator precision and inter-modality reliability were calculated and scored. All intra- and inter-operator precision scores were at least below a 7% error, and considered "good". Inter -modality reliability scores had at least a "good" score in 72% of all measurements. Excluding one soft landmark and one landmark with small measurement value, all inter-modality reliability scores were at least "good". The study cohort consisted of 17 African (8 control, 9 schizophrenia) and 13 Caucasian ( 8 control, 5 schizophrenia) males. A set of 18 landmarks focused about the eyes, nose, mouth and chin was identified for each subject and collated in 3D coordinate space. Geometric morphometric analysis - particularly generalised Procrustes analysis and principal component analysis - was carried out on these landmark sets. Discriminant Function Analysis was applied to identify discriminating features in the data set, and classification techniques, aided by feature selection, were applied to separate affected and control subjects. In the African cohort, the results showed wider inward slanting (cat-like) eyes, a wider upturned nose and narrower downturned mouth. In the Caucasian cohort, narrower and wide set eyes, a narrower downturned nose with anteriorly displaced alare, a wider downturned mouth and posteriorly set chin were shown. The Caucasian cohort demonstrates similar dysmorphology as described in the literature. Published data for the African cohort is lacking. The nearest mean and k- nearest neighbour classifiers had the highest accuracy in the African and Caucasian groups respectively, with 71% and 77% correct classification. The efficacy of the stereophotogrammetry system introduced in this study has been shown, with craniofacial dysmorphology in schizophrenia successfully detected. Further studies with larger cohorts are recommended to attempt improved classification accuracy, but a platform now exists to pursue dysmorphology studies in other psychoses, such as bipolar disorder

    Interlandmark measurements from lodox statscan images with application to femoral neck anteversion assessment

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.Clinicians often take measurements between anatomical landmarks on X-ray radiographs for diagnosis and treatment planning, for example in orthopaedics and orthodontics. X-ray images, however, overlap three-dimensional internal structures onto a two-dimensional plane during image formation. Depth information is therefore lost and measurements do not truly reflect spatial relationships. The main aim of this study was to develop an inter-landmark measurement tool for the Lodox Statscan digital radiography system. X-ray stereophotogrammetry was applied to Statscan images to enable three-dimensional point localization for inter-landmark measurement using two-dimensional radiographs. This technique requires images of the anatomical region of interest to be acquired from different perspectives as well as a suitable calibration tool to map image coordinates to real world coordinates. The Statscan is suited to the technique because it is capable of axial rotations for multiview imaging. Three-dimensional coordinate reconstruction and inter-landmark measurements were taken using a planar object and a dry pelvis specimen in order to assess the intra-observer measurement accuracy, reliability and precision. The system yielded average (X, Y, Z) coordinate reconstruction accuracy of (0.08 0.12 0.34) mm and resultant coordinate reconstruction accuracy within 0.4mm (range 0.3mm – 0.6mm). Inter-landmark measurements within 2mm for lengths and 1.80 for angles were obtained, with average accuracies of 0.4mm (range 0.0mm – 2.0 mm) and 0.30 (range 0.0 – 1.8)0 respectively. The results also showed excellent overall precision of (0.5mm, 0.10) and were highly reliable when all landmarks were completely visible in both images. Femoral neck anteversion measurement on Statscan images was also explored using 30 dry right adult femurs. This was done in order to assess the feasibility of the algorithm for a clinical application. For this investigation, four methods were tested to determine the optimal landmarks for measurement and the measurement process involved calculation of virtual landmarks. The method that yielded the best results produced all measurements within 10 of reference values and the measurements were highly reliable with very good precision within 0.10. The average accuracy was within 0.40 (range 0.10 –0.80).In conclusion, X-ray stereophotogrammetry enables accurate, reliable and precise inter-landmark measurements for the Lodox Statscan X-ray imaging system. The machine may therefore be used as an inter-landmark measurement tool for routine clinical applications