1 research outputs found

    Description Logic in Semantics Querying

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    this paper we describe an inductive methodology for building an RDF (Resource Description Framework) [1] schema. This schema describes the semantic content starting from a relational database. Our approach uses a terminological model (implemented in the BACK system) as an intermediate conceptual representation. Based on XQuery language [3] we show how the use of semantics content of the relational database in the body of queries can improve accessing data of the database: Specialisation/Generalisation relationships expressed in the RDF schema between the relations of the relational database are exploited in the treatment of queries. Two types of queries are introduced: (1) semantics queries, that concerns only the semantics content of the database, help users to understand better the semantic of data belonging to the database; (2) data queries, that concerns the research of data over the database. Data queries can include in their bodies semantics research over the RDF schema. In this case data queries are considered semantically correct before accessing data. A prototype has been developed in order to show the results of this wor