1 research outputs found

    Deriving Optimized Integrity Monitoring Triggers from Dynamic Integrity Constraints

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    ing from the latter examples, we can give a general rule for trigger optimizations: Remember that we assume that the loop label fi at node v i has been valid for all object combinations at situation v i . Thus any subcondition fi 0 of fi specialized to such object combinations and appearing in the disjunction of outgoing edge labels (fi fi 1 : : : fi d ) can be deleted from the condition of trigger ' v i ! R 0 , if fi 0 is invariant under the operation !. Above optimizations have utilized this rule. 4.3 Computation of New Object Situations If none of the derived triggers causes a rollback of the triggering transaction, the transaction is admissible with regard to all specified constraints. Hence we know that for each object or object combination having a situation at node v there exists a valid outgoing edge label in the new state, or a deletion has occurred together with a final node. We now consider how to manage situations of objects or object combinations and how to hand..