1 research outputs found

    An Explicit Construction of Optimal Dominating Sets in Grid

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    A dominating set in a graph GG is a subset of vertices DD such that every vertex in V∖DV\setminus D is a neighbor of some vertex of DD. The domination number of GG is the minimum size of a dominating set of GG and it is denoted by γ(G)\gamma(G). Also, a subset DD of a graph GG is a [1,2][ 1 , 2 ] -set if, each vertex v∈V∖Dv \in V \setminus D is adjacent to either one or two vertices in DD and the minimum cardinality of [1,2][ 1 , 2 ] -dominating set of GG, is denoted by γ[1,2](G)\gamma_{[1,2]}(G). Chang's conjecture says that for every 16≤m≤n16 \leq m \leq n, γ(Gm,n)=⌊(n+2)(m+2)5⌋−4\gamma(G_{m,n})= \left \lfloor\frac{(n+2)(m+2)}{5}\right \rfloor-4 and this conjecture has been proven by Goncalves et al. This paper presents an explicit constructing method to find an optimal dominating set for grid graph Gm,nG_{m,n} where m,n≥16m,n\geq 16 in O(size of answer)O(\text{size of answer}). In addition, we will show that γ(Gm,n)=γ[1,2](Gm,n)\gamma(G_{m,n})=\gamma_{[1,2]}(G_{m,n}) where m,n≥16m,n\geq 16 holds in response to an open question posed by Chellali et al