9,063 research outputs found

    On the Generation of Large Passive Macromodels for Complex Interconnect Structures

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    This paper addresses some issues related to the passivity of interconnect macromodels computed from measured or simulated port responses. The generation of such macromodels is usually performed via suitable least squares fitting algorithms. When the number of ports and the dynamic order of the macromodel is large, the inclusion of passivity constraints in the fitting process is cumbersome and results in excessive computational and storage requirements. Therefore, we consider in this work a post-processing approach for passivity enforcement, aimed at the detection and compensation of passivity violations without compromising the model accuracy. Two complementary issues are addressed. First, we consider the enforcement of asymptotic passivity at high frequencies based on the perturbation of the direct coupling term in the transfer matrix. We show how potential problems may arise when off-band poles are present in the model. Second, the enforcement of uniform passivity throughout the entire frequency axis is performed via an iterative perturbation scheme on the purely imaginary eigenvalues of associated Hamiltonian matrices. A special formulation of this spectral perturbation using possibly large but sparse matrices allows the passivity compensation to be performed at a cost which scales only linearly with the order of the system. This formulation involves a restarted Arnoldi iteration combined with a complex frequency hopping algorithm for the selective computation of the imaginary eigenvalues to be perturbed. Some examples of interconnect models are used to illustrate the performance of the proposed technique

    Compressed Passive Macromodeling

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    This paper presents an approach for the extraction of passive macromodels of large-scale interconnects from their frequency-domain scattering responses. Here, large scale is intended both in terms of number of electrical ports and required dynamic model order. For such structures, standard approaches based on rational approximation via vector fitting and passivity enforcement via model perturbation may fail because of excessive computational requirements, both in terms of memory size and runtime. Our approach addresses this complexity by first reducing the redundancy in the raw scattering responses through a projection and approximation process based on a truncated singular value decomposition. Then we formulate a compressed rational fitting and passivity enforcement framework which is able to obtain speedup factors up to 2 and 3 orders of magnitude with respect to standard approaches, with full control over the approximation errors. Numerical results on a large set of benchmark cases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniqu

    Stability, Causality, and Passivity in Electrical Interconnect Models

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    Modern packaging design requires extensive signal integrity simulations in order to assess the electrical performance of the system. The feasibility of such simulations is granted only when accurate and efficient models are available for all system parts and components having a significant influence on the signals. Unfortunately, model derivation is still a challenging task, despite the extensive research that has been devoted to this topic. In fact, it is a common experience that modeling or simulation tasks sometimes fail, often without a clear understanding of the main reason. This paper presents the fundamental properties of causality, stability, and passivity that electrical interconnect models must satisfy in order to be physically consistent. All basic definitions are reviewed in time domain, Laplace domain, and frequency domain, and all significant interrelations between these properties are outlined. This background material is used to interpret several common situations where either model derivation or model use in a computer-aided design environment fails dramatically.We show that the root cause for these difficulties can always be traced back to the lack of stability, causality, or passivity in the data providing the structure characterization and/or in the model itsel

    Efficient wideband electromagnetic scattering computation for frequency dependent lossy dielectrics using WCAWE

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    This paper presents a model order reduction algorithm for the volume electric field integral equation (EFIE) formulation, that achieves fast and accurate frequency sweep calculations of electromagnetic wave scattering. An inhomogeneous, two-dimensional, lossy dielectric object whose material is characterized by a complex permittivity which varies with frequency is considered. The variation in the dielectric properties of the ceramic BaxLa4Ti 2+xO 12+3x in the <1 GHz frequency range is investigated for various values of x in a frequency sweep analysis. We apply the well-conditioned asymptotic waveform evaluation (WCAWE) method to circumvent the computational complexity associated with the numerical solution of such formulations. A multipoint automatic WCAWE method is also demonstrated which can produce an accurate solution over a much broader bandwidth. Several numerical examples are given on order to illustrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed methods

    Influence of the line characterization on the transient analysis of nonlinearly loaded lossy transmission lines

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    The analysis of nonlinearly terminated lossy transmission lines is addressed in this paper with a modified version of a method belonging to the class of mixed techniques, which characterize the line in the frequency domain and solve the nonlinear problem in the time domain via a convolution operation. This formulation is based on voltage wave variables defined in the load sections. The physical meaning of such quantities helps to explain the transient scattering process in the line and allows us to discover the importance (so far often overlooked) of the reference impedance used to define the scattering parameters. The complexity of the transient impulse responses, the efficiency of the algorithms, and the precision of the results are shown to be substantially conditioned by the choice of the reference impedance. The optimum value of the reference impedance depends on the amount of line losses. We show that a low-loss line can be effectively described if its characteristic impedance or the characteristic impedance of the associated LC line is chosen as the reference impedance. Based on the physical interpretation of our formulation, we are able to validate the numerical results, and to demonstrate that, despite claimed differences or improvements, the formulations of several mixed methods are fundamentally equivalen

    Functionals of the Brownian motion, localization and metric graphs

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    We review several results related to the problem of a quantum particle in a random environment. In an introductory part, we recall how several functionals of the Brownian motion arise in the study of electronic transport in weakly disordered metals (weak localization). Two aspects of the physics of the one-dimensional strong localization are reviewed : some properties of the scattering by a random potential (time delay distribution) and a study of the spectrum of a random potential on a bounded domain (the extreme value statistics of the eigenvalues). Then we mention several results concerning the diffusion on graphs, and more generally the spectral properties of the Schr\"odinger operator on graphs. The interest of spectral determinants as generating functions characterizing the diffusion on graphs is illustrated. Finally, we consider a two-dimensional model of a charged particle coupled to the random magnetic field due to magnetic vortices. We recall the connection between spectral properties of this model and winding functionals of the planar Brownian motion.Comment: Review article. 50 pages, 21 eps figures. Version 2: section 5.5 and conclusion added. Several references adde