35,177 research outputs found

    Hashing over Predicted Future Frames for Informed Exploration of Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    In deep reinforcement learning (RL) tasks, an efficient exploration mechanism should be able to encourage an agent to take actions that lead to less frequent states which may yield higher accumulative future return. However, both knowing about the future and evaluating the frequentness of states are non-trivial tasks, especially for deep RL domains, where a state is represented by high-dimensional image frames. In this paper, we propose a novel informed exploration framework for deep RL, where we build the capability for an RL agent to predict over the future transitions and evaluate the frequentness for the predicted future frames in a meaningful manner. To this end, we train a deep prediction model to predict future frames given a state-action pair, and a convolutional autoencoder model to hash over the seen frames. In addition, to utilize the counts derived from the seen frames to evaluate the frequentness for the predicted frames, we tackle the challenge of matching the predicted future frames and their corresponding seen frames at the latent feature level. In this way, we derive a reliable metric for evaluating the novelty of the future direction pointed by each action, and hence inform the agent to explore the least frequent one

    Behavioural correlate of choice confidence in a discrete trial paradigm

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    How animals make choices in a changing and often uncertain environment is a central theme in the behavioural sciences. There is a substantial literature on how animals make choices in various experimental paradigms but less is known about the way they assess a choice after it has been made in terms of the expected outcome. Here, we used a discrete trial paradigm to characterise how the reward history shaped the behaviour on a trial by trial basis. Rats initiated each trial which consisted of a choice between two drinking spouts that differed in their probability of delivering a sucrose solution. Critically, sucrose was delivered after a delay from the first lick at the spouts--this allowed us to characterise the behavioural profile during the window between the time of choice and its outcome. Rats' behaviour converged to optimum choice, both during the acquisition phase and after the reversal of contingencies. We monitored the post-choice behaviour at a temporal precision of 1 millisecond; lick-response profiles revealed that rats spent more time at the spout with the higher reward probability and exhibited a sparser lick pattern. This was the case when we exclusively examined the unrewarded trials, where the outcome was identical. The differential licking profiles preceded the differential choice ratios and could thus predict the changes in choice behaviour.This research was supported by the Australian Research Council Discovery Project Grant DP0987133 to EA

    Decentralized Learning for Multi-player Multi-armed Bandits

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    We consider the problem of distributed online learning with multiple players in multi-armed bandits (MAB) models. Each player can pick among multiple arms. When a player picks an arm, it gets a reward. We consider both i.i.d. reward model and Markovian reward model. In the i.i.d. model each arm is modelled as an i.i.d. process with an unknown distribution with an unknown mean. In the Markovian model, each arm is modelled as a finite, irreducible, aperiodic and reversible Markov chain with an unknown probability transition matrix and stationary distribution. The arms give different rewards to different players. If two players pick the same arm, there is a "collision", and neither of them get any reward. There is no dedicated control channel for coordination or communication among the players. Any other communication between the users is costly and will add to the regret. We propose an online index-based distributed learning policy called dUCB4{\tt dUCB_4} algorithm that trades off \textit{exploration v. exploitation} in the right way, and achieves expected regret that grows at most as near-O(log2T)O(\log^2 T). The motivation comes from opportunistic spectrum access by multiple secondary users in cognitive radio networks wherein they must pick among various wireless channels that look different to different users. This is the first distributed learning algorithm for multi-player MABs to the best of our knowledge.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor