4 research outputs found

    Fully-Convolutional Intensive Feature Flow Neural Network for Text Recognition

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    The Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have obtained a great success for pattern recognition, such as recognizing the texts in images. But existing CNNs based frameworks still have several drawbacks: 1) the traditaional pooling operation may lose important feature information and is unlearnable; 2) the tradi-tional convolution operation optimizes slowly and the hierar-chical features from different layers are not fully utilized. In this work, we address these problems by developing a novel deep network model called Fully-Convolutional Intensive Feature Flow Neural Network (IntensiveNet). Specifically, we design a further dense block called intensive block to extract the feature information, where the original inputs and two dense blocks are connected tightly. To encode data appropriately, we present the concepts of dense fusion block and further dense fusion opera-tions for our new intensive block. By adding short connections to different layers, the feature flow and coupling between layers are enhanced. We also replace the traditional convolution by depthwise separable convolution to make the operation efficient. To prevent important feature information being lost to a certain extent, we use a convolution operation with stride 2 to replace the original pooling operation in the customary transition layers. The recognition results on large-scale Chinese string and MNIST datasets show that our IntensiveNet can deliver enhanced recog-nition results, compared with other related deep models.Comment: Accepted by the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1912.0701

    DerainCycleGAN: Rain Attentive CycleGAN for Single Image Deraining and Rainmaking

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    Single image deraining (SID) is an important and challenging topic in emerging vision applications, and most of emerged deraining methods are supervised relying on the ground truth (i.e., paired images) in recent years. However, in practice it is rather common to have no un-paired images in real deraining task, in such cases how to remove the rain streaks in an unsupervised way will be a very challenging task due to lack of constraints between images and hence suffering from low-quality recovery results. In this paper, we explore the unsupervised SID task using unpaired data and propose a novel net called Attention-guided Deraining by Constrained CycleGAN (or shortly, DerainCycleGAN), which can fully utilize the constrained transfer learning abilitiy and circulatory structure of CycleGAN. Specifically, we design an unsu-pervised attention guided rain streak extractor (U-ARSE) that utilizes a memory to extract the rain streak masks with two constrained cycle-consistency branches jointly by paying attention to both the rainy and rain-free image domains. As a by-product, we also contribute a new paired rain image dataset called Rain200A, which is constructed by our network automatically. Compared with existing synthesis datasets, the rainy streaks in Rain200A contains more obvious and diverse shapes and directions. As a result, existing supervised methods trained on Rain200A can perform much better for processing real rainy images. Extensive experiments on synthesis and real datasets show that our net is superior to existing unsupervised deraining networks, and is also very competitive to other related supervised networks

    Dense Residual Network: Enhancing Global Dense Feature Flow for Character Recognition

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    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), such as Dense Convolutional Networks (DenseNet), have achieved great success for image representation by discovering deep hierarchical information. However, most existing networks simply stacks the convolutional layers and hence failing to fully discover local and global feature information among layers. In this paper, we mainly explore how to enhance the local and global dense feature flow by exploiting hierarchical features fully from all the convolution layers. Technically, we propose an efficient and effective CNN framework, i.e., Fast Dense Residual Network (FDRN), for text recognition. To construct FDRN, we propose a new fast residual dense block (f-RDB) to retain the ability of local feature fusion and local residual learning of original RDB, which can reduce the computing efforts at the same time. After fully learning local residual dense features, we utilize the sum operation and several f-RDBs to define a new block termed global dense block (GDB) by imitating the construction of dense blocks to learn global dense residual features adaptively in a holistic way. Finally, we use two convolution layers to construct a down-sampling block to reduce the global feature size and extract deeper features. Extensive simulations show that FDRN obtains the enhanced recognition results, compared with other related models.Comment: Please cite this work as: Zhao Zhang, Zemin Tang, Yang Wang, Zheng Zhang, Choujun Zhan, Zhengjun Zha and Meng Wang, "Dense Residual Network: Enhancing Global Dense Feature Flow for Character Recognition," Neural Networks (NN), Feb 2021. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1912.0701

    Compressed DenseNet for Lightweight Character Recognition

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    Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) is a popular network for recognizing texts in images. Advances like the variant of CRNN, such as Dense Convolutional Network with Connectionist Temporal Classification, has reduced the running time of the network, but exposing the inner computation cost and weight size of the convolutional networks as a bottleneck. Specifically, the DenseNet based models utilize the dense blocks as the core module, but the inner features are combined in the form of concatenation in dense blocks. As such, the number of channels of combined features delivered as the input of the layers close to the output and the relevant computational cost grows rapidly with the dense blocks getting deeper. This will severely bring heavy computational cost and big weight size, which restrict the depth of dense blocks. In this paper, we propose a compressed convolution block called Lightweight Dense Block (LDB). To reduce the computing cost and weight size, we re-define and re-design the way of combining internal features of the dense blocks. LDB is a convolutional block similarly as dense block, but it can reduce the computation cost and weight size to (1/L, 2/L), compared with original ones, where L is the number of layers in blocks. Moreover, LDB can be used to replace the original dense block in any DenseNet based models. Based on the LDBs, we propose a Compressed DenseNet (CDenseNet) for the lightweight character recognition. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CDenseNet can effectively reduce the weight size while delivering the promising recognition results