8,403 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Sentence Compression using Denoising Auto-Encoders

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    In sentence compression, the task of shortening sentences while retaining the original meaning, models tend to be trained on large corpora containing pairs of verbose and compressed sentences. To remove the need for paired corpora, we emulate a summarization task and add noise to extend sentences and train a denoising auto-encoder to recover the original, constructing an end-to-end training regime without the need for any examples of compressed sentences. We conduct a human evaluation of our model on a standard text summarization dataset and show that it performs comparably to a supervised baseline based on grammatical correctness and retention of meaning. Despite being exposed to no target data, our unsupervised models learn to generate imperfect but reasonably readable sentence summaries. Although we underperform supervised models based on ROUGE scores, our models are competitive with a supervised baseline based on human evaluation for grammatical correctness and retention of meaning.Comment: CoNLL 201

    Modelling Computational Resources for Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics Analysis of 16S rRNA Samples

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    In the rapidly evolving domain of next generation sequencing and bioinformatics analysis, data generation is one aspect that is increasing at a concomitant rate. The burden associated with processing large amounts of sequencing data has emphasised the need to allocate sufficient computing resources to complete analyses in the shortest possible time with manageable and predictable costs. A novel method for predicting time to completion for a popular bioinformatics software (QIIME), was developed using key variables characteristic of the input data assumed to impact processing time. Multiple Linear Regression models were developed to determine run time for two denoising algorithms and a general bioinformatics pipeline. The models were able to accurately predict clock time for denoising sequences from a naturally assembled community dataset, but not an artificial community. Speedup and efficiency tests for AmpliconNoise also highlighted that caution was needed when allocating resources for parallel processing of data. Accurate modelling of computational processing time using easily measurable predictors can assist NGS analysts in determining resource requirements for bioinformatics software and pipelines. Whilst demonstrated on a specific group of scripts, the methodology can be extended to encompass other packages running on multiple architectures, either in parallel or sequentially.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Deconvolutional Paragraph Representation Learning

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    Learning latent representations from long text sequences is an important first step in many natural language processing applications. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have become a cornerstone for this challenging task. However, the quality of sentences during RNN-based decoding (reconstruction) decreases with the length of the text. We propose a sequence-to-sequence, purely convolutional and deconvolutional autoencoding framework that is free of the above issue, while also being computationally efficient. The proposed method is simple, easy to implement and can be leveraged as a building block for many applications. We show empirically that compared to RNNs, our framework is better at reconstructing and correcting long paragraphs. Quantitative evaluation on semi-supervised text classification and summarization tasks demonstrate the potential for better utilization of long unlabeled text data.Comment: Accepted by NIPS 201

    Exploring Contextual Word-level Style Relevance for Unsupervised Style Transfer

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    Unsupervised style transfer aims to change the style of an input sentence while preserving its original content without using parallel training data. In current dominant approaches, owing to the lack of fine-grained control on the influence from the target style,they are unable to yield desirable output sentences. In this paper, we propose a novel attentional sequence-to-sequence (Seq2seq) model that dynamically exploits the relevance of each output word to the target style for unsupervised style transfer. Specifically, we first pretrain a style classifier, where the relevance of each input word to the original style can be quantified via layer-wise relevance propagation. In a denoising auto-encoding manner, we train an attentional Seq2seq model to reconstruct input sentences and repredict word-level previously-quantified style relevance simultaneously. In this way, this model is endowed with the ability to automatically predict the style relevance of each output word. Then, we equip the decoder of this model with a neural style component to exploit the predicted wordlevel style relevance for better style transfer. Particularly, we fine-tune this model using a carefully-designed objective function involving style transfer, style relevance consistency, content preservation and fluency modeling loss terms. Experimental results show that our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of both transfer accuracy and content preservation.Comment: Accepted by ACL202

    Discrete Optimization for Unsupervised Sentence Summarization with Word-Level Extraction

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    Automatic sentence summarization produces a shorter version of a sentence, while preserving its most important information. A good summary is characterized by language fluency and high information overlap with the source sentence. We model these two aspects in an unsupervised objective function, consisting of language modeling and semantic similarity metrics. We search for a high-scoring summary by discrete optimization. Our proposed method achieves a new state-of-the art for unsupervised sentence summarization according to ROUGE scores. Additionally, we demonstrate that the commonly reported ROUGE F1 metric is sensitive to summary length. Since this is unwillingly exploited in recent work, we emphasize that future evaluation should explicitly group summarization systems by output length brackets.Comment: Accepted at ACL 202

    Educating Text Autoencoders: Latent Representation Guidance via Denoising

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    Generative autoencoders offer a promising approach for controllable text generation by leveraging their latent sentence representations. However, current models struggle to maintain coherent latent spaces required to perform meaningful text manipulations via latent vector operations. Specifically, we demonstrate by example that neural encoders do not necessarily map similar sentences to nearby latent vectors. A theoretical explanation for this phenomenon establishes that high capacity autoencoders can learn an arbitrary mapping between sequences and associated latent representations. To remedy this issue, we augment adversarial autoencoders with a denoising objective where original sentences are reconstructed from perturbed versions (referred to as DAAE). We prove that this simple modification guides the latent space geometry of the resulting model by encouraging the encoder to map similar texts to similar latent representations. In empirical comparisons with various types of autoencoders, our model provides the best trade-off between generation quality and reconstruction capacity. Moreover, the improved geometry of the DAAE latent space enables zero-shot text style transfer via simple latent vector arithmetic.Comment: ICML 2020 camera-read

    Latent Variable Algorithms for Multimodal Learning and Sensor Fusion

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    Multimodal learning has been lacking principled ways of combining information from different modalities and learning a low-dimensional manifold of meaningful representations. We study multimodal learning and sensor fusion from a latent variable perspective. We first present a regularized recurrent attention filter for sensor fusion. This algorithm can dynamically combine information from different types of sensors in a sequential decision making task. Each sensor is bonded with a modular neural network to maximize utility of its own information. A gating modular neural network dynamically generates a set of mixing weights for outputs from sensor networks by balancing utility of all sensors' information. We design a co-learning mechanism to encourage co-adaption and independent learning of each sensor at the same time, and propose a regularization based co-learning method. In the second part, we focus on recovering the manifold of latent representation. We propose a co-learning approach using probabilistic graphical model which imposes a structural prior on the generative model: multimodal variational RNN (MVRNN) model, and derive a variational lower bound for its objective functions. In the third part, we extend the siamese structure to sensor fusion for robust acoustic event detection. We perform experiments to investigate the latent representations that are extracted; works will be done in the following months. Our experiments show that the recurrent attention filter can dynamically combine different sensor inputs according to the information carried in the inputs. We consider MVRNN can identify latent representations that are useful for many downstream tasks such as speech synthesis, activity recognition, and control and planning. Both algorithms are general frameworks which can be applied to other tasks where different types of sensors are jointly used for decision making

    Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation

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    In spite of the recent success of neural machine translation (NMT) in standard benchmarks, the lack of large parallel corpora poses a major practical problem for many language pairs. There have been several proposals to alleviate this issue with, for instance, triangulation and semi-supervised learning techniques, but they still require a strong cross-lingual signal. In this work, we completely remove the need of parallel data and propose a novel method to train an NMT system in a completely unsupervised manner, relying on nothing but monolingual corpora. Our model builds upon the recent work on unsupervised embedding mappings, and consists of a slightly modified attentional encoder-decoder model that can be trained on monolingual corpora alone using a combination of denoising and backtranslation. Despite the simplicity of the approach, our system obtains 15.56 and 10.21 BLEU points in WMT 2014 French-to-English and German-to-English translation. The model can also profit from small parallel corpora, and attains 21.81 and 15.24 points when combined with 100,000 parallel sentences, respectively. Our implementation is released as an open source project.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    Unsupervised Neural Text Simplification

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    The paper presents a first attempt towards unsupervised neural text simplification that relies only on unlabeled text corpora. The core framework is composed of a shared encoder and a pair of attentional-decoders and gains knowledge of simplification through discrimination based-losses and denoising. The framework is trained using unlabeled text collected from en-Wikipedia dump. Our analysis (both quantitative and qualitative involving human evaluators) on a public test data shows that the proposed model can perform text-simplification at both lexical and syntactic levels, competitive to existing supervised methods. Addition of a few labelled pairs also improves the performance further.Comment: ACL 201

    A Lightweight Music Texture Transfer System

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    Deep learning researches on the transformation problems for image and text have raised great attention. However, present methods for music feature transfer using neural networks are far from practical application. In this paper, we initiate a novel system for transferring the texture of music, and release it as an open source project. Its core algorithm is composed of a converter which represents sounds as texture spectra, a corresponding reconstructor and a feed-forward transfer network. We evaluate this system from multiple perspectives, and experimental results reveal that it achieves convincing results in both sound effects and computational performance.Comment: 12 page
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