8 research outputs found

    Decision making in supply chains and value networks: the beer game evolution.

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    New trends in inter-organization configurations are challenging the traditional concept of supply chain. Concepts such as Virtual Enterprise were introduced to describe scenarios in which manufacturers operate as nodes within a network of suppliers, customers, engineers, and other specialized service functions. Our aim is to build a simulation tool based on the rules of the Beer Game that includes the variables of a virtual enterprise, VirtuE in particular, and risk management in order to understand the strategies underlying the subject\u2019s behavior in the face of risk within a means-end chain. The simulation tool will contribute to understanding the complexity of managing decision making in supply chains and networks. This study presents the tests carried out on the original game, the new variables introduced, and the simulation results

    A Study of the Impact of Information Blackouts on the Bullwhip Effect of a Supply Chain Using Discrete-Event Simulations

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    This study adds to the supply chain management literature by introducing and investigating information blackouts, sudden and short-duration failure of the information flow. This study aims to contribute to the literature in following ways: first, to define information blackouts in a supply chain. Second, to investigate the response of supply chains to information blackouts using discrete-event simulation. Prior research has focused more on analyzing systemic disruptions to supply chains from well-known sources. We expect the results of this study to be useful to supply chain managers in disaster prone areas

    Ellátási láncok irányítási algoritmusai a sörjáték példáján

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    A sörjáték egy szimulációs eszköz, amely rendszerdinamikai sajátosságok bemutatására szolgál egy egyszerűsített ellátásilánc-modell alkalmazásával. A szerző ennek egy továbbfejlesztett, véletlenszerű igényt tartalmazó változatát használja. A cikkben öt irányítási algoritmust mutat be: 1. visszacsatolást nem tartalmazó, vezérlés jellegű mechanizmus, ami állandó rendelési időközt és állandó rendelési mennyiséget alkalmaz, 2. közvetlen visszacsatolás, 3. két beavatkozási határértéket tartalmazó állásos szabályozás, 4. egy célértéket tartalmazó visszacsatolás, 5. előrejelzésen alapuló előrecsatolás. Az elemzések részben lejátszott játékok felhasználásával, részben pedig Monte Carlo szimulációval történtek


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    Simulation Modeling and Analysis of TNMCS for the B-1 Strategic Bomber

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    Simulation provides a method of modeling complex systems which would otherwise be impractical for quantitative experimentation. While other analytic techniques have been used to explore Total Non-Mission Capable [due to] Supply (TNMCS) rates, simulation offers a novel approach to discovering what aspects of the supply chain impact this metric. This research develops a discrete event simulation to investigate factors which affect TNMCS rates for the B-1B by modeling the core processes within the Air Force (AF) supply chain. A notional fleet of 16 aircraft at a single air base (Ellsworth AFB, SD) is modeled based on historical supply and maintenance data. To identify and quantify the effects of various factors, an experimental design is used for analyzing the output of our high-level discrete event simulation. Additionally, two different approaches to reporting and modeling Air Logistics Center (ALC) stockage effectiveness (SE) are compared to our baseline simulation. This exploration shows several factors which significantly impact TNMCS rates and have the potential to reduce them to their current targets

    Delivery Time Uncertainty in Dynamic Supply Networks

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    Today, business models are invariably part of complex networks of suppliers, manufacturers and distributors. Uncertainty is recognized as an inevitable characteristic of supply networks and managers need to be aware of its specifications and consequences of that. Therefore, understanding, acknowledgement, and moderation of the causes and effect of uncertainty is crucial. Under-controlled uncertainty leads to the improvement of networks performances and reliable networks. This paper complies with uncertain complex supply networks with their fundamental types. By defining critical routes in PERT networks, a combination of stochastic and mathematical models calculates the delivery time uncertainty in supply networks. This approach can be used as a tool for managers to control and monitor uncertainty in complex networks