1,069 research outputs found

    Dynamic Virtual Page-based Flash Translation Layer with Novel Hot Data Identification and Adaptive Parallelism Management

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    Solid-state disks (SSDs) tend to replace traditional motor-driven hard disks in high-end storage devices in past few decades. However, various inherent features, such as out-of-place update [resorting to garbage collection (GC)] and limited endurance (resorting to wear leveling), need to be reduced to a large extent before that day comes. Both the GC and wear leveling fundamentally depend on hot data identification (HDI). In this paper, we propose a hot data-aware flash translation layer architecture based on a dynamic virtual page (DVPFTL) so as to improve the performance and lifetime of NAND flash devices. First, we develop a generalized dual layer HDI (DL-HDI) framework, which is composed of a cold data pre-classifier and a hot data post-identifier. Those can efficiently follow the frequency and recency of information access. Then, we design an adaptive parallelism manager (APM) to assign the clustered data chunks to distinct resident blocks in the SSD so as to prolong its endurance. Finally, the experimental results from our realized SSD prototype indicate that the DVPFTL scheme has reliably improved the parallelizability and endurance of NAND flash devices with improved GC-costs, compared with related works.Peer reviewe

    A Cache Management Strategy to Replace Wear Leveling Techniques for Embedded Flash Memory

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    Prices of NAND flash memories are falling drastically due to market growth and fabrication process mastering while research efforts from a technological point of view in terms of endurance and density are very active. NAND flash memories are becoming the most important storage media in mobile computing and tend to be less confined to this area. The major constraint of such a technology is the limited number of possible erase operations per block which tend to quickly provoke memory wear out. To cope with this issue, state-of-the-art solutions implement wear leveling policies to level the wear out of the memory and so increase its lifetime. These policies are integrated into the Flash Translation Layer (FTL) and greatly contribute in decreasing the write performance. In this paper, we propose to reduce the flash memory wear out problem and improve its performance by absorbing the erase operations throughout a dual cache system replacing FTL wear leveling and garbage collection services. We justify this idea by proposing a first performance evaluation of an exclusively cache based system for embedded flash memories. Unlike wear leveling schemes, the proposed cache solution reduces the total number of erase operations reported on the media by absorbing them in the cache for workloads expressing a minimal global sequential rate.Comment: Ce papier a obtenu le "Best Paper Award" dans le "Computer System track" nombre de page: 8; International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer & Telecommunication Systems, La Haye : Netherlands (2011

    Elevating commodity storage with the SALSA host translation layer

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    To satisfy increasing storage demands in both capacity and performance, industry has turned to multiple storage technologies, including Flash SSDs and SMR disks. These devices employ a translation layer that conceals the idiosyncrasies of their mediums and enables random access. Device translation layers are, however, inherently constrained: resources on the drive are scarce, they cannot be adapted to application requirements, and lack visibility across multiple devices. As a result, performance and durability of many storage devices is severely degraded. In this paper, we present SALSA: a translation layer that executes on the host and allows unmodified applications to better utilize commodity storage. SALSA supports a wide range of single- and multi-device optimizations and, because is implemented in software, can adapt to specific workloads. We describe SALSA's design, and demonstrate its significant benefits using microbenchmarks and case studies based on three applications: MySQL, the Swift object store, and a video server.Comment: Presented at 2018 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS

    Self-Learning Hot Data Prediction: Where Echo State Network Meets NAND Flash Memories

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Well understanding the access behavior of hot data is significant for NAND flash memory due to its crucial impact on the efficiency of garbage collection (GC) and wear leveling (WL), which respectively dominate the performance and life span of SSD. Generally, both GC and WL rely greatly on the recognition accuracy of hot data identification (HDI). However, in this paper, the first time we propose a novel concept of hot data prediction (HDP), where the conventional HDI becomes unnecessary. First, we develop a hybrid optimized echo state network (HOESN), where sufficiently unbiased and continuously shrunk output weights are learnt by a sparse regression based on L2 and L1/2 regularization. Second, quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO) is employed to compute reservoir parameters (i.e., global scaling factor, reservoir size, scaling coefficient and sparsity degree) for further improving prediction accuracy and reliability. Third, in the test on a chaotic benchmark (Rossler), the HOESN performs better than those of six recent state-of-the-art methods. Finally, simulation results about six typical metrics tested on five real disk workloads and on-chip experiment outcomes verified from an actual SSD prototype indicate that our HOESN-based HDP can reliably promote the access performance and endurance of NAND flash memories.Peer reviewe

    Performance Analysis of NAND Flash Memory Solid-State Disks

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    As their prices decline, their storage capacities increase, and their endurance improves, NAND Flash Solid-State Disks (SSD) provide an increasingly attractive alternative to Hard Disk Drives (HDD) for portable computing systems and PCs. HDDs have been an integral component of computing systems for several decades as long-term, non-volatile storage in memory hierarchy. Today's typical hard disk drive is a highly complex electro-mechanical system which is a result of decades of research, development, and fine-tuned engineering. Compared to HDD, flash memory provides a simpler interface, one without the complexities of mechanical parts. On the other hand, today's typical solid-state disk drive is still a complex storage system with its own peculiarities and system problems. Due to lack of publicly available SSD models, we have developed our NAND flash SSD models and integrated them into DiskSim, which is extensively used in academe in studying storage system architectures. With our flash memory simulator, we model various solid-state disk architectures for a typical portable computing environment, quantify their performance under real user PC workloads and explore potential for further improvements. We find the following: * The real limitation to NAND flash memory performance is not its low per-device bandwidth but its internal core interface. * NAND flash memory media transfer rates do not need to scale up to those of HDDs for good performance. * SSD organizations that exploit concurrency at both the system and device level improve performance significantly. * These system- and device-level concurrency mechanisms are, to a significant degree, orthogonal: that is, the performance increase due to one does not come at the expense of the other, as each exploits a different facet of concurrency exhibited within the PC workload. * SSD performance can be further improved by implementing flash-oriented queuing algorithms, access reordering, and bus ordering algorithms which exploit the flash memory interface and its timing differences between read and write requests
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