3 research outputs found

    On the Orchestration and Provisioning of NFV-enabled Multicast Services

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    The paradigm of network function virtualization (NFV) with the support of software-defined networking has emerged as a prominent approach to foster innovation in the networking field and reduce the complexity involved in managing modern-day conventional networks. Before NFV, functions, which can manipulate the packet header and context of traffic flow, used to be implemented at fixed locations in the network substrate inside proprietary physical devices (called middlewares). With NFV, such functions are softwarized and virtualized. As such, they can be deployed in commodity servers as demanded. Hence, the provisioning of a network service becomes more agile and abstract, thereby giving rise to the next-generation service-customized networks which have the potential to meet new demands and use cases. In this thesis, we focus on three complementary research problems essential to the orchestration and provisioning of NFV-enabled multicast network services. An NFV-enabled multicast service connects a source with a set of destinations. It specifies a set of NFs that should be executed at the chosen routes from the source to the destinations, with some resources and ordering relationships that should be satisfied in wired core networks. In Problem I, we investigate a static joint traffic routing and virtual NF placement framework for accommodating multicast services over the network substrate. We develop optimal formulations and efficient heuristic algorithms that jointly handle the static embedding of one or multiple service requests over the network substrate with single-path and multipath routing. In Problem II, we study the online orchestration of NFV-enabled network services. We consider both unicast and multicast NFV-enabled services with mandatory and best-effort NF types. Mandatory NFs are strictly necessary for the correctness of a network service, whereas best-effort NFs are preferable yet not necessary. Correspondingly, we propose a primal-dual based online approximation algorithm that allocates both processing and transmission resources to maximize a profit function that is proportional to the throughput. The online algorithm resembles a joint admission mechanism and an online composition, routing, and NF placement framework. In the core network, traffic patterns exhibit time-varying characteristics that can be cumbersome to model. Therefore, in Problem III, we develop a dynamic provisioning approach to allocate processing and transmission resources based on the traffic pattern of the embedded network service using deep reinforcement learning (RL). Notably, we devise a model-assisted exploration procedure to improve the efficiency and consistency of the deep RL algorithm

    Dynamic Resource Provisioning and Scheduling in SDN/NFV-Enabled Core Networks

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    The service-oriented fifth-generation (5G) core networks are featured by customized network services with differentiated quality-of-service (QoS) requirements, which can be provisioned through network slicing enabled by the software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) paradigms. Multiple network services are embedded in a common physical infrastructure, generating service-customized network slices. Each network slice supports a composite service via virtual network function (VNF) chaining, with dedicated packet processing functionality at each VNF. For a network slice with a target traffic load, the end-to-end (E2E) service delivery is enabled by VNF placement at NFV nodes (e.g., data centers and commodity servers) and traffic routing among corresponding NFV nodes, with static resource allocations. To provide continuous QoS performance guarantee over time, it is essential to develop dynamic resource management schemes for the embedded services experiencing traffic dynamics in different time granularities during virtual network operation. In this thesis, we focus on processing resources and investigate three research problems on dynamic processing resource provisioning and scheduling for embedded delay-sensitive services, in presence of both large-timescale traffic statistical changes and bursty traffic dynamics in smaller time granularities. In problem I, we investigate a dynamic flow migration problem for multiple embedded services, to accommodate the large-timescale changes in the average traffic rates with average E2E delay guarantee, while addressing a trade-off between load balancing and flow migration overhead. We develop optimization problem formulations and efficient heuristic algorithms, based on a simplified M/M/1 queueing model with Poisson traffic arrivals. Motivated by the limitations of Poisson traffic model, in problem II, we restrict to a local network scenario and study a dynamic VNF scaling problem based on a real-world traffic trace with nonstationary traffic statistics in large timescale. Under the assumption that the nonstationary traffic trace can be partitioned into non-overlapping stationary traffic segments with unknown change points in time, a change point detection driven traffic parameter learning and resource demand prediction scheme is proposed, based on which dynamic VNF migration decisions are made at variable-length decision epochs via deep reinforcement learning. The long-term trade-off between load balancing and migration overhead is studied. A fractional Brownian motion (fBm) traffic model is employed for each detected stationary traffic segment, based on properties of Gaussianity and self-similarity of the real-world traffic. In Problem III, we focus on a sufficiently long time duration with given VNF placement and stationary traffic statistics, and study a delay-aware VNF scheduling problem to coordinate VNF scheduling for multiple services, which achieves network utility maximization with timely throughput guarantee for each service, in presence of bursty and unpredictable small-timescale traffic dynamics, while using a realistic state-of-the-art time quantum (slot) for CPU processing resource scheduling among VNF software processes. Based on the Lyapunov optimization technique, an online distributed VNF scheduling algorithm is derived, which greedily schedules a VNF at each NFV node based on a weight incorporating the backpressure-based weighted differential backlogs with the downstream VNF, the service throughput performance indicated by virtual queue lengths, and the packet delay. With the proposed dynamic resource management framework, resources can be efficiently and fairly allocated to the embedded services, to avoid congestion and QoS degradation in the presence of traffic dynamics. This research provides some insights in dynamic resource management for delay-sensitive services in a virtualized network environment with CPU processing resources