156 research outputs found

    Cellular, Wide-Area, and Non-Terrestrial IoT: A Survey on 5G Advances and the Road Towards 6G

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    The next wave of wireless technologies is proliferating in connecting things among themselves as well as to humans. In the era of the Internet of things (IoT), billions of sensors, machines, vehicles, drones, and robots will be connected, making the world around us smarter. The IoT will encompass devices that must wirelessly communicate a diverse set of data gathered from the environment for myriad new applications. The ultimate goal is to extract insights from this data and develop solutions that improve quality of life and generate new revenue. Providing large-scale, long-lasting, reliable, and near real-time connectivity is the major challenge in enabling a smart connected world. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on existing and emerging communication solutions for serving IoT applications in the context of cellular, wide-area, as well as non-terrestrial networks. Specifically, wireless technology enhancements for providing IoT access in fifth-generation (5G) and beyond cellular networks, and communication networks over the unlicensed spectrum are presented. Aligned with the main key performance indicators of 5G and beyond 5G networks, we investigate solutions and standards that enable energy efficiency, reliability, low latency, and scalability (connection density) of current and future IoT networks. The solutions include grant-free access and channel coding for short-packet communications, non-orthogonal multiple access, and on-device intelligence. Further, a vision of new paradigm shifts in communication networks in the 2030s is provided, and the integration of the associated new technologies like artificial intelligence, non-terrestrial networks, and new spectra is elaborated. Finally, future research directions toward beyond 5G IoT networks are pointed out.Comment: Submitted for review to IEEE CS&

    Taming and Leveraging Directionality and Blockage in Millimeter Wave Communications

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    To cope with the challenge for high-rate data transmission, Millimeter Wave(mmWave) is one potential solution. The short wavelength unlatched the era of directional mobile communication. The semi-optical communication requires revolutionary thinking. To assist the research and evaluate various algorithms, we build a motion-sensitive mmWave testbed with two degrees of freedom for environmental sensing and general wireless communication.The first part of this thesis contains two approaches to maintain the connection in mmWave mobile communication. The first one seeks to solve the beam tracking problem using motion sensor within the mobile device. A tracking algorithm is given and integrated into the tracking protocol. Detailed experiments and numerical simulations compared several compensation schemes with optical benchmark and demonstrated the efficiency of overhead reduction. The second strategy attempts to mitigate intermittent connections during roaming is multi-connectivity. Taking advantage of properties of rateless erasure code, a fountain code type multi-connectivity mechanism is proposed to increase the link reliability with simplified backhaul mechanism. The simulation demonstrates the efficiency and robustness of our system design with a multi-link channel record.The second topic in this thesis explores various techniques in blockage mitigation. A fast hear-beat like channel with heavy blockage loss is identified in the mmWave Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) communication experiment due to the propeller blockage. These blockage patterns are detected through Holm\u27s procedure as a problem of multi-time series edge detection. To reduce the blockage effect, an adaptive modulation and coding scheme is designed. The simulation results show that it could greatly improve the throughput given appropriately predicted patterns. The last but not the least, the blockage of directional communication also appears as a blessing because the geometrical information and blockage event of ancillary signal paths can be utilized to predict the blockage timing for the current transmission path. A geometrical model and prediction algorithm are derived to resolve the blockage time and initiate active handovers. An experiment provides solid proof of multi-paths properties and the numeral simulation demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed algorithm

    A Survey on Applications of Cache-Aided NOMA

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    Contrary to orthogonal multiple-access (OMA), non-orthogonal multiple-access (NOMA) schemes can serve a pool of users without exploiting the scarce frequency or time domain resources. This is useful in meeting the future network requirements (5G and beyond systems), such as, low latency, massive connectivity, users' fairness, and high spectral efficiency. On the other hand, content caching restricts duplicate data transmission by storing popular contents in advance at the network edge which reduces data traffic. In this survey, we focus on cache-aided NOMA-based wireless networks which can reap the benefits of both cache and NOMA; switching to NOMA from OMA enables cache-aided networks to push additional files to content servers in parallel and improve the cache hit probability. Beginning with fundamentals of the cache-aided NOMA technology, we summarize the performance goals of cache-aided NOMA systems, present the associated design challenges, and categorize the recent related literature based on their application verticals. Concomitant standardization activities and open research challenges are highlighted as well

    Modellierung und Evaluierung der “Required Communication Performance” von Luft-Boden Datenverbindungen mit “Erasure Codes”.

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    In this work, a model to calculate the air-ground data link performance using the “Required Communication Performance” metric used in aviation is proposed. This model is applied to evaluate the performance of data links and to estimate the minimum link performance required to meet the safety requirements. The results show that it is highly unlikely that air-ground data links achieve the minimum performance. “Erasure codes” and a multiple link concept are proposed and evaluated to improve the performance of the links.Diese Arbeit beschreibt ein Modell, mit welcher die Leistung von Luft-Boden Datenverbindungen unter Verwendung der in der Luftfahrt verwendeten Metrik „Required Communication Performance“, berechnet werden. Dieses Modell wird angewendet, um die Leistung von Datenverbindungen zu bewerten und die minimale Verbindungsleistung abzuschätzen, die erforderlich ist, um die Sicherheitsanforderungen zu erfüllen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es sehr unwahrscheinlich ist, dass Luft-Boden Datenverbindungen die Mindestleistung erreichen. Zur Verbesserung der Leistung der Links werden Konzepte basierend auf “Erasure Codes" und mehreren Links vorgeschlagen und evaluiert

    Performance analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-enabled Wireless Networks

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.As an indispensable part of mobile communication systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be leveraged to complement terrestrial networks by providing coverage to areas where infrastructures are scarce. Equipped with self-navigation and strong automation, UAVs have extensive applications to environmental monitoring, disaster recovery, search and rescue, owing to their excellent agility and autonomy. As a result, an increasing demand arises for ubiquitous connectivity and reliable communication for data exchange between UAVs, and between UAVs and ground stations. Since UAVs operate in three-dimensional (3D) space with strong manoeuvrability, random trajectories and wireless propagation environment can pose significant challenges to the study on coverage and capacity of UAV networks. On the other hand, UAVs are increasingly posing threats to information security. UAVs can be potentially used to eavesdrop and jam wireless transmissions between legitimate terrestrial transceivers. It is of practical interest to understand the robustness of terrestrial wireless communications under exposure to new threats from aerial adversaries. This thesis studies the coverage and capacity, including secure coverage and secrecy capacity, of UAV-enabled wireless networks with UAVs flying under 3D random trajectories based on stochastic geometry and measure convergence theory. The detailed contributions of this thesis are summarised as: • Capacity analysis of UAV networks under random trajectories. We geometrically derive probability distributions of UAV-to-UAV distances and closed-form bounds for the capacity can be obtained by exploiting the Jensen's inequality. We extrapolate the idea to dense UAV networks and analyse the impact of network densification and imperfect channel state information on the capacity. • Connectivity analysis of uncoordinated UAV swarms. New closed-form bounds are derived for the outage probability of individual UAVs, and broadcast connectivity of each UAV which evaluates the reliability of broadcast across the swarm. The qualifying conditions of the bounds on 3D coverage and impact of ground interference on the outage are identified. • Secure connectivity analysis in UAV networks. We propose a trust model based on UAVs’ behaviour and mobility pattern and characteristics of inter-UAV channels. We derive analytical expressions of both physical and secure connectivity probabilities with/without considering Doppler shift. • Secrecy capacity analysis against aerial eavesdroppers. We analyse ergodic and ϵ-outage secrecy capacities of ground link in the presence of cooperative aerial eavesdroppers. The “cut-off” density of eavesdroppers under which the secrecy capacities vanish is identified. By decoupling the analysis of random trajectories from random channel fading, closed-form approximations with almost sure convergence to the secrecy capacities are devised

    Effects of Data Replication on Data Exfiltration in Mobile Ad hoc Networks Utilizing Reactive Protocols

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    A swarm of autonomous UAVs can provide a significant amount of ISR data where current UAV assets may not be feasible or practical. As such, the availability of the data the resides in the swarm is a topic that will benefit from further investigation. This thesis examines the impact of le replication and swarm characteristics such as node mobility, swarm size, and churn rate on data availability utilizing reactive protocols. This document examines the most prominent factors affecting the networking of nodes in a MANET. Factors include network routing protocols and peer-to-peer le protocols. It compares and contrasts several open source network simulator environments. Experiment implementation is documented, covering design considerations, assumptions, and software implementation, as well as detailing constant, response and variable factors. Collected data is presented and the results show that in swarms of sizes of 30, 45, and 60 nodes, le replication improves data availability until network saturation is reached, with the most significant benefit gained after only one copy is made. Mobility, churn rate, and swarm density all influence the replication impact

    Integrated and Heterogenous Mobile Edge Caching (MEC) Networks

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    The recent phenomenal growth of the global mobile data traffic, mainly caused by intelligent Internet of Things (IoTs), is the most significant challenge of wireless networks within the foreseeable future. In this context, Mobile Edge Caching (MEC) has been recognized as a promising solution to maintain low latency communication. This, in turn, improves the Quality of Service (QoS) by storing the most popular multimedia content close to the end-users. Despite extensive progress in MEC networks, however, there are still limitations that should be addressed. Through this Ph.D. thesis, first, we perform a literature review on recent works on MEC networks to identify challenges and potential opportunities for improvement. Then, by highlighting potential drawbacks of the reviewed works, we aim to not only enhance the cache-hit-ratio, which is the metric to quantify the users’ QoS, but also to improve the quality of experience of caching nodes. In this regard, we design and implement a Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)-based connection scheduling framework [1] to minimize users’ access delay by maintaining a trade-off between the energy consumption of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and the occurrence of handovers. We also use D2D communication [2] to increase the network’s capacity without adding any infrastructure. Another approach to effectively use the limited storage capacity of caching nodes is to increase the content diversity by employing the coded caching strategies in cluster-centric networks. Despite all the researches on the cluster-centric cellular networks, there is no framework to determine how different segments can be cached to increase the data availability in a UAV-aided cluster-centric cellular network. Moreover, to date, limited research has been performed on UAV-aided cellular networks to provide high QoS for users in both indoor and outdoor environments. Through this thesis research, we aim to address these gaps [3,4]. In addition, another goal of this thesis is to design real-time caching strategies [5–9] to predict the upcoming most popular content to improve the users’ access delay. Last but not least, capitalizing on recent advancements of indoor localization frameworks [10–14], we aim to develop a proactive caching strategy for an integrated indoor/outdoor MEC network
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