4 research outputs found

    Feasibility Evaluation of the Statistical Delay Quality Model (SDQM)

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    遅延テストの品質評価には,遷移遅延故障モデルが広く用いられてきた.しかし,論理的な網羅性のみに着目しているため,微小な遅延欠陥の検出能力は明らかでなかった.そこで筆者らは微小な遅延欠陥の検出能力を,半導体製造プロセスの品質,設計の遅延変動に対するロバスト性,テストタイミング精度,及びテストパターンの論理的網羅性を総合的に反映して求める統計的遅延品質モデル(SDQM:statistical delay quality model)を提案し,本論文では,その大規模データに対するフィージビリティを評価した.商用のテスト生成ツールによるテストパターンを用いてSDQM の計算を行い,SDQMの計算の処理時間とメモリ量が適用可能なレベルであることを確認した.また,本モデルを用いたテストパターンの分析により,従来の遷移遅延故障モデルによるテストパターンは,長い論理パスが活性化されて初めて可能になる微小遅延欠陥の検出能力が十分でなく,アルゴリズム改良が必要なことを,定量的に示すことができた

    A Novel and Practical Control Scheme for Inter-Clock At-Speed Testing

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    The quality of at-speed testing is being severely challenged by the problem that an inter-clock logic block existing between two synchronous clocks is not efficiently tested or totally ignored due to complex test control. This paper addresses the problem with a novel inter-clock at-speed test control scheme, featuring a compact and robust on-chip inter-clock enable generator design. The new scheme can generate inter-clock at-speed test clocks from PLLs, and is feasible for both ATE-based scan testing and logic BIST. Successful applications to industrial circuits have proven its effectiveness in improving the quality of at-speed testing.2006 IEEE International Test Conference, 22-27 October 2006, Santa Clara, CA, US

    A Novel Scheme to Reduce Power Supply Noise for High-Quality At-Speed Scan Testing

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    High-quality at-speed scan testing, characterized by high small-delay-defect detecting capability, is indispensable to achieve high delay test quality for DSM circuits. However, such testing is susceptible to yield loss due to excessive power supply noise caused by high launch-induced switching activity. This paper addresses this serious problem with a novel and practical post-ATPG X-filling scheme, featuring (1) a test relaxation method, called path keeping X-identification, that finds don\u27t-care bits from a fully-specified transition delay test set while preserving its delay test quality by keeping the longest paths originally sensitized for fault detection, and (2) an X-filling method, called justification-probability-based fill (JP-fill), that is both effective and scalable for reducing launch-induced switching activity. This scheme can be easily implemented into any ATPG flow to effectively reduce power supply noise, without any impact on delay test quality, test data volume, area overhead, and circuit timing.2007 IEEE International Test Conference, 21-26 October 2007, Santa Clara, CA, US

    High Quality Delay Testing Scheme for a Self-Timed Microprocessor

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    RÉSUMÉ La popularité d’internet et la quantité toujours croissante de données qui transitent à travers ses terminaux nécessite d’importantes infrastructures de serveurs qui consomment énormément d’énergie. Par conséquent, et puisqu’une augmentation de la consommation d’énergie se traduit par une augmentation des coûts, la demande pour des processeurs efficaces en énergie est en forte hausse. Une manière d’augmenter l’efficacité énergétique des processeurs consiste à moduler la fréquence d’opération du système en fonction de la charge de travail. Les processeurs endochrones et asynchrones sont une des solutions mettant en œuvre ce principe de modulation de l’activité à la demande. Cependant, les méthodes de conception non conventionnelles qui leur sont associées, en particulier en termes de testabilité et d’automation, sont un frein au développement de ce type de systèmes. Ce travail s’intéresse au développement d’une méthode de test de haute qualité adressée aux pannes de retards dans une architecture de processeur endochrone spécifique, appelée AnARM. La méthode proposée consiste à détecter les pannes à faibles retards (PFR) dans l’AnARM en tirant profit des lignes à délais configurables intégrées. Ces pannes sont connues pour passer au travers des modèles de pannes de retards utilisés habituellement (les pannes de retards de portes). Ce travail s’intéresse principalement aux PFR qui échappent à la détection des pannes de retards de portes mais qui sont suffisamment longues pour provoquer des erreurs dans des conditions normales d’opération. D’autre part, la détection de pannes à très faibles retards est évitée, autant que possible, afin de limiter le nombre de faux positifs. Pour réaliser un test de haute qualité, ce travail propose, dans un premier temps, une métrique de test dédiée aux PFR, qui est mieux adaptée aux circuits endochrones, puis, dans un second temps, une méthode de test des pannes de retards basée sur la modulation de la vitesse des lignes à délais intégrés, qui s’adapte à un jeu de vecteurs de test préexistant.Ce travail présente une métrique de test ciblant les PFR, appelée pourcentage de marges pondérées (PoMP), ainsi qu’un nouveau modèle de test pour les PFR (appelé test de PFR idéal).----------ABSTRACT The popularity of the Internet and the huge amount of data that is transfered between devices nowadays requires very powerful servers that demand lots of power. Since higher power consumptions mean more expenses to companies, there is an increase in demand for power eÿcient processors. One of the ways to increase the power eÿciency of processors is to adapt the processing speeds and chip activity according the needed computation load. Self-timed or asynchronous processors are one of the solutions that apply this principle of activity on demand. However, their unconventional design methodology introduces several challenges in terms of testability and design automation. This work focuses on developing a high quality delay test for a specific architecture of self-timed processors called the AnARM. The proposed delay test focuses on catching e˙ective small-delay defects (SDDs) in the AnARM by taking advantage of built-in configurable delay lines. Those defects are known to escape one of the most commonly used delay fault models (the transition delay fault model). This work mainly focuses on e˙ective SDDs which can escape transition delay fault testing and are large enough to fail the circuit under normal operating conditions. At the same time, catching very small delay defects is avoided, when possible, to avoid falsely failing functional chips. To build the high quality delay test, this work develops an SDD test quality metric that is better suited for circuits with adaptable speeds. Then, it builds a delay test optimizer that adapts the built-in delay lines speeds to a preexisting at-speed pattern set to create a high quality SDD test. This work presents a novel SDD test quality metric called the weighted slack percentage (WeSPer), along with a new SDD testing model (named the ideal SDD test model). WeSPer is built to be a flexible metric capable of adapting to the availability of information about the circuit under test and the test environment. Since the AnARM can use multiple test speeds, WeSPer computation takes special care of assessing the effects of test frequency changes on the test quality. Specifically, special care is taken into avoiding overtesting the circuit. Overtesting will cause circuits under test to fail due to defects that are too small to affect the functionality of these circuits in their present state. A computation framework is built to compute WeSPer and compare it with other existing metrics in the literature over a large sets of process-voltage-temperature computation points. Simulations are done on a selected set of known benchmark circuits synthesized in the 28nm FD-SOI technology from STMicroelectronics