895 research outputs found

    Overlay networks for smart grids

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    Flexible Application-Layer Multicast in Heterogeneous Networks

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    This work develops a set of peer-to-peer-based protocols and extensions in order to provide Internet-wide group communication. The focus is put to the question how different access technologies can be integrated in order to face the growing traffic load problem. Thereby, protocols are developed that allow autonomous adaptation to the current network situation on the one hand and the integration of WiFi domains where applicable on the other hand

    Design of Overlay Networks for Internet Multicast - Doctoral Dissertation, August 2002

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    Multicast is an efficient transmission scheme for supporting group communication in networks. Contrasted with unicast, where multiple point-to-point connections must be used to support communications among a group of users, multicast is more efficient because each data packet is replicated in the network – at the branching points leading to distinguished destinations, thus reducing the transmission load on the data sources and traffic load on the network links. To implement multicast, networks need to incorporate new routing and forwarding mechanisms in addition to the existing are not adequately supported in the current networks. The IP multicast are not adequately supported in the current networks. The IP multicast solution has serious scaling and deployment limitations, and cannot be easily extended to provide more enhanced data services. Furthermore, and perhaps most importantly, IP multicast has ignored the economic nature of the problem, lacking incentives for service providers to deploy the service in wide area networks. Overlay multicast holds promise for the realization of large scale Internet multicast services. An overlay network is a virtual topology constructed on top of the Internet infrastructure. The concept of overlay networks enables multicast to be deployed as a service network rather than a network primitive mechanism, allowing deployment over heterogeneous networks without the need of universal network support. This dissertation addresses the network design aspects of overlay networks to provide scalable multicast services in the Internet. The resources and the network cost in the context of overlay networks are different from that in conventional networks, presenting new challenges and new problems to solve. Our design goal are the maximization of network utility and improved service quality. As the overall network design problem is extremely complex, we divide the problem into three components: the efficient management of session traffic (multicast routing), the provisioning of overlay network resources (bandwidth dimensioning) and overlay topology optimization (service placement). The combined solution provides a comprehensive procedure for planning and managing an overlay multicast network. We also consider a complementary form of overlay multicast called application-level multicast (ALMI). ALMI allows end systems to directly create an overlay multicast session among themselves. This gives applications the flexibility to communicate without relying on service provides. The tradeoff is that users do not have direct control on the topology and data paths taken by the session flows and will typically get lower quality of service due to the best effort nature of the Internet environment. ALMI is therefore suitable for sessions of small size or sessions where all members are well connected to the network. Furthermore, the ALMI framework allows us to experiment with application specific components such as data reliability, in order to identify a useful set of communication semantic for enhanced data services

    Scalable reliable on-demand media streaming protocols

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    This thesis considers the problem of delivering streaming media, on-demand, to potentially large numbers of concurrent clients. The problem has motivated the development in prior work of scalable protocols based on multicast or broadcast. However, previous protocols do not allow clients to efficiently: 1) recover from packet loss; 2) share bandwidth fairly with competing flows; or 3) maximize the playback quality at the client for any given client reception rate characteristics. In this work, new protocols, namely Reliable Periodic Broadcast (RPB) and Reliable Bandwidth Skimming (RBS), are developed that efficiently recover from packet loss and achieve close to the best possible server bandwidth scalability for a given set of client characteristics. To share bandwidth fairly with competing traffic such as TCP, these protocols can employ the Vegas Multicast Rate Control (VMRC) protocol proposed in this work. The VMRC protocol exhibits TCP Vegas-like behavior. In comparison to prior rate control protocols, VMRC provides less oscillatory reception rates to clients, and operates without inducing packet loss when the bottleneck link is lightly loaded. The VMRC protocol incorporates a new technique for dynamically adjusting the TCP Vegas threshold parameters based on measured characteristics of the network. This technique implements fair sharing of network resources with other types of competing flows, including widely deployed versions of TCP such as TCP Reno. This fair sharing is not possible with the previously defined static Vegas threshold parameters. The RPB protocol is extended to efficiently support quality adaptation. The Optimized Heterogeneous Periodic Broadcast (HPB) is designed to support a range of client reception rates and efficiently support static quality adaptation by allowing clients to work-ahead before beginning playback to receive a media file of the desired quality. A dynamic quality adaptation technique is developed and evaluated which allows clients to achieve more uniform playback quality given time-varying client reception rates

    Worst-case delay control in multigroup overlay networks

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    This paper proposes a novel and simple adaptive control algorithm for the effective delay control and resource utilization of end host multicast (EMcast) when the traffic load becomes heavy in a multigroup network with real-time flows constrained by (sigma, rho) regulators. The control algorithm is implemented at the overlay networks and provides more regulations through a novel (sigma, rho, lambda) regulator at each group end host who suffers from heavy input traffic. To our knowledge, it is the first work to incorporate traffic regulators into the end host multicast to control heavy traffic output. Our further contributions include a theoretical analysis and a set of results. We prove the existence and calculate the value of the rate threshold rho* such that for a given set of K groups, when the average rate of traffic entering the group end hosts rho macr > rho*, the ratio of the worst-case multicast delay bound of the proposed (sigma, rho, lambda) regulator over the traditional (sigma, rho) regulator is O(1/Kn) for any integer n. We also prove the efficiency of the novel algorithm and regulator in decreasing worst-case delays by conducting computer simulations

    Performance-Engineered Network Overlays for High Quality Interaction in Virtual Worlds

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    Overlay hosting systems such as PlanetLab, and cloud computing environments such as Amazon’s EC2, provide shared infrastructures within which new applications can be developed and deployed on a global scale. This paper ex-plores how systems of this sort can be used to enable ad-vanced network services and sophisticated applications that use those services to enhance performance and provide a high quality user experience. Specifically, we investigate how advanced overlay hosting environments can be used to provide network services that enable scalable virtual world applications and other large-scale distributed applications requiring consistent, real-time performance. We propose a novel network architecture called Forest built around per-session tree-structured communication channels that we call comtrees. Comtrees are provisioned and support both unicast and multicast packet delivery. The multicast mechanism is designed to be highly scalable and light-weight enough to support the rapid changes to multicast subscriptions needed for efficient support of state updates within virtual worlds. We evaluate performance using a combination of analysis and experimental measurement of a partial system prototype that supports fully functional distributed game sessions. Our results provide the data needed to enable accurate projections of performance for a variety of session and system configurations
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