2 research outputs found

    Delay Analysis for Wireless Local Area Networks with Multipacket Reception under Finite Load

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    To date, most analysis of WLANs has been focused on their operation under saturation condition. This work is an attempt to understand the fundamental performance of WLANs under unsaturated condition. In particular, we are interested in the delay performance when collisions of packets are resolved by an exponential backoff mechanism. Using a multiple-vacation queueing model, we derive an explicit expression for packet delay distribution, from which necessary conditions for finite mean delay and delay jitter are established. It is found that under some circumstances, mean delay and delay jitter may approach infinity even when the traffic load is way below the saturation throughput. Saturation throughput is therefore not a sound measure of WLAN capacity when the underlying applications are delay sensitive. To bridge the gap, we define safe-bounded-mean-delay (SBMD) throughput and safe-bounded-delay-jitter (SBDJ) throughput that reflect the actual network capacity users can enjoy when they require bounded mean delay and delay jitter, respectively. The analytical model in this paper is general enough to cover both single-packet reception (SPR) and multi-packet reception (MPR) WLANs, as well as carrier-sensing and non-carrier-sensing networks. We show that the SBMD and SBDJ throughputs scale super-linearly with the MPR capability of a network. Together with our earlier work that proves super-linear throughput scaling under saturation condition, our results here complete the demonstration of MPR as a powerful capacity-enhancement technique for both delay-sensitive and delay-tolerant applications

    Bounded Mean-Delay Throughput and Non-Starvation Conditions in Aloha Network

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    This paper considers the requirements to ensure bounded mean queuing delay and non-starvation in a slotted Aloha network operating the exponential backoff protocol. It is well-known that the maximum possible throughput of a slotted Aloha system with a large number of nodes is 1/e = 0.3679. Indeed, a saturation throughput of 1/e can be achieved with an exponential backoff factor of r = e/(e-1)=1.5820. The binary backoff factor of r = 2 is assumed in the majority of prior work, and in many practical multiple-access networks such as the Ethernet and WiFi. For slotted Aloha, the saturation throughput 0.3466 for r = 2 is reasonably close to the maximum of 1/e, and one could hardly raise objection to adopting r = 2 in the system. However, this paper shows that if mean queuing delay is to be bounded, then the sustainable throughput when r = 2 is only 0.2158, a drastic 41% drop from 1/e . Fortunately, the optimal setting of r = 1.3757 under the bounded mean-delay requirement allows us to achieve sustainable throughput of 0.3545, a penalty of only less than 4% relative to 1/e. A general conclusion is that the value of r may significantly affect the queuing delay performance. Besides analyzing mean queuing delay, this paper also delves into the phenomenon of starvation, wherein some nodes are deprived of service for an extended period of time while other nodes hog the system. Specifically, we propose a quantitative definition for starvation and show that the conditions to guarantee bounded mean delay and non-starved operation are one of the same, thus uniting these two notions. Finally, we show that when mean delay is large and starvation occurs, the performance results obtained from simulation experiments may not converge. A quantitative discussion of this issue is provided in this paper.Comment: We are replacing the old version (submitted in Jan 2008) with this new version. The presentation and organization of the new version, we believe, is easire to read. In addition, new simulation results have been adde