3 research outputs found

    Normal limit laws for vertex degrees in randomly grown hooking networks and bipolar networks

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    We consider two types of random networks grown in blocks. Hooking networks are grown from a set of graphs as blocks, each with a labelled vertex called a hook. At each step in the growth of the network, a vertex called a latch is chosen from the hooking network and a copy of one of the blocks is attached by fusing its hook with the latch. Bipolar networks are grown from a set of directed graphs as blocks, each with a single source and a single sink. At each step in the growth of the network, an arc is chosen and is replaced with a copy of one of the blocks. Using P\'olya urns, we prove normal limit laws for the degree distributions of both networks. We extend previous results by allowing for more than one block in the growth of the networks and by studying arbitrarily large degrees.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    Degrees in random mm-ary hooking networks

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    The theme in this paper is a composition of random graphs and P\'olya urns. The random graphs are generated through a small structure called the seed. Via P\'olya urns, we study the asymptotic degree structure in a random mm-ary hooking network and identify strong laws. We further upgrade the result to second-order asymptotics in the form of multivariate Gaussian limit laws. We give a few concrete examples and explore some properties with a full representation of the Gaussian limit in each case. The asymptotic covariance matrix associated with the P\'olya urn is obtained by a new method that originated in this paper and is reported in [25].Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Degrees in random self-similar bipolar networks

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