6,399 research outputs found

    Degree Distribution of Competition-Induced Preferential Attachment Graphs

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    We introduce a family of one-dimensional geometric growth models, constructed iteratively by locally optimizing the tradeoffs between two competing metrics, and show that this family is equivalent to a family of preferential attachment random graph models with upper cutoffs. This is the first explanation of how preferential attachment can arise from a more basic underlying mechanism of local competition. We rigorously determine the degree distribution for the family of random graph models, showing that it obeys a power law up to a finite threshold and decays exponentially above this threshold. We also rigorously analyze a generalized version of our graph process, with two natural parameters, one corresponding to the cutoff and the other a ``fertility'' parameter. We prove that the general model has a power-law degree distribution up to a cutoff, and establish monotonicity of the power as a function of the two parameters. Limiting cases of the general model include the standard preferential attachment model without cutoff and the uniform attachment model.Comment: 24 pages, one figure. To appear in the journal: Combinatorics, Probability and Computing. Note, this is a long version, with complete proofs, of the paper "Competition-Induced Preferential Attachment" (cond-mat/0402268

    A Network Model characterized by a Latent Attribute Structure with Competition

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    The quest for a model that is able to explain, describe, analyze and simulate real-world complex networks is of uttermost practical as well as theoretical interest. In this paper we introduce and study a network model that is based on a latent attribute structure: each node is characterized by a number of features and the probability of the existence of an edge between two nodes depends on the features they share. Features are chosen according to a process of Indian-Buffet type but with an additional random "fitness" parameter attached to each node, that determines its ability to transmit its own features to other nodes. As a consequence, a node's connectivity does not depend on its age alone, so also "young" nodes are able to compete and succeed in acquiring links. One of the advantages of our model for the latent bipartite "node-attribute" network is that it depends on few parameters with a straightforward interpretation. We provide some theoretical, as well experimental, results regarding the power-law behaviour of the model and the estimation of the parameters. By experimental data, we also show how the proposed model for the attribute structure naturally captures most local and global properties (e.g., degree distributions, connectivity and distance distributions) real networks exhibit. keyword: Complex network, social network, attribute matrix, Indian Buffet processComment: 34 pages, second version (date of the first version: July, 2014). Submitte

    Scale-free behavior of networks with the copresence of preferential and uniform attachment rules

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    Complex networks in different areas exhibit degree distributions with heavy upper tail. A preferential attachment mechanism in a growth process produces a graph with this feature. We herein investigate a variant of the simple preferential attachment model, whose modifications are interesting for two main reasons: to analyze more realistic models and to study the robustness of the scale free behavior of the degree distribution. We introduce and study a model which takes into account two different attachment rules: a preferential attachment mechanism (with probability 1-p) that stresses the rich get richer system, and a uniform choice (with probability p) for the most recent nodes. The latter highlights a trend to select one of the last added nodes when no information is available. The recent nodes can be either a given fixed number or a proportion (\alpha n) of the total number of existing nodes. In the first case, we prove that this model exhibits an asymptotically power-law degree distribution. The same result is then illustrated through simulations in the second case. When the window of recent nodes has constant size, we herein prove that the presence of the uniform rule delays the starting time from which the asymptotic regime starts to hold. The mean number of nodes of degree k and the asymptotic degree distribution are also determined analytically. Finally, a sensitivity analysis on the parameters of the model is performed
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