163 research outputs found

    How to make the gravitational action on non-compact space finite

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    The recently proposed technique to regularize the divergences of the gravitational action on non-compact space by adding boundary counterterms is studied. We propose prescription for constructing the boundary counterterms which are polynomial in the boundary curvature. This prescription is efficient for both asymptotically Anti-de Sitter and asymptotically flat spaces. Being mostly interested in the asymptotically flat case we demonstrate how our procedure works for known examples of non-compact spaces: Eguchi-Hanson metric, Kerr-Newman metric, Taub-NUT and Taub-bolt metrics and others. Analyzing the regularization procedure when boundary is not round sphere we observe that our counterterm helps to cancel large rr divergence of the action in the zero and first orders in small deviations of the geometry of the boundary from that of the round sphere. In order to cancel the divergence in the second order in deviations a new quadratic in boundary curvature counterterm is introduced. We argue that cancelation of the divergence for finite deviations possibly requires infinite series of (higher order in the boundary curvature) boundary counterterms.Comment: 27 pages, latex, no figure

    Conformal description of horizon's states

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    The existence of black hole horizon is considered as a boundary condition to be imposed on the fluctuating metrics. The coordinate invariant form of the condition for class of spherically symmetric metrics is formulated. The diffeomorphisms preserving this condition act in (arbitrary small) vicinity of the horizon and form the group of conformal transformations of two-dimensional space (r−tr-t sector of the total space-time). The corresponding algebra recovered at the horizon is one copy of the Virasoro algebra. For general relativity in dd dimensions we find an effective two-dimensional theory governing the conformal dynamics at the horizon universally for any d≥3d\geq 3. The corresponding Virasoro algebra has central charge cc proportional to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. Identifying the zero-mode configuration we calculate L0L_0. The counting of states of this horizon's conformal field theory by means of Cardy's formula is in complete agreement with the Bekenstein-Hawking expression for the entropy of black hole in dd dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figures; the final version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Single State Supermultiplet in 1+1 Dimensions

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    We consider multiplet shortening for BPS solitons in N=1 two-dimensional models. Examples of the single-state multiplets were established previously in N=1 Landau-Ginzburg models. The shortening comes at a price of loosing the fermion parity (−1)F(-1)^F due to boundary effects. This implies the disappearance of the boson-fermion classification resulting in abnormal statistics. We discuss an appropriate index that counts such short multiplets. A broad class of hybrid models which extend the Landau-Ginzburg models to include a nonflat metric on the target space is considered. Our index turns out to be related to the index of the Dirac operator on the soliton reduced moduli space (the moduli space is reduced by factoring out the translational modulus). The index vanishes in most cases implying the absence of shortening. In particular, it vanishes when there are only two critical points on the compact target space and the reduced moduli space has nonvanishing dimension. We also generalize the anomaly in the central charge to take into account the target space metric.Comment: LaTex, 42 pages, no figures. Contribution to the Michael Marinov Memorial Volume, ``Multiple facets of quantization and supersymmetry'' (eds. M.Olshanetsky and A. Vainshtein, to be publish by World Scientific). The paper is drastically revised compared to the first version. We add sections treating the following issues: (i) a new index counting one-state supermultiplets; (ii) analysis of hybrid models of general type; (iii) generalization of the anomaly in the central charge accounting for the target space metri

    Scattering Amplitudes and Toric Geometry

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    In this paper we provide a first attempt towards a toric geometric interpretation of scattering amplitudes. In recent investigations it has indeed been proposed that the all-loop integrand of planar N=4 SYM can be represented in terms of well defined finite objects called on-shell diagrams drawn on disks. Furthermore it has been shown that the physical information of on-shell diagrams is encoded in the geometry of auxiliary algebraic varieties called the totally non negative Grassmannians. In this new formulation the infinite dimensional symmetry of the theory is manifest and many results, that are quite tricky to obtain in terms of the standard Lagrangian formulation of the theory, are instead manifest. In this paper, elaborating on previous results, we provide another picture of the scattering amplitudes in terms of toric geometry. In particular we describe in detail the toric varieties associated to an on-shell diagram, how the singularities of the amplitudes are encoded in some subspaces of the toric variety, and how this picture maps onto the Grassmannian description. Eventually we discuss the action of cluster transformations on the toric varieties. The hope is to provide an alternative description of the scattering amplitudes that could contribute in the developing of this very interesting field of research.Comment: 58 pages, 25 figures, typos corrected, a reference added, to be published in JHE
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