889 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Left-Right Consistency

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    Learning based methods have shown very promising results for the task of depth estimation in single images. However, most existing approaches treat depth prediction as a supervised regression problem and as a result, require vast quantities of corresponding ground truth depth data for training. Just recording quality depth data in a range of environments is a challenging problem. In this paper, we innovate beyond existing approaches, replacing the use of explicit depth data during training with easier-to-obtain binocular stereo footage. We propose a novel training objective that enables our convolutional neural network to learn to perform single image depth estimation, despite the absence of ground truth depth data. Exploiting epipolar geometry constraints, we generate disparity images by training our network with an image reconstruction loss. We show that solving for image reconstruction alone results in poor quality depth images. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel training loss that enforces consistency between the disparities produced relative to both the left and right images, leading to improved performance and robustness compared to existing approaches. Our method produces state of the art results for monocular depth estimation on the KITTI driving dataset, even outperforming supervised methods that have been trained with ground truth depth.Comment: CVPR 2017 ora

    Distilled Visual and Robot Kinematics Embeddings for Metric Depth Estimation in Monocular Scene Reconstruction

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    Estimating precise metric depth and scene reconstruction from monocular endoscopy is a fundamental task for surgical navigation in robotic surgery. However, traditional stereo matching adopts binocular images to perceive the depth information, which is difficult to transfer to the soft robotics-based surgical systems due to the use of monocular endoscopy. In this paper, we present a novel framework that combines robot kinematics and monocular endoscope images with deep unsupervised learning into a single network for metric depth estimation and then achieve 3D reconstruction of complex anatomy. Specifically, we first obtain the relative depth maps of surgical scenes by leveraging a brightness-aware monocular depth estimation method. Then, the corresponding endoscope poses are computed based on non-linear optimization of geometric and photometric reprojection residuals. Afterwards, we develop a Depth-driven Sliding Optimization (DDSO) algorithm to extract the scaling coefficient from kinematics and calculated poses offline. By coupling the metric scale and relative depth data, we form a robust ensemble that represents the metric and consistent depth. Next, we treat the ensemble as supervisory labels to train a metric depth estimation network for surgeries (i.e., MetricDepthS-Net) that distills the embeddings from the robot kinematics, endoscopic videos, and poses. With accurate metric depth estimation, we utilize a dense visual reconstruction method to recover the 3D structure of the whole surgical site. We have extensively evaluated the proposed framework on public SCARED and achieved comparable performance with stereo-based depth estimation methods. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach to recover the metric depth and 3D structure with monocular inputs

    Real-time Halfway Domain Reconstruction of Motion and Geometry

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    We present a novel approach for real-time joint reconstruction of 3D scene motion and geometry from binocular stereo videos. Our approach is based on a novel variational halfway-domain scene flow formulation, which allows us to obtain highly accurate spatiotemporal reconstructions of shape and motion. We solve the underlying optimization problem at real-time frame rates using a novel data-parallel robust non-linear optimization strategy. Fast convergence and large displacement flows are achieved by employing a novel hierarchy that stores delta flows between hierarchy levels. High performance is obtained by the introduction of a coarser warp grid that decouples the number of unknowns from the input resolution of the images. We demonstrate our approach in a live setup that is based on two commodity webcams, as well as on publicly available video data. Our extensive experiments and evaluations show that our approach produces high-quality dense reconstructions of 3D geometry and scene flow at real-time frame rates, and compares favorably to the state of the art

    One at A Time: Multi-step Volumetric Probability Distribution Diffusion for Depth Estimation

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    Recent works have explored the fundamental role of depth estimation in multi-view stereo (MVS) and semantic scene completion (SSC). They generally construct 3D cost volumes to explore geometric correspondence in depth, and estimate such volumes in a single step relying directly on the ground truth approximation. However, such problem cannot be thoroughly handled in one step due to complex empirical distributions, especially in challenging regions like occlusions, reflections, etc. In this paper, we formulate the depth estimation task as a multi-step distribution approximation process, and introduce a new paradigm of modeling the Volumetric Probability Distribution progressively (step-by-step) following a Markov chain with Diffusion models (VPDD). Specifically, to constrain the multi-step generation of volume in VPDD, we construct a meta volume guidance and a confidence-aware contextual guidance as conditional geometry priors to facilitate the distribution approximation. For the sampling process, we further investigate an online filtering strategy to maintain consistency in volume representations for stable training. Experiments demonstrate that our plug-and-play VPDD outperforms the state-of-the-arts for tasks of MVS and SSC, and can also be easily extended to different baselines to get improvement. It is worth mentioning that we are the first camera-based work that surpasses LiDAR-based methods on the SemanticKITTI dataset