47,273 research outputs found

    Future Frame Prediction for Anomaly Detection -- A New Baseline

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    Anomaly detection in videos refers to the identification of events that do not conform to expected behavior. However, almost all existing methods tackle the problem by minimizing the reconstruction errors of training data, which cannot guarantee a larger reconstruction error for an abnormal event. In this paper, we propose to tackle the anomaly detection problem within a video prediction framework. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that leverages the difference between a predicted future frame and its ground truth to detect an abnormal event. To predict a future frame with higher quality for normal events, other than the commonly used appearance (spatial) constraints on intensity and gradient, we also introduce a motion (temporal) constraint in video prediction by enforcing the optical flow between predicted frames and ground truth frames to be consistent, and this is the first work that introduces a temporal constraint into the video prediction task. Such spatial and motion constraints facilitate the future frame prediction for normal events, and consequently facilitate to identify those abnormal events that do not conform the expectation. Extensive experiments on both a toy dataset and some publicly available datasets validate the effectiveness of our method in terms of robustness to the uncertainty in normal events and the sensitivity to abnormal events.Comment: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 201

    Learning Temporal Transformations From Time-Lapse Videos

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    Based on life-long observations of physical, chemical, and biologic phenomena in the natural world, humans can often easily picture in their minds what an object will look like in the future. But, what about computers? In this paper, we learn computational models of object transformations from time-lapse videos. In particular, we explore the use of generative models to create depictions of objects at future times. These models explore several different prediction tasks: generating a future state given a single depiction of an object, generating a future state given two depictions of an object at different times, and generating future states recursively in a recurrent framework. We provide both qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the generated results, and also conduct a human evaluation to compare variations of our models.Comment: ECCV201

    Learning to Generate Time-Lapse Videos Using Multi-Stage Dynamic Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Taking a photo outside, can we predict the immediate future, e.g., how would the cloud move in the sky? We address this problem by presenting a generative adversarial network (GAN) based two-stage approach to generating realistic time-lapse videos of high resolution. Given the first frame, our model learns to generate long-term future frames. The first stage generates videos of realistic contents for each frame. The second stage refines the generated video from the first stage by enforcing it to be closer to real videos with regard to motion dynamics. To further encourage vivid motion in the final generated video, Gram matrix is employed to model the motion more precisely. We build a large scale time-lapse dataset, and test our approach on this new dataset. Using our model, we are able to generate realistic videos of up to 128×128128\times 128 resolution for 32 frames. Quantitative and qualitative experiment results have demonstrated the superiority of our model over the state-of-the-art models.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of CVPR 201

    Unsupervised Learning of Long-Term Motion Dynamics for Videos

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    We present an unsupervised representation learning approach that compactly encodes the motion dependencies in videos. Given a pair of images from a video clip, our framework learns to predict the long-term 3D motions. To reduce the complexity of the learning framework, we propose to describe the motion as a sequence of atomic 3D flows computed with RGB-D modality. We use a Recurrent Neural Network based Encoder-Decoder framework to predict these sequences of flows. We argue that in order for the decoder to reconstruct these sequences, the encoder must learn a robust video representation that captures long-term motion dependencies and spatial-temporal relations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our learned temporal representations on activity classification across multiple modalities and datasets such as NTU RGB+D and MSR Daily Activity 3D. Our framework is generic to any input modality, i.e., RGB, Depth, and RGB-D videos.Comment: CVPR 201

    Class-Agnostic Counting

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    Nearly all existing counting methods are designed for a specific object class. Our work, however, aims to create a counting model able to count any class of object. To achieve this goal, we formulate counting as a matching problem, enabling us to exploit the image self-similarity property that naturally exists in object counting problems. We make the following three contributions: first, a Generic Matching Network (GMN) architecture that can potentially count any object in a class-agnostic manner; second, by reformulating the counting problem as one of matching objects, we can take advantage of the abundance of video data labeled for tracking, which contains natural repetitions suitable for training a counting model. Such data enables us to train the GMN. Third, to customize the GMN to different user requirements, an adapter module is used to specialize the model with minimal effort, i.e. using a few labeled examples, and adapting only a small fraction of the trained parameters. This is a form of few-shot learning, which is practical for domains where labels are limited due to requiring expert knowledge (e.g. microbiology). We demonstrate the flexibility of our method on a diverse set of existing counting benchmarks: specifically cells, cars, and human crowds. The model achieves competitive performance on cell and crowd counting datasets, and surpasses the state-of-the-art on the car dataset using only three training images. When training on the entire dataset, the proposed method outperforms all previous methods by a large margin.Comment: Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 201

    PredNet and Predictive Coding: A Critical Review

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    PredNet, a deep predictive coding network developed by Lotter et al., combines a biologically inspired architecture based on the propagation of prediction error with self-supervised representation learning in video. While the architecture has drawn a lot of attention and various extensions of the model exist, there is a lack of a critical analysis. We fill in the gap by evaluating PredNet both as an implementation of the predictive coding theory and as a self-supervised video prediction model using a challenging video action classification dataset. We design an extended model to test if conditioning future frame predictions on the action class of the video improves the model performance. We show that PredNet does not yet completely follow the principles of predictive coding. The proposed top-down conditioning leads to a performance gain on synthetic data, but does not scale up to the more complex real-world action classification dataset. Our analysis is aimed at guiding future research on similar architectures based on the predictive coding theory
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