38,561 research outputs found

    RGM: A Robust Generalist Matching Model

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    Finding corresponding pixels within a pair of images is a fundamental computer vision task with various applications. Due to the specific requirements of different tasks like optical flow estimation and local feature matching, previous works are primarily categorized into dense matching and sparse feature matching focusing on specialized architectures along with task-specific datasets, which may somewhat hinder the generalization performance of specialized models. In this paper, we propose a deep model for sparse and dense matching, termed RGM (Robust Generalist Matching). In particular, we elaborately design a cascaded GRU module for refinement by exploring the geometric similarity iteratively at multiple scales following an additional uncertainty estimation module for sparsification. To narrow the gap between synthetic training samples and real-world scenarios, we build a new, large-scale dataset with sparse correspondence ground truth by generating optical flow supervision with greater intervals. As such, we are able to mix up various dense and sparse matching datasets, significantly improving the training diversity. The generalization capacity of our proposed RGM is greatly improved by learning the matching and uncertainty estimation in a two-stage manner on the large, mixed data. Superior performance is achieved for zero-shot matching and downstream geometry estimation across multiple datasets, outperforming the previous methods by a large margin.Comment: 17 pages. Fixed typo in the first two equations. Code is available at: https://github.com/aim-uofa/RG

    Same Features, Different Day: Weakly Supervised Feature Learning for Seasonal Invariance

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    "Like night and day" is a commonly used expression to imply that two things are completely different. Unfortunately, this tends to be the case for current visual feature representations of the same scene across varying seasons or times of day. The aim of this paper is to provide a dense feature representation that can be used to perform localization, sparse matching or image retrieval, regardless of the current seasonal or temporal appearance. Recently, there have been several proposed methodologies for deep learning dense feature representations. These methods make use of ground truth pixel-wise correspondences between pairs of images and focus on the spatial properties of the features. As such, they don't address temporal or seasonal variation. Furthermore, obtaining the required pixel-wise correspondence data to train in cross-seasonal environments is highly complex in most scenarios. We propose Deja-Vu, a weakly supervised approach to learning season invariant features that does not require pixel-wise ground truth data. The proposed system only requires coarse labels indicating if two images correspond to the same location or not. From these labels, the network is trained to produce "similar" dense feature maps for corresponding locations despite environmental changes. Code will be made available at: https://github.com/jspenmar/DejaVu_Feature

    SCNet: Learning Semantic Correspondence

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    This paper addresses the problem of establishing semantic correspondences between images depicting different instances of the same object or scene category. Previous approaches focus on either combining a spatial regularizer with hand-crafted features, or learning a correspondence model for appearance only. We propose instead a convolutional neural network architecture, called SCNet, for learning a geometrically plausible model for semantic correspondence. SCNet uses region proposals as matching primitives, and explicitly incorporates geometric consistency in its loss function. It is trained on image pairs obtained from the PASCAL VOC 2007 keypoint dataset, and a comparative evaluation on several standard benchmarks demonstrates that the proposed approach substantially outperforms both recent deep learning architectures and previous methods based on hand-crafted features.Comment: ICCV 201