12 research outputs found

    Deep Video Color Propagation

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    Traditional approaches for color propagation in videos rely on some form of matching between consecutive video frames. Using appearance descriptors, colors are then propagated both spatially and temporally. These methods, however, are computationally expensive and do not take advantage of semantic information of the scene. In this work we propose a deep learning framework for color propagation that combines a local strategy, to propagate colors frame-by-frame ensuring temporal stability, and a global strategy, using semantics for color propagation within a longer range. Our evaluation shows the superiority of our strategy over existing video and image color propagation methods as well as neural photo-realistic style transfer approaches.Comment: BMVC 201

    Fully Automatic Video Colorization with Self-Regularization and Diversity

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    We present a fully automatic approach to video colorization with self-regularization and diversity. Our model contains a colorization network for video frame colorization and a refinement network for spatiotemporal color refinement. Without any labeled data, both networks can be trained with self-regularized losses defined in bilateral and temporal space. The bilateral loss enforces color consistency between neighboring pixels in a bilateral space and the temporal loss imposes constraints between corresponding pixels in two nearby frames. While video colorization is a multi-modal problem, our method uses a perceptual loss with diversity to differentiate various modes in the solution space. Perceptual experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on fully automatic video colorization. The results are shown in the supplementary video at https://youtu.be/Y15uv2jnK-4Comment: Published at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 201

    Efficient Feature Extraction for High-resolution Video Frame Interpolation

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    Most deep learning methods for video frame interpolation consist of three main components: feature extraction, motion estimation, and image synthesis. Existing approaches are mainly distinguishable in terms of how these modules are designed. However, when interpolating high-resolution images, e.g. at 4K, the design choices for achieving high accuracy within reasonable memory requirements are limited. The feature extraction layers help to compress the input and extract relevant information for the latter stages, such as motion estimation. However, these layers are often costly in parameters, computation time, and memory. We show how ideas from dimensionality reduction combined with a lightweight optimization can be used to compress the input representation while keeping the extracted information suitable for frame interpolation. Further, we require neither a pretrained flow network nor a synthesis network, additionally reducing the number of trainable parameters and required memory. When evaluating on three 4K benchmarks, we achieve state-of-the-art image quality among the methods without pretrained flow while having the lowest network complexity and memory requirements overall.Comment: Accepted to BMVC 2022. Code: https://github.com/visinf/fldr-vf

    Softmax Splatting for Video Frame Interpolation

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    Differentiable image sampling in the form of backward warping has seen broad adoption in tasks like depth estimation and optical flow prediction. In contrast, how to perform forward warping has seen less attention, partly due to additional challenges such as resolving the conflict of mapping multiple pixels to the same target location in a differentiable way. We propose softmax splatting to address this paradigm shift and show its effectiveness on the application of frame interpolation. Specifically, given two input frames, we forward-warp the frames and their feature pyramid representations based on an optical flow estimate using softmax splatting. In doing so, the softmax splatting seamlessly handles cases where multiple source pixels map to the same target location. We then use a synthesis network to predict the interpolation result from the warped representations. Our softmax splatting allows us to not only interpolate frames at an arbitrary time but also to fine tune the feature pyramid and the optical flow. We show that our synthesis approach, empowered by softmax splatting, achieves new state-of-the-art results for video frame interpolation.Comment: CVPR 2020, http://sniklaus.com/softspla

    Two Decades of Colorization and Decolorization for Images and Videos

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    Colorization is a computer-aided process, which aims to give color to a gray image or video. It can be used to enhance black-and-white images, including black-and-white photos, old-fashioned films, and scientific imaging results. On the contrary, decolorization is to convert a color image or video into a grayscale one. A grayscale image or video refers to an image or video with only brightness information without color information. It is the basis of some downstream image processing applications such as pattern recognition, image segmentation, and image enhancement. Different from image decolorization, video decolorization should not only consider the image contrast preservation in each video frame, but also respect the temporal and spatial consistency between video frames. Researchers were devoted to develop decolorization methods by balancing spatial-temporal consistency and algorithm efficiency. With the prevalance of the digital cameras and mobile phones, image and video colorization and decolorization have been paid more and more attention by researchers. This paper gives an overview of the progress of image and video colorization and decolorization methods in the last two decades.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figure

    Video Frame Interpolation with Many-to-many Splatting and Spatial Selective Refinement

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    In this work, we first propose a fully differentiable Many-to-Many (M2M) splatting framework to interpolate frames efficiently. Given a frame pair, we estimate multiple bidirectional flows to directly forward warp the pixels to the desired time step before fusing overlapping pixels. In doing so, each source pixel renders multiple target pixels and each target pixel can be synthesized from a larger area of visual context, establishing a many-to-many splatting scheme with robustness to undesirable artifacts. For each input frame pair, M2M has a minuscule computational overhead when interpolating an arbitrary number of in-between frames, hence achieving fast multi-frame interpolation. However, directly warping and fusing pixels in the intensity domain is sensitive to the quality of motion estimation and may suffer from less effective representation capacity. To improve interpolation accuracy, we further extend an M2M++ framework by introducing a flexible Spatial Selective Refinement (SSR) component, which allows for trading computational efficiency for interpolation quality and vice versa. Instead of refining the entire interpolated frame, SSR only processes difficult regions selected under the guidance of an estimated error map, thereby avoiding redundant computation. Evaluation on multiple benchmark datasets shows that our method is able to improve the efficiency while maintaining competitive video interpolation quality, and it can be adjusted to use more or less compute as needed.Comment: T-PAMI. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2204.0351