26 research outputs found

    Structure-Aware Shape Synthesis

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    We propose a new procedure to guide training of a data-driven shape generative model using a structure-aware loss function. Complex 3D shapes often can be summarized using a coarsely defined structure which is consistent and robust across variety of observations. However, existing synthesis techniques do not account for structure during training, and thus often generate implausible and structurally unrealistic shapes. During training, we enforce structural constraints in order to enforce consistency and structure across the entire manifold. We propose a novel methodology for training 3D generative models that incorporates structural information into an end-to-end training pipeline.Comment: Accepted to 3DV 201

    iPose: Instance-Aware 6D Pose Estimation of Partly Occluded Objects

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    We address the task of 6D pose estimation of known rigid objects from single input images in scenarios where the objects are partly occluded. Recent RGB-D-based methods are robust to moderate degrees of occlusion. For RGB inputs, no previous method works well for partly occluded objects. Our main contribution is to present the first deep learning-based system that estimates accurate poses for partly occluded objects from RGB-D and RGB input. We achieve this with a new instance-aware pipeline that decomposes 6D object pose estimation into a sequence of simpler steps, where each step removes specific aspects of the problem. The first step localizes all known objects in the image using an instance segmentation network, and hence eliminates surrounding clutter and occluders. The second step densely maps pixels to 3D object surface positions, so called object coordinates, using an encoder-decoder network, and hence eliminates object appearance. The third, and final, step predicts the 6D pose using geometric optimization. We demonstrate that we significantly outperform the state-of-the-art for pose estimation of partly occluded objects for both RGB and RGB-D input

    Feature Mapping for Learning Fast and Accurate 3D Pose Inference from Synthetic Images

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    We propose a simple and efficient method for exploiting synthetic images when training a Deep Network to predict a 3D pose from an image. The ability of using synthetic images for training a Deep Network is extremely valuable as it is easy to create a virtually infinite training set made of such images, while capturing and annotating real images can be very cumbersome. However, synthetic images do not resemble real images exactly, and using them for training can result in suboptimal performance. It was recently shown that for exemplar-based approaches, it is possible to learn a mapping from the exemplar representations of real images to the exemplar representations of synthetic images. In this paper, we show that this approach is more general, and that a network can also be applied after the mapping to infer a 3D pose: At run time, given a real image of the target object, we first compute the features for the image, map them to the feature space of synthetic images, and finally use the resulting features as input to another network which predicts the 3D pose. Since this network can be trained very effectively by using synthetic images, it performs very well in practice, and inference is faster and more accurate than with an exemplar-based approach. We demonstrate our approach on the LINEMOD dataset for 3D object pose estimation from color images, and the NYU dataset for 3D hand pose estimation from depth maps. We show that it allows us to outperform the state-of-the-art on both datasets.Comment: CVPR 201