19 research outputs found

    DeepCoder: Semi-parametric Variational Autoencoders for Automatic Facial Action Coding

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    Human face exhibits an inherent hierarchy in its representations (i.e., holistic facial expressions can be encoded via a set of facial action units (AUs) and their intensity). Variational (deep) auto-encoders (VAE) have shown great results in unsupervised extraction of hierarchical latent representations from large amounts of image data, while being robust to noise and other undesired artifacts. Potentially, this makes VAEs a suitable approach for learning facial features for AU intensity estimation. Yet, most existing VAE-based methods apply classifiers learned separately from the encoded features. By contrast, the non-parametric (probabilistic) approaches, such as Gaussian Processes (GPs), typically outperform their parametric counterparts, but cannot deal easily with large amounts of data. To this end, we propose a novel VAE semi-parametric modeling framework, named DeepCoder, which combines the modeling power of parametric (convolutional) and nonparametric (ordinal GPs) VAEs, for joint learning of (1) latent representations at multiple levels in a task hierarchy1, and (2) classification of multiple ordinal outputs. We show on benchmark datasets for AU intensity estimation that the proposed DeepCoder outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches, and related VAEs and deep learning models.Comment: ICCV 2017 - accepte

    Unsupervised Learning Facial Parameter Regressor for Action Unit Intensity Estimation via Differentiable Renderer

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    Facial action unit (AU) intensity is an index to describe all visually discernible facial movements. Most existing methods learn intensity estimator with limited AU data, while they lack generalization ability out of the dataset. In this paper, we present a framework to predict the facial parameters (including identity parameters and AU parameters) based on a bone-driven face model (BDFM) under different views. The proposed framework consists of a feature extractor, a generator, and a facial parameter regressor. The regressor can fit the physical meaning parameters of the BDFM from a single face image with the help of the generator, which maps the facial parameters to the game-face images as a differentiable renderer. Besides, identity loss, loopback loss, and adversarial loss can improve the regressive results. Quantitative evaluations are performed on two public databases BP4D and DISFA, which demonstrates that the proposed method can achieve comparable or better performance than the state-of-the-art methods. What's more, the qualitative results also demonstrate the validity of our method in the wild

    Deep Structure Inference Network for Facial Action Unit Recognition

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    Facial expressions are combinations of basic components called Action Units (AU). Recognizing AUs is key for developing general facial expression analysis. In recent years, most efforts in automatic AU recognition have been dedicated to learning combinations of local features and to exploiting correlations between Action Units. In this paper, we propose a deep neural architecture that tackles both problems by combining learned local and global features in its initial stages and replicating a message passing algorithm between classes similar to a graphical model inference approach in later stages. We show that by training the model end-to-end with increased supervision we improve state-of-the-art by 5.3% and 8.2% performance on BP4D and DISFA datasets, respectively