276 research outputs found

    Event-guided Multi-patch Network with Self-supervision for Non-uniform Motion Deblurring

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    Contemporary deep learning multi-scale deblurring models suffer from many issues: 1) They perform poorly on non-uniformly blurred images/videos; 2) Simply increasing the model depth with finer-scale levels cannot improve deblurring; 3) Individual RGB frames contain a limited motion information for deblurring; 4) Previous models have a limited robustness to spatial transformations and noise. Below, we extend the DMPHN model by several mechanisms to address the above issues: I) We present a novel self-supervised event-guided deep hierarchical Multi-patch Network (MPN) to deal with blurry images and videos via fine-to-coarse hierarchical localized representations; II) We propose a novel stacked pipeline, StackMPN, to improve the deblurring performance under the increased network depth; III) We propose an event-guided architecture to exploit motion cues contained in videos to tackle complex blur in videos; IV) We propose a novel self-supervised step to expose the model to random transformations (rotations, scale changes), and make it robust to Gaussian noises. Our MPN achieves the state of the art on the GoPro and VideoDeblur datasets with a 40x faster runtime compared to current multi-scale methods. With 30ms to process an image at 1280x720 resolution, it is the first real-time deep motion deblurring model for 720p images at 30fps. For StackMPN, we obtain significant improvements over 1.2dB on the GoPro dataset by increasing the network depth. Utilizing the event information and self-supervision further boost results to 33.83dB.Comment: International Journal of Computer Vision. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1904.0346

    Fast Deep Multi-patch Hierarchical Network for Nonhomogeneous Image Dehazing

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    Recently, CNN based end-to-end deep learning methods achieve superiority in Image Dehazing but they tend to fail drastically in Non-homogeneous dehazing. Apart from that, existing popular Multi-scale approaches are runtime intensive and memory inefficient. In this context, we proposed a fast Deep Multi-patch Hierarchical Network to restore Non-homogeneous hazed images by aggregating features from multiple image patches from different spatial sections of the hazed image with fewer number of network parameters. Our proposed method is quite robust for different environments with various density of the haze or fog in the scene and very lightweight as the total size of the model is around 21.7 MB. It also provides faster runtime compared to current multi-scale methods with an average runtime of 0.0145s to process 1200x1600 HD quality image. Finally, we show the superiority of this network on Dense Haze Removal to other state-of-the-art models.Comment: CVPR Workshops Proceedings 202

    Take a Prior from Other Tasks for Severe Blur Removal

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    Recovering clear structures from severely blurry inputs is a challenging problem due to the large movements between the camera and the scene. Although some works apply segmentation maps on human face images for deblurring, they cannot handle natural scenes because objects and degradation are more complex, and inaccurate segmentation maps lead to a loss of details. For general scene deblurring, the feature space of the blurry image and corresponding sharp image under the high-level vision task is closer, which inspires us to rely on other tasks (e.g. classification) to learn a comprehensive prior in severe blur removal cases. We propose a cross-level feature learning strategy based on knowledge distillation to learn the priors, which include global contexts and sharp local structures for recovering potential details. In addition, we propose a semantic prior embedding layer with multi-level aggregation and semantic attention transformation to integrate the priors effectively. We introduce the proposed priors to various models, including the UNet and other mainstream deblurring baselines, leading to better performance on severe blur removal. Extensive experiments on natural image deblurring benchmarks and real-world images, such as GoPro and RealBlur datasets, demonstrate our method's effectiveness and generalization ability

    BANet: Blur-aware Attention Networks for Dynamic Scene Deblurring

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    Image motion blur usually results from moving objects or camera shakes. Such blur is generally directional and non-uniform. Previous research efforts attempt to solve non-uniform blur by using self-recurrent multi-scale or multi-patch architectures accompanying with self-attention. However, using self-recurrent frameworks typically leads to a longer inference time, while inter-pixel or inter-channel self-attention may cause excessive memory usage. This paper proposes blur-aware attention networks (BANet) that accomplish accurate and efficient deblurring via a single forward pass. Our BANet utilizes region-based self-attention with multi-kernel strip pooling to disentangle blur patterns of different degrees and with cascaded parallel dilated convolution to aggregate multi-scale content features. Extensive experimental results on the GoPro and HIDE benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed BANet performs favorably against the state-of-the-art in blurred image restoration and can provide deblurred results in real-time

    MC-Blur: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Image Deblurring

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    Blur artifacts can seriously degrade the visual quality of images, and numerous deblurring methods have been proposed for specific scenarios. However, in most real-world images, blur is caused by different factors, e.g., motion and defocus. In this paper, we address how different deblurring methods perform in the case of multiple types of blur. For in-depth performance evaluation, we construct a new large-scale multi-cause image deblurring dataset (called MC-Blur), including real-world and synthesized blurry images with mixed factors of blurs. The images in the proposed MC-Blur dataset are collected using different techniques: averaging sharp images captured by a 1000-fps high-speed camera, convolving Ultra-High-Definition (UHD) sharp images with large-size kernels, adding defocus to images, and real-world blurry images captured by various camera models. Based on the MC-Blur dataset, we conduct extensive benchmarking studies to compare SOTA methods in different scenarios, analyze their efficiency, and investigate the built dataset's capacity. These benchmarking results provide a comprehensive overview of the advantages and limitations of current deblurring methods, and reveal the advances of our dataset
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