6,195 research outputs found

    Prototype Refinement Network for Few-Shot Segmentation

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    Few-shot segmentation targets to segment new classes with few annotated images provided. It is more challenging than traditional semantic segmentation tasks that segment known classes with abundant annotated images. In this paper, we propose a Prototype Refinement Network (PRNet) to attack the challenge of few-shot segmentation. It firstly learns to bidirectionally extract prototypes from both support and query images of the known classes. Furthermore, to extract representative prototypes of the new classes, we use adaptation and fusion for prototype refinement. The step of adaptation makes the model to learn new concepts which is directly implemented by retraining. Prototype fusion is firstly proposed which fuses support prototypes with query prototypes, incorporating the knowledge from both sides. It is effective in prototype refinement without importing extra learnable parameters. In this way, the prototypes become more discriminative in low-data regimes. Experiments on PASAL-5i5^i and COCO-20i20^i demonstrate the superiority of our method. Especially on COCO-20i20^i, PRNet significantly outperforms existing methods by a large margin of 13.1\% in 1-shot setting

    SimPropNet: Improved Similarity Propagation for Few-shot Image Segmentation

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    Few-shot segmentation (FSS) methods perform image segmentation for a particular object class in a target (query) image, using a small set of (support) image-mask pairs. Recent deep neural network based FSS methods leverage high-dimensional feature similarity between the foreground features of the support images and the query image features. In this work, we demonstrate gaps in the utilization of this similarity information in existing methods, and present a framework - SimPropNet, to bridge those gaps. We propose to jointly predict the support and query masks to force the support features to share characteristics with the query features. We also propose to utilize similarities in the background regions of the query and support images using a novel foreground-background attentive fusion mechanism. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results for one-shot and five-shot segmentation on the PASCAL-5i dataset. The paper includes detailed analysis and ablation studies for the proposed improvements and quantitative comparisons with contemporary methods.Comment: An updated version of this work was accepted at IJCAI 202

    Few-Shot Segmentation Propagation with Guided Networks

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    Learning-based methods for visual segmentation have made progress on particular types of segmentation tasks, but are limited by the necessary supervision, the narrow definitions of fixed tasks, and the lack of control during inference for correcting errors. To remedy the rigidity and annotation burden of standard approaches, we address the problem of few-shot segmentation: given few image and few pixel supervision, segment any images accordingly. We propose guided networks, which extract a latent task representation from any amount of supervision, and optimize our architecture end-to-end for fast, accurate few-shot segmentation. Our method can switch tasks without further optimization and quickly update when given more guidance. We report the first results for segmentation from one pixel per concept and show real-time interactive video segmentation. Our unified approach propagates pixel annotations across space for interactive segmentation, across time for video segmentation, and across scenes for semantic segmentation. Our guided segmentor is state-of-the-art in accuracy for the amount of annotation and time. See http://github.com/shelhamer/revolver for code, models, and more details

    Semantic Instance Meets Salient Object: Study on Video Semantic Salient Instance Segmentation

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    Focusing on only semantic instances that only salient in a scene gains more benefits for robot navigation and self-driving cars than looking at all objects in the whole scene. This paper pushes the envelope on salient regions in a video to decompose them into semantically meaningful components, namely, semantic salient instances. We provide the baseline for the new task of video semantic salient instance segmentation (VSSIS), that is, Semantic Instance - Salient Object (SISO) framework. The SISO framework is simple yet efficient, leveraging advantages of two different segmentation tasks, i.e. semantic instance segmentation and salient object segmentation to eventually fuse them for the final result. In SISO, we introduce a sequential fusion by looking at overlapping pixels between semantic instances and salient regions to have non-overlapping instances one by one. We also introduce a recurrent instance propagation to refine the shapes and semantic meanings of instances, and an identity tracking to maintain both the identity and the semantic meaning of instances over the entire video. Experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of our SISO baseline, which can handle occlusions in videos. In addition, to tackle the task of VSSIS, we augment the DAVIS-2017 benchmark dataset by assigning semantic ground-truth for salient instance labels, obtaining SEmantic Salient Instance Video (SESIV) dataset. Our SESIV dataset consists of 84 high-quality video sequences with pixel-wisely per-frame ground-truth labels.Comment: accepted in WACV 201

    Fast Semantic Segmentation on Video Using Block Motion-Based Feature Interpolation

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    Convolutional networks optimized for accuracy on challenging, dense prediction tasks are prohibitively slow to run on each frame in a video. The spatial similarity of nearby video frames, however, suggests opportunity to reuse computation. Existing work has explored basic feature reuse and feature warping based on optical flow, but has encountered limits to the speedup attainable with these techniques. In this paper, we present a new, two part approach to accelerating inference on video. First, we propose a fast feature propagation technique that utilizes the block motion vectors present in compressed video (e.g. H.264 codecs) to cheaply propagate features from frame to frame. Second, we develop a novel feature estimation scheme, termed feature interpolation, that fuses features propagated from enclosing keyframes to render accurate feature estimates, even at sparse keyframe frequencies. We evaluate our system on the Cityscapes and CamVid datasets, comparing to both a frame-by-frame baseline and related work. We find that we are able to substantially accelerate segmentation on video, achieving near real-time frame rates (20.1 frames per second) on large images (960 x 720 pixels), while maintaining competitive accuracy. This represents an improvement of almost 6x over the single-frame baseline and 2.5x over the fastest prior work.Comment: 14 page

    Data augmentation using learned transformations for one-shot medical image segmentation

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    Image segmentation is an important task in many medical applications. Methods based on convolutional neural networks attain state-of-the-art accuracy; however, they typically rely on supervised training with large labeled datasets. Labeling medical images requires significant expertise and time, and typical hand-tuned approaches for data augmentation fail to capture the complex variations in such images. We present an automated data augmentation method for synthesizing labeled medical images. We demonstrate our method on the task of segmenting magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans. Our method requires only a single segmented scan, and leverages other unlabeled scans in a semi-supervised approach. We learn a model of transformations from the images, and use the model along with the labeled example to synthesize additional labeled examples. Each transformation is comprised of a spatial deformation field and an intensity change, enabling the synthesis of complex effects such as variations in anatomy and image acquisition procedures. We show that training a supervised segmenter with these new examples provides significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods for one-shot biomedical image segmentation. Our code is available at https://github.com/xamyzhao/brainstorm.Comment: 9 pages, CVPR 201

    cvpaper.challenge in 2016: Futuristic Computer Vision through 1,600 Papers Survey

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    The paper gives futuristic challenges disscussed in the cvpaper.challenge. In 2015 and 2016, we thoroughly study 1,600+ papers in several conferences/journals such as CVPR/ICCV/ECCV/NIPS/PAMI/IJCV

    Boundary-Aware Network for Fast and High-Accuracy Portrait Segmentation

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    Compared with other semantic segmentation tasks, portrait segmentation requires both higher precision and faster inference speed. However, this problem has not been well studied in previous works. In this paper, we propose a lightweight network architecture, called Boundary-Aware Network (BANet) which selectively extracts detail information in boundary area to make high-quality segmentation output with real-time( >25FPS) speed. In addition, we design a new loss function called refine loss which supervises the network with image level gradient information. Our model is able to produce finer segmentation results which has richer details than annotations

    Using Mise-En-Sc\`ene Visual Features based on MPEG-7 and Deep Learning for Movie Recommendation

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    Item features play an important role in movie recommender systems, where recommendations can be generated by using explicit or implicit preferences of users on traditional features (attributes) such as tag, genre, and cast. Typically, movie features are human-generated, either editorially (e.g., genre and cast) or by leveraging the wisdom of the crowd (e.g., tag), and as such, they are prone to noise and are expensive to collect. Moreover, these features are often rare or absent for new items, making it difficult or even impossible to provide good quality recommendations. In this paper, we show that user's preferences on movies can be better described in terms of the mise-en-sc\`ene features, i.e., the visual aspects of a movie that characterize design, aesthetics and style (e.g., colors, textures). We use both MPEG-7 visual descriptors and Deep Learning hidden layers as example of mise-en-sc\`ene features that can visually describe movies. Interestingly, mise-en-sc\`ene features can be computed automatically from video files or even from trailers, offering more flexibility in handling new items, avoiding the need for costly and error-prone human-based tagging, and providing good scalability. We have conducted a set of experiments on a large catalogue of 4K movies. Results show that recommendations based on mise-en-sc\`ene features consistently provide the best performance with respect to richer sets of more traditional features, such as genre and tag.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Class label autoencoder for zero-shot learning

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    Existing zero-shot learning (ZSL) methods usually learn a projection function between a feature space and a semantic embedding space(text or attribute space) in the training seen classes or testing unseen classes. However, the projection function cannot be used between the feature space and multi-semantic embedding spaces, which have the diversity characteristic for describing the different semantic information of the same class. To deal with this issue, we present a novel method to ZSL based on learning class label autoencoder (CLA). CLA can not only build a uniform framework for adapting to multi-semantic embedding spaces, but also construct the encoder-decoder mechanism for constraining the bidirectional projection between the feature space and the class label space. Moreover, CLA can jointly consider the relationship of feature classes and the relevance of the semantic classes for improving zero-shot classification. The CLA solution can provide both unseen class labels and the relation of the different classes representation(feature or semantic information) that can encode the intrinsic structure of classes. Extensive experiments demonstrate the CLA outperforms state-of-art methods on four benchmark datasets, which are AwA, CUB, Dogs and ImNet-2
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