1,265 research outputs found

    Texture Synthesis Guided Deep Hashing for Texture Image Retrieval

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    With the large-scale explosion of images and videos over the internet, efficient hashing methods have been developed to facilitate memory and time efficient retrieval of similar images. However, none of the existing works uses hashing to address texture image retrieval mostly because of the lack of sufficiently large texture image databases. Our work addresses this problem by developing a novel deep learning architecture that generates binary hash codes for input texture images. For this, we first pre-train a Texture Synthesis Network (TSN) which takes a texture patch as input and outputs an enlarged view of the texture by injecting newer texture content. Thus it signifies that the TSN encodes the learnt texture specific information in its intermediate layers. In the next stage, a second network gathers the multi-scale feature representations from the TSN's intermediate layers using channel-wise attention, combines them in a progressive manner to a dense continuous representation which is finally converted into a binary hash code with the help of individual and pairwise label information. The new enlarged texture patches also help in data augmentation to alleviate the problem of insufficient texture data and are used to train the second stage of the network. Experiments on three public texture image retrieval datasets indicate the superiority of our texture synthesis guided hashing approach over current state-of-the-art methods.Comment: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2019 Video Presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXaXTGhzaJ

    Binary Representation Learning for Large Scale Visual Data

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    The exponentially growing modern media created large amount of multimodal or multidomain visual data, which usually reside in high dimensional space. And it is crucial to provide not only effective but also efficient understanding of the data.In this dissertation, we focus on learning binary representation of visual dataset, whose primary use has been hash code for retrieval purpose. Simultaneously it serves as multifunctional feature that can also be used for various computer vision tasks. Essentially, this is achieved by discriminative learning that preserves the supervision information in the binary representation.By using deep networks such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as backbones, and effective binary embedding algorithm that is seamlessly integrated into the learning process, we achieve state-of-the art performance on several settings. First, we study the supervised binary representation learning problem by using label information directly instead of pairwise similarity or triplet loss. By considering images and associated textual information, we study the cross-modal representation learning. CNNs are used in both image and text embedding, and we are able to perform retrieval and prediction across these modalities. Furthermore, by utilizing unlabeled images from a different domain, we propose to use adversarial learning to connect these domains. Finally, we also consider progressive learning for more efficient learning and instance-level representation learning to provide finer granularity understanding. This dissertation demonstrates that binary representation is versatile and powerful under various circumstances with different tasks
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