5 research outputs found

    Deep Poselets for Human Detection

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    We address the problem of detecting people in natural scenes using a part approach based on poselets. We propose a bootstrapping method that allows us to collect millions of weakly labeled examples for each poselet type. We use these examples to train a Convolutional Neural Net to discriminate different poselet types and separate them from the background class. We then use the trained CNN as a way to represent poselet patches with a Pose Discriminative Feature (PDF) vector -- a compact 256-dimensional feature vector that is effective at discriminating pose from appearance. We train the poselet model on top of PDF features and combine them with object-level CNNs for detection and bounding box prediction. The resulting model leads to state-of-the-art performance for human detection on the PASCAL datasets

    Evaluation of Deep Convolutional Nets for Document Image Classification and Retrieval

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    This paper presents a new state-of-the-art for document image classification and retrieval, using features learned by deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In object and scene analysis, deep neural nets are capable of learning a hierarchical chain of abstraction from pixel inputs to concise and descriptive representations. The current work explores this capacity in the realm of document analysis, and confirms that this representation strategy is superior to a variety of popular hand-crafted alternatives. Experiments also show that (i) features extracted from CNNs are robust to compression, (ii) CNNs trained on non-document images transfer well to document analysis tasks, and (iii) enforcing region-specific feature-learning is unnecessary given sufficient training data. This work also makes available a new labelled subset of the IIT-CDIP collection, containing 400,000 document images across 16 categories, useful for training new CNNs for document analysis

    Hierarchical Cascade of Classifiers for Efficient Poselet Evaluation

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    Poselets have been used in a variety of computer vision tasks, such as detection, segmentation, action classification, pose estimation and action recognition, often achieving state-of-the-art performance. Poselet evaluation, however, is computationally intensive as it involves running thousands of scanning window classifiers. We present an algorithm for training a hierarchical cascade of part-based detectors and apply it to speed up poselet evaluation. Our cascade hierarchy leverages common components shared across poselets. We generate a family of cascade hierarchies, including trees that grow logarithmically on the number of poselet classifiers. Our algorithm, under some reasonable assumptions, finds the optimal tree structure that maximizes speed for a given target detection rate. We test our system on the PASCAL dataset and show an order of magnitude speedup at less than 1% loss in AP

    Actions and Attributes from Wholes and Parts

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    We investigate the importance of parts for the tasks of action and attribute classification. We develop a part-based approach by leveraging convolutional network features inspired by recent advances in computer vision. Our part detectors are a deep version of poselets and capture parts of the human body under a distinct set of poses. For the tasks of action and attribute classification, we train holistic convolutional neural networks and show that adding parts leads to top-performing results for both tasks. In addition, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach when we replace an oracle person detector, as is the default in the current evaluation protocol for both tasks, with a state-of-the-art person detection system

    Hierarchical Cascade of Classifiers for Efficient Poselet Evaluation

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    Poselets have been used in a variety of computer vision tasks, such as detection, segmentation, action classification, pose estimation and action recognition, often achieving state-of-the-art performance. Poselet evaluation, however, is computationally intensive as it involves running thousands of scanning window classifiers. We present an algorithm for training a hierarchical cascade of part-based detectors and apply it to speed up poselet evaluation. Our cascade hierarchy leverages common components shared across poselets. We generate a family of cascade hierarchies, including trees that grow logarithmically on the number of poselet classifiers. Our algorithm, under some reasonable assumptions, finds the optimal tree structure that maximizes speed for a given target detection rate. We test our system on the PASCAL dataset and show an order of magnitude speedup at less than 1% loss in AP