19,935 research outputs found

    ProLanGO: Protein Function Prediction Using Neural~Machine Translation Based on a Recurrent Neural Network

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    With the development of next generation sequencing techniques, it is fast and cheap to determine protein sequences but relatively slow and expensive to extract useful information from protein sequences because of limitations of traditional biological experimental techniques. Protein function prediction has been a long standing challenge to fill the gap between the huge amount of protein sequences and the known function. In this paper, we propose a novel method to convert the protein function problem into a language translation problem by the new proposed protein sequence language "ProLan" to the protein function language "GOLan", and build a neural machine translation model based on recurrent neural networks to translate "ProLan" language to "GOLan" language. We blindly tested our method by attending the latest third Critical Assessment of Function Annotation (CAFA 3) in 2016, and also evaluate the performance of our methods on selected proteins whose function was released after CAFA competition. The good performance on the training and testing datasets demonstrates that our new proposed method is a promising direction for protein function prediction. In summary, we first time propose a method which converts the protein function prediction problem to a language translation problem and applies a neural machine translation model for protein function prediction.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Using Cascaded Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Protein secondary structure prediction is an important problem in bioinformatics. Inspired by the recent successes of deep neural networks, in this paper, we propose an end-to-end deep network that predicts protein secondary structures from integrated local and global contextual features. Our deep architecture leverages convolutional neural networks with different kernel sizes to extract multiscale local contextual features. In addition, considering long-range dependencies existing in amino acid sequences, we set up a bidirectional neural network consisting of gated recurrent unit to capture global contextual features. Furthermore, multi-task learning is utilized to predict secondary structure labels and amino-acid solvent accessibility simultaneously. Our proposed deep network demonstrates its effectiveness by achieving state-of-the-art performance, i.e., 69.7% Q8 accuracy on the public benchmark CB513, 76.9% Q8 accuracy on CASP10 and 73.1% Q8 accuracy on CASP11. Our model and results are publicly available.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Accepted by International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI

    Deep learning extends de novo protein modelling coverage of genomes using iteratively predicted structural constraints

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    The inapplicability of amino acid covariation methods to small protein families has limited their use for structural annotation of whole genomes. Recently, deep learning has shown promise in allowing accurate residue-residue contact prediction even for shallow sequence alignments. Here we introduce DMPfold, which uses deep learning to predict inter-atomic distance bounds, the main chain hydrogen bond network, and torsion angles, which it uses to build models in an iterative fashion. DMPfold produces more accurate models than two popular methods for a test set of CASP12 domains, and works just as well for transmembrane proteins. Applied to all Pfam domains without known structures, confident models for 25% of these so-called dark families were produced in under a week on a small 200 core cluster. DMPfold provides models for 16% of human proteome UniProt entries without structures, generates accurate models with fewer than 100 sequences in some cases, and is freely available.Comment: JGG and SMK contributed equally to the wor

    A guide to machine learning for biologists

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    The expanding scale and inherent complexity of biological data have encouraged a growing use of machine learning in biology to build informative and predictive models of the underlying biological processes. All machine learning techniques fit models to data; however, the specific methods are quite varied and can at first glance seem bewildering. In this Review, we aim to provide readers with a gentle introduction to a few key machine learning techniques, including the most recently developed and widely used techniques involving deep neural networks. We describe how different techniques may be suited to specific types of biological data, and also discuss some best practices and points to consider when one is embarking on experiments involving machine learning. Some emerging directions in machine learning methodology are also discussed

    Deep Learning for Genomics: A Concise Overview

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    Advancements in genomic research such as high-throughput sequencing techniques have driven modern genomic studies into "big data" disciplines. This data explosion is constantly challenging conventional methods used in genomics. In parallel with the urgent demand for robust algorithms, deep learning has succeeded in a variety of fields such as vision, speech, and text processing. Yet genomics entails unique challenges to deep learning since we are expecting from deep learning a superhuman intelligence that explores beyond our knowledge to interpret the genome. A powerful deep learning model should rely on insightful utilization of task-specific knowledge. In this paper, we briefly discuss the strengths of different deep learning models from a genomic perspective so as to fit each particular task with a proper deep architecture, and remark on practical considerations of developing modern deep learning architectures for genomics. We also provide a concise review of deep learning applications in various aspects of genomic research, as well as pointing out potential opportunities and obstacles for future genomics applications.Comment: Invited chapter for Springer Book: Handbook of Deep Learning Application
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