2 research outputs found

    Deep Multi-task Network for Delay Estimation and Echo Cancellation

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    Echo path delay (or ref-delay) estimation is a big challenge in acoustic echo cancellation. Different devices may introduce various ref-delay in practice. Ref-delay inconsistency slows down the convergence of adaptive filters, and also degrades the performance of deep learning models due to 'unseen' ref-delays in the training set. In this paper, a multi-task network is proposed to address both ref-delay estimation and echo cancellation tasks. The proposed architecture consists of two convolutional recurrent networks (CRNNs) to estimate the echo and enhanced signals separately, as well as a fully-connected (FC) network to estimate the echo path delay. Echo signal is first predicted, and then is combined with reference signal together for delay estimation. At the end, delay compensated reference and microphone signals are used to predict the enhanced target signal. Experimental results suggest that the proposed method makes reliable delay estimation and outperforms the existing state-of-the-art solutions in inconsistent echo path delay scenarios, in terms of echo return loss enhancement (ERLE) and perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ). Furthermore, a data augmentation method is studied to evaluate the model performance on different portion of synthetical data with artificially introduced ref-delay.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 202

    Textual Echo Cancellation

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    In this paper, we propose Textual Echo Cancellation (TEC) - a framework for cancelling the text-to-speech (TTS) playback echo from overlapping speech recordings. Such a system can largely improve speech recognition performance and user experience for intelligent devices such as smart speakers, as the user can talk to the device while the device is still playing the TTS signal responding to the previous query. We implement this system by using a novel sequence-to-sequence model with multi-source attention that takes both the microphone mixture signal and source text of the TTS playback as inputs, and predicts the enhanced audio. Experiments show that the textual information of the TTS playback is critical to enhancement performance. Besides, the text sequence is much smaller in size compared with the raw acoustic signal of the TTS playback, and can be immediately transmitted to the device or ASR server even before the playback is synthesized. Therefore, our proposed approach effectively reduces Internet communication and latency compared with alternative approaches such as acoustic echo cancellation (AEC)